
Christmas Card Confessions + A (FAB) Giveaway...

some outtakes from my christmas card "photo session" with the girlies sporting their new kit + lili dresses and a little sneak peek of part of our 2010 card...

It pains me to admit this, but I have a spotty history with holiday cards.

For years, well… I didn’t send them at all. And I wish I could attribute this slacker-ish behavior to some seemingly lofty principal like trying to conserve paper or spending the time that I would be addressing and stamping said cards volunteering at a soup kitchen.

But the truth is (and you know I’m all about honesty) when it comes to this particular (and highly valuable) tradition, I’m l.a.z.y.

I always start thinking about the whole Christmas card extravaganza way too late. Then I reason I’ll do New Year’s cards instead. Then I get busy…and forget…or blow it off. It’s my dirty little secret. I’m not proud.

Once the girlies came along, I changed. A little... After Audrey was born, we did a family photo card, and it was comical, but not in a good way. We were sleep-deprived and shell-shocked and the card was a bit of a disaster. Wait maybe it was a little bit funny, but I can’t be sure, because I destroyed all unsent cards that year so I have no real evidence.

The past couple of years, I’m proud to say that I've shown some pretty significant improvement. Last year we did a family photo card from Minted that turned out pretty great. Of course the girls will likely need years of therapy to undo the harm that my profuse swearing leading up to the photo taking caused, but the card was cute.

This year we went the same route, again with Minted*, but sans family photo. We just can’t afford that much therapy. So I snapped some pics of just the girlies instead, as that’s really what everyone wants to see anyway... Oh and I should note that I’m awfully proud that I actually accomplished the whole crossing holiday cards off my list by early November.

I’ve come a long way.

*I dig Minted... I like their designs and their site is super easy to use, and this little endorsement is 100% me...it has nothing to do with the fact that they’re offering one of you guys a load of personalized holiday cards. I promise.

minted ad styled by the genius Jordan...

Ok so here’s the dealio on the awesome giveaway (you were wondering when I’d get to that, weren’t you?)

Minted is offering one of my readers 75 holiday photo cards of their choice, complete with liners, backers, and skinny wrap address labels. Excellent, yes?

To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite Minted holiday card by next Wednesday, November 10th… Oh and feel free to also tell me about your holiday card mishaps. I need some solidarity here friends.


  1. I love them!
    We did ours a bit late last year...this year I have vowed to be on time - AT ALL COSTS...

    My fav design is definitely the blue polka dot 'we wish you a merry xmas'...and love how the picture fades to white...

  2. fantastic, Jos! the Retro Peace card is riiiight up my alley. i try to write out my card before Thanksgiving, that way i can mail them right afterwards and be done. otherwise there's zero hope!


  3. love Minted, especially their yearline series. Making Spirits Bright is adorable.

  4. I am totally with you on the holiday card laziness. Brad and I have been married three years, and every year I say we'll do a Christmas card, then every year I proceed to make excuses for why we didn't do a card ("couldn't get a good photo" seems to top the list). Maybe this is my year for repenting from my laziness... you know, in the spirit of the holidays. :)

    Something about the "Be Merry Banner" card is calling to me. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

    P.S. Really darling series of snapshots of your girlies! Is it weird that I want an adult-sized version of Audrey's dress?!

  5. i really love the float+peace cards. I even mocked them up last year but didnt order them. maybe this year?

  6. Man, I needed this last week! I opted out of doing cards last year - with the addition of my second boy, I was pooped and decided I just couldn't do everything. A smart move, I suppose, but I regretted it. I love sending and receiving holiday cards. So this year, I am on the ball - I actually already ordered ours! (We love the Making Spirits Bright design, which seems to be a popular choice. It's so fun, especially with my two darling boys grinning inside.) I love the yearline option - I like including some information about our year but don't want to do a whole newsletter. It's perfect. Oh, now I'm just going on and on aren't I? Anyway....I'm not entering the giveaway. Just babbling about cards...

  7. I love minted too! They did my wedding invites and christmas cards last year (the sweet square mistletoe card - no photo). This year I'm thinking photo, still simple, so my favorite might be the Joyeux Noel + Reindeer... can't decide! They have so many great choices! I was never good at getting cards out on time either, until we got married... and even now the cards are in the mail no sooner than the week of Christmas. Maybe this year I'll order earlier! Great giveaway (if I was younger I'd hop up and down and beg you to pick me!)... and either way, Congrats on getting your own cards done way before the rest of us!

  8. so cute. I love the Modern Geometric Christmas Photo Card too. Great taste AGAIN Joslyn!

  9. So many great cards! I like Merry Bright Cheer. I need to take some pictures of my little girl asap.

  10. I liked the Cheers to you and yours.
    Great cards. :)

  11. The Octavia is my favorite!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. I love the "all is merry & bright" cards!! The pinecones are such a nice touch!

  13. This giveaway comes at the perfect time- when holiday craziness is just on the horizon and I can actually get those cards done!

  14. Snowflake window or Baby it's cold outside! I was just drooling over all of these designs yesterday, but lamenting over the fact that my husband would kill me if I spent this much money on Christmas cards... A mom can dream!

  15. And I don't have a Christmas card mishap, but I got married this past July and still haven't sent out Thank You cards. I'm so so so awful. I just work full time and am having fun enjoying being married. Hope that makes you feel a bit better. Haha.

    And needless to say, I won't be entering this giveaway. Haha.

  16. Honestly, I didn’t send any Christmas cards since my son was born. And it was six years ago. Your post inspired me to stop procrastinating and order cards NOW! I love the simplicity of Wintery Tree Christmas Photo Cards.

  17. Love minted designs! Hard to choose, but I think the cheers to you and yours is my fave.

  18. I'm a simple girl. I love Holiday Nostalgia.

    I LOVE sending Christmas cards. For me, it just wouldn't be Christmas without them.

  19. My incentive to do Christmas Cards this year is in the hope that if I gather all the addresses now I'll be super prepared and ahead of the game when its time to send out birth announcements. With a Dec. 24 due date this is just the incentive I need! I would choose The Tree Christmas Photo Card.

  20. float + feliz! love it.

    i've already ordered some christmas cards, but with these i could send a card to everyone i know! :)

  21. Float + Peace and Float + Cheers (I sense a theme, here).

    I'm exactly the same as you; I've got two boxes of unused cards from two separate Christmases that I've never used. Blegh.

    This year I'll definitely go the Minted route. Great stuff!

  22. Wow--thank you for introducing me to this site! I've been trying to figure out what to do for our Christmas cards this year. I love the Modern Geometric, Octavia, and Retro Peace designs. I am so impressed with the choices on this site!

  23. my fave is vintage typography. all of them are beautiful though!

  24. We are hit or miss on our cards too. I love the simple bulbs card.

  25. Your christmas card looks great! I love Minted; my favorites are the Holiday Joy and a Very Merry Christmas.

  26. So hard to choose, but I like the "Cheers to You" one. I am in desperate need of Christmas cards!!

  27. Wow- maybe I will actually get my cards out on time this year. Love 'Warm Wishes'....

  28. I am obsessed with the "four square holiday card" and the "modern tree" card they are so chic and perfect. Thanks for the intro to such a great site!!

  29. I love the peace love & hope card!

  30. I LOVE minted.com! And I can't choose my favorite right now... if I win, I will spend hours going through the cards to find the perfect one to go with our family photo! My husband is an absolute pain in the neck on photo day... but maybe if I remind him the cards will be free he would be easier to work with!

  31. I love the Candy Tree Christmas, Quilted Christmas and the Naughty or Nice cards!

  32. I love the Retro Peace cards. After trying to get our dog into the right position for a photo 2 years ago, I needed a break from cards!

  33. I love the "cheers to you and yours" cards. I have 3 kids (6 to 11 yrs) who are allergic to actually looking at the camera at the same time. The last few years I've had to crop their faces from separate photos and use a mosaic card just to be able to send a decent photo!

  34. i haven't used minted yet. i like "the tree" and "modern geometric". Joslyn, i hear ya on the therapy due to swearing. i am militant when it comes to Christmas cards. we're talking crazy person. i decide the pictures must be taken NOW! i force the kids into their Christmas pj's then 45 minutes later everyone is muttering what i assume is "bahhumbug" while i happily upload pictures. i am certain my husband dreads it but is afraid to say anything. i handle the entire process from pics to mailing them out, so if they have to suffer a few swears so be it. :)

  35. So want to win this! We have a really funny idea for our cards. Fingers crossed!

  36. I would love to make some Snowflake Window cards up! I hate taking the pictures for them, as well, though. It's too stressful, and I'm never too happy with them, but I'm not about to hire a pro for it, either.

  37. minted cards are absolutely classic. my favorite is "making spirits bright" -- thanks for such a fabulous giveaway. this would absolutely trump last year's DIY tape-a-photo-to-cardstock-the-week-before-christmas project.

  38. last year i decided not to do cards, and then at the last minute decided to do them. it was a bit stressful to say the least. :) i'd love to do a minted card this year. my favorite is the vintage holiday christmas photo by oscar+emma. thank you!

  39. What a great giveaway! I love Minted's stuff, especially the Four Square Christmas Photo Cards with the big, bod red font. Such a happy way to show off our baby boy! :)

  40. The retro peace one is my favorite and we just had pics done and I know exactly which one I would use!

  41. Oh how perfect! I was about to order some anyway. And my husband and I just had anniversary photos taken, which will be perfect for one of Minted's photo holiday cards! I love the Unto Us Christmas card! Or the Star of Bethlehem card! To be honest there are just so many! If I won I'd have a hard time picking!

  42. love the winter chic ones at first glance but i'm sure it would take me forever to choose

  43. Oh I like the modern geometric too - but there are so many good ones!

  44. Oh my goodness...thank you so much for the heads up about this shop. I am in LOVE with the vintage topography poster christmas design. My husband has been in grad school forever and we weren't able to afford sending christmas cards. This is the year to do it up right since grad school is over. Horray!

    Wishing you love and lots of it,
    Fritzi Marie

  45. I have already been saving designs at minted. I have lots of favorites. One of them is the "Joy to the World".
    I am terrible with Christmas cards. Honestly, it's a money things. It's hard for me to lay down the cash on a non essential. I have never actually sent them out. This year I am hoping to make it happen. Particularly because I am planning to do a Christmas card/ adoption announcement. That is definitely worth the cash. Though winning these would be the best possible scenario. xo

  46. They're all really great, but I especially like the vintage typography one.

  47. I'm terrible with Christmas cards too. My oldest is almost three and I have yet to send cards. Part of my excuse is that I have a birthday to plan in early December, so that's usually my focus. Thanks for reminding me! I loved so many of the designs, but I like the simplicity of the Holiday Nostalgia card. Thanks!

  48. Alrighty, I've checked them all out, and I'm my first choice is still the Nordic Snowflake. The minute I saw the ad, I was sold. Of course, you can't be 100% certain until you see the photo married to the graphics...

  49. Hoping to do my fist holiday cards this year - maybe Holiday Joy Holiday Photo Cards...

  50. i could drool over options for hours but i like the be merry one a lot. I hope i win!

  51. Stellar! I always have good intentions to send Christmas cards... which become New Year's cards... which become Valentine's cards... which get postponed to next year. I love the Simple Bulbs designs and vow to send [prompt!] cards this year.

  52. OooO! I love minted. And, I love the reindog card. It's so cute. I hope I win!

  53. Okay Joslyn, I'm usually the one obsessed about the holiday cards and try to have stamped and addressed by December 1st. This year, crazy life mode has taken over, and I am not even 1% prepared. In fact, I stated just yesterday NO CHRISTMAS CARD this year {with tears}.

    Now, after seeing this and getting lost on the Minted website for an hour, I'm re-thinking my decision. And much to Sean's chagrin, there will be lots of photo sessions this weekend! My eyes are hooked on the Holiday Pop card ~ simple, sleek and with a very perfect message.

  54. So hard to choose a favorite! But I have to go with the Quilted Christmas Holiday Photo Card. The quilted look isn't normally my style but it's such an unusual and innovative design that I've got to go for it!

  55. So glad to have a little company in the holiday card delinquency department! Last year was the first that we sent out cards after years of getting them, and I'm not sure that they actually made it before Christmas. I've vowed that this year will be different! :) My absolute fave is Candy Tree Christmas Card...so whimsical and fun!

  56. loving the sweet and simple christmas....we just got married last weekend...i would use one of our wedding shots!

  57. What an awesome giveaway. I love minted too. My favorite design is: Hip New Year. Love them!

  58. I love the Peace Love & Hope card!


  59. well done! They're gorgeous!!



  60. what wonderful cards! i would order the good tidings christmas photo card; it's delightful.

    thank you for the opportunity!

  61. I fall into that "I'm going to send New Year's Cards" trap every year, too - please help me break the habit! My favorite is the Stacey Day Merry Bright Cheer card...

  62. I really, REALLY hope to get cards out this year! Vintage label is my fave!

  63. The minimalist in me really loves the Rejoice card.
    Great site!

  64. Wow, they have great choices. Immediately drawn to the Vintage Typography and Retro Peace. And the ones in their styled ad.

    You are not alone. I don't think I've ever actually gotten it together in time to send out cards. I buy them, one year I addressed them...yet still, they never get sent. I kept telling myself I was single and no one excpected a card unless you had a family. Last year, after having a baby in the fall, I suggested we use her announcement as a Christmas card. My husband said "no, we'll do both". I think I was supposed to do both. I got the announcements out, but never made it to the holiday card. This year, I'll be better, I tell myself. Mmmm....yeah. If I win this giveaway, I'll have exactly no excuses. But I do love the idea of dragging a cool couch out to a field and snapping a pic of the three of us real quick. Hmmm...

  65. I take about a thousand photos, choose just the right card, print out labels and mail out holiday cards as if they were invitations to the Royal Wedding. The rest of the holiday I could care less about... But those cards..those cards..
    My favorite, IF, I had to narrow it down would be the Winter Chic.

  66. My favorite card is the Snowflake Tree...I love MINTED cards, would love to get this prize.

  67. I love all of these cards, sooo cute and fresh looking - not so typical like most photo cards.

    I especially love the one with the cat and dog w/ antlers.. so precious.

    I'm not the greatest at sending out Halloween cards either.. yikes! I would be this year, if I won the card package :)

  68. Peace, love and hope is my favorite. I'm going for once every five years for the Christmas cards. (Hope that doesn't mean we're doing them this year.) Joslyn, I LOVED your card last year. That photo was groovy.

  69. I'm liking the geometric modern ones - I'd choose the Reindog, but I don't think Ava would forgive me (either for using it for her, or eschewing her pic for one of Penny the dog!)...

    I'm the gal who sends out those boring elongated, rectangular photo cards from shutterfly or (cring) Walgreens. So I really gotta win this one! LOL

  70. Love love love the Four Square Holiday. Beautiful.

  71. I love "Making spirits bright." And I am OBSESSED with the pearlescent paper. Got one of those last year from someone and it was so gorgeous, I vowed to send that type out myself this year!!

  72. Peace, Love & Hope is a nice layout and has a great calm colour. I like it!

  73. definitely, absolutely the four square holiday card. love the font, love the whole look. kind of even love that it is called "four square" as it reminds me of junior high, but that is a whole different story... as for my christmas card stories, its bad. real bad. married for almost nine years with three kids and have never (ever - not even to family) sent out a christmas card. i came really close once, but it just didn't happen. i need to win this giveaway and make this my year. that's all.

  74. ooh.. love their pink chicken outfits!

  75. i love the simple noel and peppy joy designs - great website!

  76. Love the Octavia Christmas Photo card...so much fun!!! If an effort to preserve my family, we have opted for the "kids only" photo as well. It makes for a happier holiday season!


  77. Minted is great! This is the first time that I have heard of it. I really like the vintage typography poster christmas card. I've been trying to decide if we should send a card with a wedding picture this year and minted has some really nice choices.

  78. Oh WOW! I have never seen Minted before but I may be in love :) I love the float + peace christmas card, and I also love the wrap around return labels! So cool, and I love their calendar designs! I will be a customer!

  79. The Vintage Typography Poster is my favorite. The Yearline is a fabulous idea, too.

    I always go for the kids only photo for the card, and that's just about enough to do me in!

  80. LOVE Minted, especially the Modern Family Crest Holiday Photo Cards. We've had fairly good luck when we put in pictures of the kids, but our attempts with photos of the entire family (meaning the 4 of us) always leaves us with photos that belong on the "Bad Family Photo" site (or whatever it's called). Inevitably there are eyes closed, mouths wide open, etc. -- we've even tried professional photographers, so far we don't have a good family photo. After these photos sessions (mind you there are the weeks prior that I obsess over where to have the shoot, what everyone is wearing, etc) my children will not have their photos taken for weeks as I've traumatized them in the process of getting the "perfect" photo. You're right though, all people want to see are the kids :)

  81. I think holiday cards are the best! I send them out now, just lil' ol' me - but I can't wait someday to send them out when I have a family :)

  82. crushing on the octavia photo cards...just a lil retro vibe and old timey christmas look that is perrrfect!
    looks like you're ahead of the game this year though, joslyn!!


  83. I love all the minted cards! This year my favorite is Candy Tree Christmas Photo Cards. Merci beaucoup!

  84. I am picking the sweet and simple card.

  85. okay...first of all...how sweet and lovely are your gals? LOVE that green dress so much & that wall behind them! Their sweet little toes and the hug between them...so darling! :) I am so with you on the Christmas cards....such a struggle and yet, so happy to have them to look back on! :)

  86. I'm really partial to the Reindog Christmas Photo Cards, since our dog is our child. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

    your girls are so cute! :)

  87. i really like the gallery classic...very much my style.

    a few years back, i thought it would be sweet to have a black and white photo for our cards of the children skipping rocks into a lake...my oldest fell in the lake and was soaked up to his knees...i made him finish the photo shoot anyway, wet knickers and all!


  88. My favorite is the Ho.Ho.Ho. cards. They are SO cute!

  89. Oh my gosh - SO many I love. I'd have to pick Peace, Love & Joy as my favorite but it's a tough choice!

  90. I love the Peace, Love, and Hope Christmas card.

    betsy_349 at hotmail dot com

  91. OKAY, I have a confession too: I lean towards the lazy side when it comes to things like sending holiday cards (but not thank you cards, srsly!), and I don't have kids, and I live with my boyfriend and our adorable little pup, but everytime I look at Minted (and all the wedding blogs I torture myself with) I get this sickening desire to send out holiday cards even if I don't think I have 75 people to whom I could send a photocard of me, my boyfriend and our dog. But I am very, very, very tempted to buy cards from Minted and do this very thing if/when I don't win this giveaway. Thanks Joslyn!

  92. I like the Don't Tell Santa Holiday Photo Cards and Santa's Seal of Approval Holiday Photo Cards! There are so funny!

  93. Has to be the Octavia! I send a personalized, homemade card every year. Sometimes they are good, and sometimes they are very bad. Depends on how much time I have.

  94. we've skipped them the past few years, but they are back on the to do list for this year! love this card.... http://www.minted.com/customizer/sku/MIN-D39-HYC

  95. So hard to choose! I love "Noel" and "Peace". :)

  96. love minted!
    we did our first card with them last year and will for sure this year, too.
    can't tell you which is my fave yet - i marked about 10 as a "favorite" and will have to narrow it down as it gets closer.

    don't feel bad about the card-slacking, either... happens to the best of us!

    xo sara

  97. Candy Tree Christmas card. Would love a stack of these to send to friends!

  98. I love the "Peace, Love and Hope" card. I always send Christmas cards, but it is a chore. I LOVE to get Christmas cards though. So great to see friends and family!

  99. I really like the "Vintage Typography Poster" one. We did electronic cards last year which is kind of (ok, really) lame-o, but are determined to do the real deal this time around.
    Great giveaway! Thanks :)
    silenceandnoise1 at gmail dot com

  100. yikes... I just spend way to much time on Minted. I am in love with every. single. design.

    How can one site have so many great designs and they are super reasonable too. SOLD.

    Holiday Cards are off the list... thanks for the post. ;).

  101. All their stuff is beautiful! I especially love the "making spirits bright". I think a picture of our daughter Ruby would be perfect on this card!

  102. First of all, being born and raised in Dallas, currently calling south Austin home, and in the daily midst of evaluating the standards by which I want to raise my infant son, I am constantly enamored and inspired by your posts...and by the fact that you find the time to blog so frequently!!!

    Moving on... thank you for putting the fire under me to start acting on our holiday card! This is the first Christmas we will be celebrating with our son, August, so we definitely have to get the card tradition started on the right foot. I made his birth announcements, and while they each turned with a touch of 'personality' of their own, I came to the humble realization that we have to consult a professional for the design of our inaugural declaration of good tidings! While I totally dig several of the designs, I think the float+cheers to you design is bright and simple, just like the 3 of us!!!

  103. So seriously, how can a gal pick a favorite Christmas Photoscard from Minted??? There were so many I liked, that I found myself mentally considering buy five different kinds. But I had to choose, I thought the Joyeux Noel cards ended up with some very eye-catching designs (the green wreath).
    Great giveaway! Fingers crossed!!

  104. i am 29 and my mom is still constantly trying to get photos of my sister and me YEAR 'ROUND for Christmas cards! i'm nowhere near that dedicated just yet:)

  105. I like the good tidings and joy card...just need one that isn't specific to Christmas- just the season of celebration. I've _never_ sent out a Christmas card....but with a kid 'in the works', I suspect next year will have to be different. I can practice this year with the pup and a belly.

  106. Wow, I love these cards. I had so much fun looking through all of them. Very classy! I have never been very good at sending out Christmas cards either, but this year we finally got some great family pictures taken, so I'm definitely sending them out!

    My favorite card on Minted is the "Baby Jesus Christmas Photo Card." Love it!

  107. The "Making Spirits Bright" is great, though I love all of them!

  108. My favourite is the red ribbon one, but it was so hard to choose!!

  109. So many are so cute but the snowflake border and Christmas tree designs are my favorites...today. I am a faithful Christmas card sender from way back in the fifth grade when we had our own school postal service. I will never forget the year I caught my sister stuffing cards in envelopes without signing them. She figured her friends could figure it out from the return address!

  110. It'll be my first christmas with a baby--seems like time to send out some cards, no? crossing fingers for luck. Love the modern geometric.

  111. The Winter Chic Christmas Photo Card is my favorite...for now! It was hard to decide!

  112. Love their vintage style! Especially the Octavia holiday card.

  113. Last year I drug a settee out to a park and hoped for beautiful pictures, only my 1.5 year old took off her shoes, climbed down, and ran away quicker than I could take 1 good pic. So our picture on the card was of her running off into the woods. It actually turned out to be a beautiful snapshot with the sette being the main focus & everybody loved the storey behind it.

    I'm crossing my fingers & toes for this giveaway b/c I'm always experiencing heart burn during this time...Christmas cards are so worth it but I just wish it wasn't such an expensive project. Love Minted...love the Happy Dot and the Vintage Holiday design.

    Your girls look darling in the photos above. xo

  114. Love the Warm Wishes. But I really like all of them. Hoping to get them out on time this year! But first we need to find a decent picture. Difficult with a 1 year old! Thanks! Love your blog, too. Happy Holidays! Already?!

  115. My fav christmas card is the warm wishes. and i really just love the website design overall. I have been married for three years and have two sons (2 and 4 months). This summer three of my 9 sisters got married out at my fathers carriage house. we got some great family photos taken and i cant wait to send out a christmas card this year! (bc i haven't sent one out since we got married) love your blog. love minted. love christmas. and i can't wait to send out a card this year!

  116. I want to do cards this year for the first time - foursquare is my favorite!

  117. I love the modern geometric christmas photo card. We skipped cards completely last year out of laziness, but with a new baby in the house there's no way we can skip them this year!!

  118. I love The Christmas Tree card! I've been meaning to send out Christmas cards for a couple years now...!

  119. Love the Snowflake Luxe holiday photo card. Just a little holiday flair to compliment a photo of the kids. Love it.

  120. I love the Modern Family Crest Christmas Photo Cards....so simple and modern w/ that perfect little vintage flair. That's my favorite part about Minted.
    My main malfunction w/ x-mas cards in the past is just not getting them out....I never plan early enough....and then before I know it, it's come and gone w/ no cards sent out. :(

  121. I love all the designs at Minted, but especially the Peace, Love and Hope one!
    And, I've never actually sent out cards before. Maybe this year will be the first?

  122. I love the foursqaure with the huge Merry Christmas, Crossing my fingers!

  123. I really like the Making Spirits Bright cards. I like traditional red and green for Christmas and this one has a cool greige too.

  124. Totally understand the whole "therapy" for the kids i tried to take some photos a couple of weeks ago to get ahead and did a little bit of swearing under my breath...thanks God the kids were playing and didn't quite hear me.
    Love this site for cards all beautiful but my favourite is Vintage Typography Poster Christmas..love the font and colours used.
    Thanks for a great prize at this time of the year ..

  125. Liking the Happy Dot Holiday cards and the idea of having cards done early!

  126. i like the float+cheers to you and yours card :) and i definitely need to find a way to streamline my christmas cards this year.

  127. I like the cheers to you and yours card for sure...

  128. ooh! I love the "We Believe" card...

  129. i love minted! this year i'd probably go with the nordic snowflake or the felt stocking since I'd like to use a picture from our wedding. but next year it'll be the reindeer dog FOR SURE.

    good luck getting your cards out this year!

  130. I love the Be Merry Banner. Great giveaway!

  131. oh! these are so great! the nordic snowflake is so wonderful! i am so, so not as organized as the little martha s. within me. someday, someday...

  132. I never sent photo holiday cards b/c I thought one needed pics of kids or pets, and my husband and I don't have kids or pets. But the four square xmas photo card is making me reconsider...

  133. is it weird to send photo cards with just pictures of our dogs? Because I think I might do that. :)

  134. I love getting holiday cards, but I don't always send them out. I think I put too much pressure on myself to either make them myself or make sure there is a personal message in each one. I'm really liking these ones from minted, though: http://www.minted.com/customizer/sku/MIN-VHD-HNY

    Maybe I'll go easy on myself this year...

  135. Love the cards - especially the Joyeux Noel. My husband and I got engaged in Paris on New Year's...the holidays (and this card!) make me smile and remember how special it was.

  136. Darn. I missed the giveaway - - but I'm still headed over to check out their stuff.

    Great site - following you now to stay up to date :)
