
Blogger's Favorites -- Ariel of Ariel Gordon Jewelry

images via ariel's trip to Paris...

I love all my "Blogger's Favorites" the same...I do.

But I have to admit, I'm awfully smitten with the lists that come from designers, as there's really nothing better than getting a peek inside the brain of a creative person. Especially when it's someone whose work you've long admired.

Such is the case with Ariel. I'm a huge fan of her classic, über lovely jewelry. Love it. (Her perfect pieces made an appearance in this "loving" list last spring.) It's heirloom stuff friends. Truly. And I'm equally smitten with her fantastic, tasteful blog. It's one of my daily stops in blogland. So I'm psyched that she's agreed to share with us some of the things that make her tick.

So without further ado, herewith Ariel's favorites.

Enjoy and have a fantastic Halloween* weekend!

*the girlies are all set for a big weekend of block parties and trick-or-treating. Audrey is dressing up as Violet from The Incredibles and Millie is going to be a (good) witch... Fun stuff.

Macarons –The combination of the bright colors, the decadent flavors, and the bite-friendly size make these almond delicacies just about the best dessert in my book. When I was in Paris earlier this year I will admit I went to Laduree three different times in the same day. I think I have a problem. (image via laduree)

Fresh flowers – I go to the farmers market every Sunday and pick up a bunch or two. My faves are dahlias, ranunculus, peonies, lisianthus, and freesias. In another life I’d love to be a florist. (image by polly wreford via sarah kaye)

Balloons – I do love me some balloons. Lots of them. Big ones. All at once. They’re like little bubbles of happiness. Tim Walker takes some of the most amazing pictures of them (or really in general). (images via tim walker)

Traveling – Maybe it’s because I’ve only ever lived in Southern California, but there is a sense of awe I get when I’m traveling abroad. Besides the obvious joys of eating, shopping, and interacting with other cultures, when I travel I love getting caught up in the energy of where I am. I think about the history that has passed on the cobblestone streets and the lives of the people 100s of years ago who built the building I’m looking at. Don’t get me wrong… America is great. I just have a sense of wonder for cultures older than ours. It puts things into context.

{This is a picture of me in Rome from a trip to Italy last year… a mere day before Alex proposed to me in the Piazza del Popolo.}

Low-top white Chucks – my go to outfit is a T-shirt or little blouse, jeans, and my low top white Chucks (notice the picture of me in Roma above). At any given time I have about 4 pairs in various states of wear. I recently splurged on a pair of the Converse x Comme Des Garcons pair and despite them being double the price of a normal pair they are my faves (because of the little heart with googly eyes on the side). (image via garance dore)

Hearts – (see shoes above) I don’t know what it is. They make me smile. I think it’s because they are a universal symbol of love. I tend to surround myself with them in modern, graphic ways (as opposed to the cheesy 2nd grade Valentine’s Day card way).

{here’s a detail from our gorgeous letter pressed wedding invitations by Lynn Russell at Satsuma Press}

A cup of tea – sweet nectar of the gods. I start all days with at least one. Usually green. (image via james merrell)

Pops of bright color – like in these axes (hello polka dot axe) or plates (these are the plates we registered for in 6 different colors and they’re amazing) or coffee table (what’s not to love about glossy neon pink). As much as I aspire to have a minimalist, neutral aesthetic I know it ain’t me and it’s never going to happen. So embrace it and surround myself with color. Lots of it. Usually bright. I try to balance it with neutrals so it doesn’t look too much like a circus. Try.{images from top: best made co, atelier abigail ahern, mud australia)

Fornasetti Plates – One of the few things that I actively collect are plates from Piero Fornasetti's Tema e Variazion collection. I've been enchanted by his portraits of Julia for years. In college I even decoupaged my bedroom door with pictures of the plates that I printed up. Now I'm all grows up and I currently own 6 of them.

Red vines – the more stale the better. Best consumed in groups of three.

Making things with my hands – they might not always be perfect (they’re usually not) but it’s pretty darn satisfying. I started my business as a jewelry designer almost 2 years ago. The process has been tough but so so rewarding. Seeing someone wear jewelry that I made is a surreal feeling. I design jewelry that can be wardrobe staples, like a favorite pair of jeans or a trusted handbag. I strive to design jewelry for people like me... girls who don't change their jewelry everyday or with every outfit. (images via ariel gordon jewelry)

Alex – I got married this August to my college sweetheart. He makes everything smell sweeter, taste better, and look brighter. (image by preston davis via divine order photography)


  1. I just love your blogger's favorites series...I found myself scrolling through some of them the other day, looking for gift inspiration for someone...and I certainly found it! This is another great list.

  2. Her pieces are so beautiful, love this blogger favorite!!

  3. and now i suddenly want to make macaroons!

  4. if it's possible, i love ariel even more now that i know she knows the value of a stale red vine :)

  5. Looovvvee ariel's jewelry. I'm adding it immediately to my own running list of favorites :)

  6. What a delightfully charming post and how romantic your wedding photo looks, too.
    Creating adorable things with your hands - you are gifted, such pretty jewellery. I adore the burst of bright colours, too, especially in autumn and winter. Have a nice weekend;-)

  7. Brilliant picks! While I don't have a college sweetheart or thing for balloons, lord knows I love macarons, flowers and bright color. Oh yeah, and Red Vines!

  8. You know that they're a kindred spirit when half the photos are in your inspiration folder, too. I love red vines as well--why do we love them stale? I don't know, but I do!

    Wonderfully done!

  9. i love those comme de garcon chuck taylors! i think i may need/want them!

  10. so beautiful!! I must get back to Paris soon!!
