
Blogger's Favorites -- Melanie of You Are My Fave

I am awfully fond of the lovely and supremely creative Melanie... (I'm also rather fond of her fab new site.) Not only does she curate a spot-on, filled with goodness blog, but she makes all sorts of groovy stuff and throws killer parties...

Oh and she and I are speaking on a panel together at Alt this year... (where, in our down-time, I intended to quiz her profusely on all things crafty in an attempt to channel her amazing DIY prowess).

So without further ado, Melanie's favorites...Enjoy and have a splendid weekend!

Slow mornings -- Just waking up when you wake up and then spending a few hours in bed reading or on a laptop next to your love. (photo via here)

Strings of pretty things -- Little flags, poms, felt circles, paper triangles, upside down balloons - they make everything better. (photo via here)

Going out for breakfast -- I don't usually make time to sit and have a hearty breakfast so when you have a slow morning and go out to eat for a stack of flapjacks, it feels like such a luxury. (photo via simply breakfast)

The Olympic spirit -- For two weeks every couple of years my home becomes a sanctuary where only the best of feelings can be present and you watch, cheer and cry.

Really great memoirs - Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life, anything by AJ Jacobs, The Middle Place, Why is My Mother Getting a Tattoo, My Life in France, I could go on...

Cardigans -- When you're cold, you put one on. When you're hot, you take it off. Need I say more? (image via Natalie Dee)

Board games -- Scattergories and Scrabble are among my faves. I'm not so much hand eye coordinated so I like to play things I actually have a chance of winning.


Target -- Sometimes if I'm having a rough day my husband suggests we go to Target and it instantly cheers me up.

When people get really excited -- Oprah's favorite things episode is always a good place to spot these folks but Price is Right is a handy stand by. (photo via here)


  1. Really fun and unique list. Love all of it, but especially lazy mornings, scrabble, and excitement!

  2. My life in France was a lovely read, great faves!

  3. One of my favorite favorites ever! That guy getting excited is awesome! Did you see all the people crying at O's favorite things this year? Cute, snuggly feet and tantalizing breakfast. Target comment also had me smiling. Thanks!

  4. This was a great list! Nice that Price is Right just slipped into the list. I love Plinko!

  5. it would be impossible not to read your list and not feel happy... breakfast out, the Olympics and Target... what more do you need?

  6. Lover her, love you, great post! and the baby feet? puh-leese! love!

  7. Yay! Melanie is the best! Have a great weekend!

  8. mmmm....going out for breakfast and cardigans...YES!!

  9. Wow wow wow cozy! How can I find out how to make that garland? I have a cookie exchange party I need to decorate for...that would be perfect!

  10. hello my dahling.
    i have just found your site. i should be in bed sleeping.
    but i can't stop browsing. you find the loveliest things.
    so excited to meet you at ALt. xo. marta
