
Things I Learned From My Seven-Year-Old

Audrey bogarting the photobooth at the bat mitzvah we attended last weekend... a party where she knew not a single sole and yet proclaimed it the best. night. ever.

I am not what you would consider a shy or, well... reserved person. I typically have no fear when it comes to chatting it up with strangers, even if it means I might end up embarrassing myself (or more realistically, my loved ones).

Such past moments of boldness include attempting to give my daughter to Jessica Simpson in Barneys (in my defense, I didn't actually realize it was Jessica Simpson when I made said offer, or I would've thought twice) and striking up a conversation with Kelly Wearstler in the ladies room at Craft. (Ok, I may have followed her into the ladies room, but can you blame me?)

Most recently, I spotted a gentleman who helped found the company where I worked for many years. The company was huge (over 100,00 employees), so I'd never met the man before, but I greatly respect him, as he's contributed hugely to our community, including being instrumental in the creation of our fantastic symphony center. So of course I had to go up to him and say hello (or as Bryan might say, I had to go up and "bother him"). In and of itself, not so gutsy I suppose, but then there was the fact that this lovely gentlemen was deep in conversation with Ross Perot... a conversation I interrupted...to say hi...

See fearless. (Ok, ok, or annoying.)

I'm not altogether sure where this chutzpa comes from, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's probably one part genetics (I have an awfully bold mother) and one part being the perpetual new kid -- attending three elementary schools, two junior highs and two high schools tends to make you a little fearless I think.

So it's throwing me that lately I am experiencing what can only be described as a complete crisis of confidence. I have fear in situations that normally wouldn't phase me, I'm shy (well shy for me) when I normally would be bold. It's disconcerting.

I have a couple of theories as to why this is happening, but I won't bore you with them here. No, what I really wanted to tell you is how I'm overcoming the crisis, or more specifically "who" is pulling me through it.

Yep you guessed it (my post titles always give me away don't they?), it's Audrey. My super fearless, sweet, wise little A.

Here's how things went down. A couple of weeks ago she was hanging out with me while I was getting ready to go to a party where I would know nobody...and I was going alone...and I was mildly intimidated by the place and the reason for the party. I confided in Audrey that I was really nervous and didn't want to go... She listened all intently and seriously and then busted out with this little nugget of wisdom:

"you know mommy, i was super nervous when i tried out for the nutcracker, but then i was sitting next to this other little girl in the try out and i leaned over and asked her a question, and then she asked me a question, and then i asked her another question, and then she asked me a question...and then i wasn't nervous anymore. so you should do that."

To which I replied, "brilliant", what kind of questions should I ask?"

Long pause.

And then: "jeez mommy, i can't tell you everything to do. you need to decide what to talk about yourself."

And then she rolled her eyes and went to play with Millie.

She's good that one.


  1. Can you tell Audrey thank you for me? I'm going to a dinner party alone on Sunday that my friends are throwing, but they'll be so busy cooking I won't get to chat with them much - leaving me alone to talk to strangers. My worst fear, therefore I've been so nervous. For some reason the whole "ask someone a question and so on" speech just made me think, "ohh, duh". Going to keep that in mind on Sunday.

  2. So sweet. I loved reading a few weeks ago about Audrey's fearless approach to her audition, too-- so much can be learned from kids!

  3. what a wise little girl! i'm going to take that advice too.... thanks, a.

  4. .....you are cuter than Ross Perot..........

  5. love the nuggets of wisdom from the littles. it's almost as if our grown-up minds become clouded after years of "learning" and we forget the very simple important things.

    and i agree with mb, way cuter... =)

  6. p.s. dig the new profile shot. especially the shoes and necklace and hair.

  7. I have a 7 yr old too and I just love their matter-of-fact take on life. Wish I could bottle it! Belinda x

  8. What a great post. It really made me smile. :)

  9. That Audrey! Out of the mouth of babes...

  10. what a lovely girl. oh i wonder what advice my son will have for me one day.

  11. god, I love that story...all of it. From top to bottom. I am bold in a very similar way, considered down right friendly, make friends easily...blah bah. But, I am strangely shy in a LOT of situations as an adult( verging on "wanting to go crawl into a hole") and so I think I can understand....I love that little A told you how to cope, I find the same with my girls. Wisdom from their little hearts....and how much do I love those photos above? I adore her shots and the shots of gorgeous you!

  12. This is so wonderful. I learn a lot from my kids, and when I am feeling down, they are the perfect pick me up. Thanks for sharing.

  13. sweet, lovely & brilliant. you did good mommy.

  14. :). Your daughter is wise beyond her years.

  15. Hahaha I love this post, first of all I love to find another person who comes up with theories and reasons of why she is the way she is. I do that all the time and yes, boldness definitely relates to being the new kid. I wet to 7 different schools in 3 different countries ans became bolder every year. Love that!

    Audrey is a pocket full of wisdom! We should all learn from her!


  16. How sweet and smart she is! And the mustache on a stick?! Hilarious.

  17. How heavenly!!! She sounds gorgeous that one. I confess I used to buy clothes because my little one would say "Nice Mummy, nice.." She would also tell me is domething was not nice too!!!...

  18. I love kid wsdom - its always so simple!

  19. Great post! Love Audrey's approach - just perfect - I'm so going to use that next time I'm feeling nervous.

  20. ... and with that i am a regular reader. great post, wise mama, wise daughter!
