
Scenes from The Weekend...

The "great room switch" pretty much consumed our weekend, and friends, it was hard work. It's amazing how much stuff (and dust) surfaces when you're moving things around. I used an entire box of swiffers over two days and packed four giant bags for the Goodwill. Where was this stuff lurking before?? It's perplexing.

The rooms are almost done...the "lounge green" is on the walls, the furniture, books, closets and dressers have been switched out, and all that's left is putting in the "magic touches". Audrey's space is pretty sparse right now, we need to sprinkle a little whimsy in there, and then I'll do a full room tour for you guys.

In the meantime, a few sneak peeks...

In other weekend news, we experienced a few "firsts" over the past couple of days. There was Millie's first sushi (which she totally dug), our first fall weather on Sunday (cool and blissful) and our first bike ride since early summer (prompted by that blissful weather).

Our friends Julie and Tim came to dinner Saturday bearing a big pot of their famous bolognese sauce, and I sincerely believe it magically shepherded in the long-awaited cool snap... After the pasta, we had chocolate mousse cake (which they also brought*) and then lit sparklers on the patio.

It was good stuff.

*yes, we made take-and-bake pizzas for our friends last weekend and this weekend our friends brought all the food. Sad, I know...


  1. love the books organized by color. we have been doing the room switch too and I told my husband the only perk of this 'move' is that we don't have to go to the DMV. have a great week!

  2. I love the green! I am looking forward to the big reveal!

    Also love: that M wears a princess dress for sparklers. Obviously! They coordinate perfectly.

  3. Wow, never thought I would love "lounge" green. It looks so pretty. And I love Audrey's bed.

  4. the room looks great so far. i love those high windows!

  5. Sounds like you had a great weekend of unplugging:)...

    I love taking dinner to our friends (and it being 'taken' to us!). That way, they can "host" without the stress, or mess, I should say- of cooking!

  6. I like the green! Super cute, and sounds like a nice productive weekend.

  7. The green looks fab! So chic and whimsical!

  8. I'm loving Audrey's lounge green, even though I know it isn't your fave!

  9. Looks like a lovely but busy weekend! I really love how you are so brave when it comes to painting rooms. The bright walls are so much better than the generic white ones in our apartment!

  10. God. I love lounge green. My daughter loves green, but we rent and could not do a whole room, so I just painted a vintage dresser green. Are you telling what the paint color is?

  11. Celine -- the paint color is actually called lounge green ;-) it's from Sherwin Williams.

  12. let me thank your friends julie and tim for bringing in this weather! tell them to keep it up! :)

  13. Oooo- I like the green. Way to go Audrey!

  14. I love the green paint and the owl lamp. Looks like a fun weekend!


  15. I love how you have those frames arranged, and goes well with that green wall.

  16. The room looks completely AMAZING...only Joslyn could work that "Lounge Green" so perfectly!

  17. i keep coming back for a peek at audrey's bookcase. i die over it. i have literally thousands of children's books (the hazard and delight of a former teacher...) storage is a ridiculous issue but i cannot seem to part with ANY of my lovely books. each time i sit and lovingly go through the current selection IN the house (don't get me started on the boxes in our attic!) and I can maybe part with one or two titles. maybe.
    Love the rainbow connection used to display your daughter's books. Someday, someday... thanks for the inspiration. now if you could only provide me with some follow through?

  18. Stephanie -- I hear you, we are HUGE book people. Audrey has tons and there are a few shelves full in Millie's room. At first I thought it might be a little too "OCD" to try and organize them by color, but it only took a few minutes and Audrey thought it was the coolest thing ever, so goodness all around.

    good luck with your books!
