
Seven + A Little Giveaway

This oldest girlie of mine is a pretty amazing creature -- all full of spunk and creativity and moxie. She has turned upside down every preconceived notion I've ever had about raising kids...and proved it to be so much more exciting, fantastic and interesting that I could have ever imagined.

She rocks my world. I am digging her more than ever. And tomorrow she will be seven.

Happy early birthday sweet Audrey.

And in honor of her big day, I'm doing a little giveaway with the lovely Kristina of Modern Frills. Kristina sent Audrey a couple of completely adorable shirts for her birthday, including the rockin anchor number she's sporting above. (She also sent a sweet shirt for Millie...so nice). So we thought it would be fun to give one of you a present for Audrey's birthday.

Just leave a comment on this post by next Thursday the 9th at midnight for a chance to win an anchor shirt of your very own!

Have a splendid weekend friends. I'll be back Monday with party pics and details.


  1. wow. all of the sudden audrey looks 7 in that second picture...maybe even 8, 9 or 10!!!! happy birthday audrey!

  2. Happy b-day to your gal! 7 yrs old has been a golden year for us: less sass... more humor... just really fun and somewhat peaceful. My daughter would love this shirt!

  3. happy birthday dear audrey! may you have a perfect day with those who love you! x

  4. Wow, seven seems so big. WE're coming up on six. That seems manageable, but seven? I don't know.

  5. Happy Birthday to my sweet Niece! How the time flies!! Peyton is planning on calling Audrey tomorrow. Will you be around?
    Love You! Nicci

  6. So cool. You're totally an internet mom model to me. Cool kids and good job you.

  7. What a beautiful post! Happy early birthday to you sweet Audrey! and hope you have a lovely weekend.

  8. So cute! Happy bday to your little one, too!

  9. Happy birthday Audrey. Hope you all have a great time celebrating 7.

  10. Happy Birthday.. very cute shirt!!!

  11. I love hearing your enthusiasm and discovery of raising kids -- getting to know the personalities of these little people we create intrigues me so much. You help me look forward to it -- genuine thanks!

  12. 7, wow! I'm currently loving 2, yes I said LOVING 2 so I can't wait until 7! Happy Birthday!

  13. happy bday audrey! love the anchor....

  14. Oh I have a sweet little 7 too...and I'd love to win that for her!
    x Trina

  15. Happy Birthday, Audrey!

  16. Happy Birthday to Audrey!

    Can't wait to see pics:).

  17. My little spunky girl would love that shirt!
    I love reading your blog and your attitude toward motherhood is inspiring.

  18. Oh, that's such a lovely shirt! Have an amazing birthday Audrey!

    Camila F.

  19. wow! mine just turned 5...7 seems like a world away even though it's only a *blink* away

  20. Happy Birthday, 7 is such a lovely age!! I cannot wait to see the party pictures! Enjoy the party!

  21. I have been a lurker for months but had to post on this one. I, too, have a sweet Audrey who just turned seven two weeks ago! :)

  22. Happy birthday to Audrey and party it up!

  23. Happy B-day Audrey. We'd love an anchor T over here in NL - it looks fab.

  24. Happy Birthday!! Seven was a great year; you're going to love it!

  25. Happy Birthday to your girl, such a lovely sentiment. Love the shirt, my fab four year old would like it too! Thanks for the opportunity!

  26. Happy birthday, Audrey! (And yay for using 'moxie' in a sentence!)

  27. Happy birthday to Audrey!
    And thanks for the giveaway!

  28. she will rock your world all of your life. Each passing year will bring more amazement, joy and growing. I remember when mine was 7 and now she is 20 and still the love of my life.

  29. my smallest just turned 7 himself...so much fun around every corner of this age...

    ♥rebecca frame

  30. cute! happy b-day to your cutie!

  31. I have a 7 year old, too. It's crazy how quickly they grow! Year 7 has been good to us...I'm sure it will be good for you and Audrey, too. Happy birthday to her!

  32. "all full of spunk and moxie" -- how fun! I hope my two (aged 3 and 1) will be the same a few short years from now. Happy Birthday Audrey! (And thanks for the giveaway)


  33. I hope Audrey has an awesome birthday and this shirt totally rocks!

  34. So sweet. Can you please tell me where the dolls are from? Love them!

  35. super cute, thanks for the chance to win. Hope she has a wonderful birthday.

  36. Miss Audrey....Molly here from NYC. So glad you had such a SMASHING birthday! You're such a special girl with an amazing mama for pulling off your dream party.

    See you in the Big Apple - next time I'm taking you to Victorian Gardens!

