
The Magic of The Interwebs... (And An Insanely Beautiful Room)

images by leslie williams

My obsession with Handcrafted Modern (that book on yesterday's "loving" list) had me googling (a verb?) like mad last night. My search lead me to two pretty fabulous spots that I had to share.

First up, I found Leslie Williams' (the author of Handcrafted Modern) blog and the two gorgeous photos above (the second image is an outtake from the book...man, I can't wait to get my hands on that book) plus loads of other stunning images. I am now officially a Leslie Williams fan.

images from handcrafted modern via design therapy...

Then, I somehow ended up (ahh the power of Google) on interior designer Brad Ford's blog, where there were not only some fantastic shots of the book I'm so crazily obsessed with, but there was also (cue angels singing) the room below, designed by Mr. Ford's firm...

The loveliest room of all time (in my opinion). My dream room. Pure gorgeous.

Yes, that was a lot of lead up for this room...but I like it that much. I do.


  1. Didn't mind the lead-up at all! The room was well worth it.

  2. i would love to relax in that room. sooo cozy and inviting. ah! :)

  3. I ordered the book yesterday and I can not wait to receive it!

  4. wow. that blue stone floor is amazing. what a fantastic room.

  5. The stone floor is lovely - but all I see is babies bumping their heads... def a stunner though!

  6. That first room is gorgeoys!!! I'd love to hole up in there all weekend!

  7. Gorgeous Rooms! I'm a sucker for interior design :)


  8. beautiful. the light in that room is almost as lovely as that bench. Right out of college I lived in Boston, I was super poor and cold {living in San Diego all my life} I remember feeling very sorry for myself sitting in front of a store that was selling a bench very much like that with an attached bolster {sigh}... I remember thinking will I ever be able to afford that bench? I still can't but I am happy and warm. THE END.

  9. all of the rooms you showed seem like they would have such a great story to tell. i like that about a room.
