
Blogger's Favorites -- The Littlest

image via the littlest...

I try to be disciplined with my web surfing, I do. But every once in a while, (usually after the girlies are tucked into bed and I realize I have no tivo'd episodes of The Daily Show left in the queue) I end up on one of those "one blog leads to another" binges... you know the kind, where you get so engrossed that you look up from the computer, eyes all bleary from staring at lovely things, only to realize that you have no idea where the past two hours went.

Or is it just me?

That was pretty much the scene when I happened onto The Littlest. I was drooling over Libby's crazy cool wedding photos (from this week's loving list) which lead me to the flashdance where I was confronted with some seriously sweet vintage baby clothes, and then poof just like that I'm on Elizabeth's blog where I promptly developed a (huge) blog crush (and maybe a wee bit of a girl crush too, as Elizabeth is awfully chic + lovely).

image via elizabeth antonia...

But all is good, because my reckless surfing resulted in this week's blogger's favorites list, and it's a good one.

So without further ado, herewith Elizabeth's favorites. Enjoy and have a splendid weekend!

photo credit: our labor of love

my little family
. i am so blissed out that these two people have chosen to be in my life. there is a Stevie Wonder song that sums up my feelings for them, 'Happier than the Morning Sun.'

it played as i walked down the aisle, i hummed it as brought my little girl into this world. goosebumps. every time.

naps. cat nap. power nap. i'm easy! stealing off to dream for a few minutes a day gives my overactive monkey mind time to rest. it goes without saying i'm sure but i especially love baby naps!

banjos. my neighbor down the street practices the banjo between 3-5 pm every day. i often find myself subconsciously smiling and try to pinpoint just what it is that is making me feel so cheery inside. then i notice the pluck-pluck-pluck drifting in the windows on the breeze and know that the happy banjo has struck again!

the olden days. i don't know if something is in the air but i'm sensing there is a connection with my love for banjo picking and the olden days. the other night our electricity went out and the husband and i built a fire and just sat and talked. no facebook, twitter, or Mad Men to get in the way of pure, old fashioned conversation. We liked it so much that we have started a bi-weekly (trying to be realistic) Olden Days night full of brownies, backgammon and candlelight! (love this backgammon set by jonathan adler!)

neighborhood walks. i have lived in los angeles for the past three years with my family. i thought i would never live here. the smog, the sprawl, the traffic, the botched plastic surgeries, need i go on? but for all the clichés there is equal parts authenticity. i live on the east side of town and love exploring the little winding streets, overgrown with bougainvillea and all sorts of crazy tropical flowers. the architecture is unrivaled (anyone heard of neutra?) and the people ooze with character. we moved here from new york city right after a 6 week trip to spain and italy and it immediately recalled the quaint little towns we had visited. but don't take my word for it, it's better for everyone to go on believing that LA is a dull and boring city. all the more for me to explore!

the new yorker mag. i have been reading the new yorker for the better part of my adult life. it is the one magazine i cannot live without - the book reviews, coverage of the art world, talk of the nation and oh yes, the fantastic cartoons. there is always something to catch your attention. really, if you are looking to have an adult conversation starter, look no further than your last issue of new yorker. you're set.

gaudi's barcelona. antoni gaudí was a genius. nature inspired his art and you can see his touch everywhere - from the sidewalks to the cathedrals of barcelona. this city is a must see for any design enthusiast. when i was a student in the south of france, i would hop on a night train any chance i could take to get to barcelona. i have been 6 times and plan on returning as often as my husband will allow!

our backyard. i love our backyard! it's filled with song birds, perennials, succulents and a pomegranate tree! there is a stone staircase leading to an upper terrace where we have a table for impromptu breakfasts under the royal palm. when i am out of my mind from the freelance projects, unruly toddler, bad breathed dog, i flee into the backyard and ring these little bells (from erica tanov, nyc). it seems to help.


  1. Oh my goodness, Elizabeth is making me miss Los Angeles so much right now! Looking forward to checking out her site. Thanks!

  2. One of the best lists yet! My sister lives in Barcelona, and it's definitely one of my favorite places in the world. I'm also a sucker for a good banjo. Very fun!

  3. What a lovely, happy list. Especially love her mention of Barcelona, my favorite city in the whole wide world. And I might have to subscribe to The New Yorker. Thank you so much for sharing!

  4. I recently had the great pleasure to meet Elizabeth in person--we had a great dinner at Rusty's in Silver Lake--and words cannot express what a shining and beautiful soul she is.

    Thank you Joslyn for giving us this peek into her life!

  5. mm yes i know the feeling of bleary eyed blog browsing. what a lovely list. i think i'd like to escape to her backyard.

  6. I know the exact type of "blog binges" you are talking about! I'm so glad yours lead you to Elizabeth's blog and to you featuring her - I'm excited to have a new blog to explore! I always love your Blogger's Favorites features, they're so inspirational and put me in a great mood.

    Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth!

  7. How funny you should mention it, exactly what Im doing right now :-)

  8. She sounds amazing. Sounds like I would LOVE her backyard too!

  9. I love the sound of that backyard! How wonderful to have a place to run away to when the work and toddler seems overwhelming:)

  10. Hee - the bad breathed dog made me laugh. Cute list! :)

  11. Thanks so much again Joslyn for allowing me to share - it's nice to know we aren't alone in finding inspiration in the crazy endless internet! thanks sweet readers!


  12. "one blog leads to another" -- i do this. you are not alone. LOL. sometimes i can spent more than 2 hours. o my..

  13. currently blog bingeing on you! How is it i've only just found you?! Will save your other blog tips for tomorrow...it's already 10.45pm here...what have i been doing for the last 2 hours?! xx
