

This sneak peek into the workspace of Aimee Cho (the lovely designer of Gryphon)...

Isn't she fantastic??! And I should report that after a long search for the perfect trench (which was oft mentioned here), I ended up getting a rather awesome Gryphon number from Gilt a couple of months ago. Photos will ensue!

Both images via michael edwards photography via kk is the new black....

This artful wrapping via Montmarte... I might try and go the fabric route for all my holiday gifts this year. We'll see.

This completely fantastic rope necklace, as modeled by Jenna's sweet Claudine.

Confetti System's studio...maybe the most festive workplace ever. (via the selby)

Shannon Rankin and Justin Richel's print for The Working Proof*...

*The Working Proof is a genius, genius concept...you must take a peek!

This "rug" from Flor... I want this in Pewter. Bad. (via kate)

(My beloved) Roland Bello's home on d*s...but of course his home going to be killer, yes?

Clare's latest (perfect) creation...

(image via Allison V. Smith)

Allison V. Smith's stunning new work (a series of photos from Maine). If you're in Dallas, be sure to check out her opening this Saturday at the Barry Whistler Gallery.


  1. I am a tad obsessed with Confetti System, so this tour of their studio is A-MAZING!

  2. A friend of mine babysits for Jenna sometimes and says that Claudine is the most beautiful child ever, even cuter in person! I want to pinch those cheeks of hers!
    And, you do not help my Clare Vivier obsession...I think you were the one to get me started!

  3. I ordered the rope necklace immediately upon reading Jenna's post... it came a few days ago! It's a bit shorter on me--and it's hard to look as cute as Claudine--but it's lovely. Of course, I was telling someone the other day that you're actually my role model when it comes to looking great in necklaces!

  4. i am loving how your 'loving' posts.

    plus they are all so well color coordinated. you are so good.

  5. The beauty of simplicity...
    Congratulations for your work.
    Greetings from Puntodefoto Spain

  6. You lucky lady for snagging a Gryphon trench via Guilt! I somehow always seem to be about two seconds too late and end up on the never-ending waiting list for those babies. Can't wait to see photos! xo

  7. I want that rope necklace!! Too cute!

  8. What beautiful tranquill images on a Thursday morning...you always do this so well. Intriguing to see inside a designer's space.I love everything, especially the rope necklace (which would go with my rope chest...)

  9. frickin' LOVE the Flor chevron-y rug too. It's especially nice with that collection of Hermes boxes isn't it?

    Maybe once my baby is done spitting up everywhere we will deserve a new rug. Actually, no. We will desperately NEED a new rug. The things no one tells you about having a baby... i swear.

    Happy Anniversary!

  10. There's so much to love here! Photographs of Maine! Clare Vivier purses! And Happy Anniversary!

  11. The last picture with the dock gives me shivers. Have to go investigate right now!

  12. Happy Anniversary!

    I worked at the Patagonia store here in Denver for 2 years where the only "gift wrap" we provided were fabric bags made from (Patagonia) remnant material. They were really basic rectangular bags with 2 pieces of ribbon sewn into the side a couple of inches from the top. After much trial and error, I actually discovered a cute way to tie them(!). with a bag that is much larger than the gift, you can fold down a few inches and tie the ribbon to make a scallop at the top. The Montmartre wrapping is much more adorable and you might think this method is inferior, but if you're looking for fabric alternatives, it's handy.

    Perhaps I'll write a post about it...

  13. ohmygosh - love the rope necklace as well as the pom pom one from that site!!!!
