
Scenes from The Weekend

The girlies busy *working* at dinner. Millie insisted on a lime to adorn her drink...just like mama's.

erin and ben's house snapped by ben...

The superstar of the weekend was, by far, the fantastic Fall weather that rolled in Friday afternoon. It was cool (but not too cool) and sunny + a little bit breezy...pretty much perfect. And it afforded us the ability to take part in one of my all-time happiest happy makers: eating outside.

Which we did as much as possible -- with the girlies on Friday at La Duni, again on Sunday morning in our backyard for brunch (which besides Millie falling off the big girl swing twice was pretty glorious) and then once more* for a crazy yummy Autumnal Sunday dinner (pork loin with blueberry compote, roasted potatoes, and sauteed brussel sprouts...) at lovely cousin Erin and boyfriend Ben's new house.

* technically we ate inside at ben and erin's but every single one of their massive sliding glass doors was open, so it felt just like we were outside.

Audrey and her besty Emma practicing their moves after the ballet on Sunday...

The rest of the weekend was pretty much a blur of ballet and football. Seriously there was a lot of both, as we had a full-day of TX/OU madness on Saturday, our normal weekly ballet classes + Audrey had her first Nutcracker rehearsal (she made it!) and we went to see Cinderella with our buddies at The Winspear on Sunday.

Whew...we're a little fried, but did I mention it's in the low 70's outside.

Yea, I'm pretty psyched about that.


  1. My I need a 70 degree day or I'll die! Stunning photos and stories... your kids are so cute! Love how Millie wants to be like you.

  2. ccongrats Audrey!!

  3. If I didn't comment with a big 'boomer sooner' to this post...I think I'd be kicked out of OKC ;)

  4. yeah, I'm prettttty psyched about the fall weather we're experiencing here in CA as well. Lots of cookin' to do be done:).

  5. Danielle -- it's ok, i still like you ;-)

  6. Sounds (and looks) perfect! Congrats to Audrey. How fun!

  7. what part of town is cousin Erin's fabulous house located? was it built in the fifties? it looks absolutely marvelous.

  8. Patti -- it's in far east dallas... it's a 50's house by architect Cliff May. it's fantastic!!

  9. Yay for Audrey!

    Eating outside is my favorite thing too. We pick our restaurants based on the patios.

  10. I live in east Dallas, near Casa Linda. There are a lot of cool houses to be found over here. Mine's a fifties converted duplex, not a Cliff May, but fun nonetheless. I call it our doublewide.

  11. Audrey's dress is fantastic. Where is it from?

  12. Sounds like an amazing weekend! I was going to ask the same thing as Meghan about Audrey's dress...

  13. she made it!! such a sweet weekend and those saltwater sandals... mmm, Henry grew out of his... At what age are little boys too 'old' for those sweet shoes?

  14. sounds pretty perfect to me! congratulations to audrey!

  15. meghan and ericca -- audrey's dress is from crewcuts. it's her sole "fancy" dress. she loves it!

  16. I love the way your girlies look working, so
    focused and the way they hold the pen.
    Wonderful house, thanks for sharing your weekend.

  17. Yay for FALL! We are eating dinnering out now too, its so nice, we just carry everything out the back and voila! Glad you guys are enjoying it too...

  18. must know where you got that dress on Audrey! So pretty!

  19. your daughter is so beautiful -- and i love that she wanted a lime! :)

  20. Leslie -- it's from crewcuts...it's one of our faves

  21. DYYING over that gold dress!! Great images and finds!!
    SOO CUTE!!!!

