
Some Scenes From The Weekend + The Winners...

Audrey set up a "dinner party" in the den for the kiddos...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree with that one...

The adults in action...

Oh my the food...It feels like we've been on a week long eating binge, as we had two little dinner parties prior to Thanksgiving to prime our appetites for the big day (or at least that's what I'm telling myself).

Wednesday night I made my beloved Alice Waters carrot soup and a pretty rockin' (if I do say so myself) cranberry upside down cake (it redeemed my Meyer lemon disaster) for Christine and Steve and Lucia and Pete. The girlies (all six of them) formed a gang of raucous princesses within five minutes of being together. I love watching how quickly kiddos can fall-in and just start having a blast. I think adults should do that more, yes?

We had a leisurely Thanksgiving morning noshing on the leftover cranberry cake while watching the parade on TV and then set-off for a couple of days with Bryan's extended family involving hayrides, and catching up by the fire, and s'mores, and muddy (Audrey) adventures, and yep...eating...lots and lots of eating.

It was good times.
And now for the winners for the Debbie Carlos poster giveaway...Congrats Erin and Natalie Marie!!

Hope you had a splendid holiday friends!


  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend. Your house is amazing!!

  2. I love that dining table. It's gorgeous. Looks like great food too.

  3. I agree with Tonia, that table is really amazing, so organic. What a wonderful weekend you had, hope the rest of your week finds you the same:)

    Julie xo

  4. thanks Tonia and Julie -- my hubby made the table so we're especially proud of it!

  5. What an amazing party! Love the photos!

  6. I'm so excited for the poster!! Thank you SO much :)

  7. Sounds like a beautiful weekend!

    Love, Hannie


  8. looks like a beautiful weekend.....the chaos of a kiddy table w adults table separate is certainly a good plan!

  9. I just got a nice email from Debbie Carlos about me winning the giveaway!! Thank you so much!!! I decided to go with the Antelopes poster!

  10. What a divine Thanksgiving dinner table!
    Great images.

  11. would love a link to the recipe for cranberry cake. looks divine, especially with what i'm assuming to be a gigantic dollop of whipped cream.

  12. I would also love the recipe for the cake. I'm a horrible baker, but my daughter seems to love it, so I'm trying!

    Beautiful table and looks like a beautiful weekend. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Que buena reunión

  14. Okay I got on here to comment that I would love the recipe for the cranberry cake, and I see I'm not the only one with that thought. I hope you'll indulge us... :)


  15. hey friends -- here's the exact recipe i used for the cranberry upside down cake. It takes a few steps, but is well worth it! It was a pretty fantastic cake!


  16. It looks like it was a delicious & cosy time! Love the gaggle of girlies having their own party in the other room( so cute). We ate waaaay to much too but, it was so good & super fun. So glad you had a great one hun.

  17. What lovely shots, hope you had a great time!

  18. Yum! My cranberries are still awaiting a similar fate :) Looks like a gorgeous and warm Thanksgiving!
