

i know, i know, "keep calm" is tired...but this variation was apropos to the post, so had to include... (via this fantastic tumblr)

It's been a little bit of a comedy of errors in my world for the past few weeks...

Projects have imploded, plans have fallen through, ceilings have leaked in multiple places and muffins have been made sans baking powder...twice. I haven't written about it (until now), as I was going on the assumption that if I ignored them, the mishaps would just quietly skulk away...but no dice.

The latest in our string of bad luck? Audrey has a nice hearty case of strep throat, and while I was running into bathroom to grab her medicine this morning, I slipped on our hardwood floors, flew through the air and landed on Millie's metal baby doll cradle, banging up various body parts in the process. Actually it was such a crazy, slapstick fall that had it not hurt so badly, it definitely would have been comical.

Now I know this is majorly cliché, but the thing that's been easing us (me) through these spells of bad juju is to jump into the car with the girlies, roll down the windows and blast music... (The girls are key to this scenario as they dance like crazy in the car, which cracks me up, thus upping the feel-good factor significantly). And our tunes of choice are pretty much anything by Phoenix, but particularly "Lisztomania", or as Millie calls it, "the rhino song". We listen to it non-stop. Heavy repeat. It's a major happy maker.

But this rendition of it by PS22...well, it's feel-good off the charts. Watch this immediately. You can thank me later ;-)


  1. shoot! that stinks! hope the string of bad luck is over and that you are feeling ok! i love this post though and always love ps22.

  2. ahhh, Phoenix has been my jam since summer began. I'm glad to see you're digging them too! Music is magic, may it's healing powers send good xiu xiu to your bruises. xo!

  3. Just when you start to lose heart, something like this comes along and all is right with the world again.

    Thank you for making my Wednesday with this clip.

  4. Must be something in the air...I have felt the same sort of mishaps. Appreciate the honest post. :-)

  5. This past summer, our air conditioner in our car went down, or broke, in other words. It definitely made it very uncomfortable on super hot days, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I grew up without ever having an air-conditioned car, and one of my fondest memories is taking road trips or day trips during the summer, with the windows down, the warm air blowing, and music blasting. A feeling you just don't get with the windows rolled up and chilled, 'controlled' air.

    ...turned out to be one of our favorite parts of the summer:).

  6. Awesome. Phoenix is on heavy rotation in my car too. And I ADORE PS22 - it's hard to feeling anything but happy when you see kids really sing.

  7. I hate those moments! I am pretty clumsy already and when moments like those happen I seriously mess up. I also use music as a way to relax but mostly cry... Love it!

    Thanks for mentioning my mag yesterday, I felt like a star!

  8. soo unlucky…and speaking of dancing like crazy in cars, you have to watch this video. i can't get enough of it! enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnBau6fL8S8&feature=player_embedded#!

  9. something about a kiddos singing always chokes me up {in a happy way}... thanks for the lift-up.

    BTW I think Mercury has been in retrograde and it has been totally wacky around my house too.

  10. I think we are having the same week!! Hang in there lady...hope Audrey feels better soon ;)
    Phoenix always makes me feel better too - although Band of Horses new(ish) one has been on super heavy rotation as of late...

  11. oh my gosh thank you thank you thank you for sharing that.
    it really made my day.
    and thanks for the pep talk too last night...
    and things will get better for you too!
    i thought you were going to say you slipped in millie's puke or something. things could be worse. :)


  12. e-- yes slipping in millie's puke would be way worse ;-)


  13. It's later and I'm sending a big thank you. I must be really out of touch, because PS22 is new to me. Loved it.

  14. Love Phoenix. Love the graphic. When Lisztomania comes on in the car, my 3-year-old pipes up, "This is my favorite song!" I'll assume the 5-year-old and 1-year-old like it, too.

    Sorry for the strep and the crash landing.

  15. So, so great. I am SO sorry you have had so much bad juju recently & so sorry you got banged up! Here is to a much less eventful couple of weeks ( unless the eventfulness is gonna be good)

  16. No, no, I'd like to thank you right now. Excellent!

  17. Poor you but I am sure Phoenix can make everything better! I often crank up Listomania when no one is around - I love it and the rest of their music too! Things will get better, Stephie x

  18. Phoenix is such a great album, it fits both at home making dinner and also it got me through the White Rock half marathon!!! Love.

  19. Well I'm wiping the tears off of my face - that was so moving - thank you for sharing.

  20. it's my favorite jam too! see? http://vimeo.com/4451304

  21. i don't even know what to say. i'm in total freak out mode right now and will immediately be sharing this phoenix goodness with everyone i know.

    thank u!

  22. new york city kids rock!!!
    thanks for sharing!!!

  23. oh my gosh - i love that video!!
