
A Few Random Bits Before Thanksgiving...

First up...if you happen to have come into possession of a lovely clutch of Meyer lemons and by some chance decide to make Alice Waters' (27 step) Meyer lemon cake, just don't accidentally use whole wheat pastry flour.

I may have done this...and it may have made my otherwise lovely cake taste "earthy" (not in a good way) and odd.

Just trying to make sure it never happens to anyone else. I'm here to help friends.

Next, a reminder that the Debbie Carlos poster giveaway is still in full swing. You have until this Sunday to leave a comment. I'll announce a winner on Monday.

Then in some post turkey day shopping news, hij kids kicks-off their annual Thanksgiving sale on Friday with 25% off the entire site. The sale runs for a week with code "thankful".


If you're in Dallas, pop by Little Bean on Friday for some bubbly, sugar cookies and 15% off the entire store. You can also shop the sale online with code "give15".

And finally, but certainly most important, some Thanksgiving thoughts from my dear friend Philip who is no longer with us. I shared this last year too...but it's just too good not to make a yearly appearance.


We are about to celebrate one of our great American holidays, Thanksgiving.

This celebration leads us to give thanks for the many blessings we enjoy in this wonderful country of ours. We have a great deal to celebrate this year. We have our family and good friends to thank for getting through another year.

We are blessed for being here in this country, enjoying a multitude of advantages .We have bountiful food, freedom of thought, religion and politics. We have our health and many intangible things to be thankful for.

As we sit down to our Thanksgiving meal to celebrate the start of our holiday season, let us not forget the wonderful privileges that we enjoy.

We must always enjoy our family and friends around us, and never, ever give up an opportunity to hug and kiss someone we love, each and every day.

Have a wonderful, lovely, simple, cozy holiday friends!


  1. Sorry to hear about your earthy lemon cake - I must say it still looks absolutely delicious! And thanks for sharing Phillip's thoughts on Thanksgiving. We have so many things in this country that we take for granted, and I fear that sometimes even on this day of thanks, we loose sight of what the holiday is all about while eating to excess. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. love Phillips blessing...i had printed it out when you shared it last year. Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours ~ jenny

  3. What a lovely letter from your friend and so true... the lemon meyer cake looks delicious.....


  4. Oh what a wonderful message from your friend! Perhaps I can have my husband read it out loud at our table this year, to continue your friend's legacy and as a reminder for us, above all, to be thankful for the present.

  5. That cake looks fantastic! I remember reading that message last year, truly inspiring!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving. We all have plenty to be thankful for. The cake looks yummie!

  7. Whole wheat flour can be temperamental-- but the cake still looks great!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving Joslyn!! That cake looks divine!

  9. Those lemons look amazing! Thanks for the tip! Love your blog, btw!
    Please stop by my blog if you have a minute. Thanks!

  10. Love the look of the cake...but your comment about it reminds me of a favorite saying my Mom used to tell us...sometimes the wrapping on the outside is not indicative on the quality of the inside.
    Happy Thanksgiving and I love your blog!

  11. I actually remember reading Philip's sweet message last year as well... what a wise and dear sentiment as we all have so much to be grateful for {even during our struggles}. There are little things in life that make it that much sweeter and your blog is one of those things. Happy Happy and now... MERRY MERRY... and on to more holidays! oxo

  12. Thanks for the whole wheat flour tip. That's something I would do.
