
Scenes from The Weekend Part II -- Audrey's French Fête

So (given the contents of my recent article) I’m going to say this in a whisper.

I *might* be completely on-board with the non at-home birthday party too.

There, I said it…we can move on now so I don’t feel like the world’s biggest hypocrite. Deal?

In all seriousness, I loved throwing this party. Loved. It. It was the perfect easing into, well letting go a bit… After six consecutive (highly planned) at-home fetes, it was nice to go “off-campus” so to speak. And given that it was the day after the Little Bean party, the timing for a new approach couldn’t have been better.

Here’s how things went down on the big day. Fifteen or so of Audrey's girlfriends to joined us at f.is for frank to make their very own pewter charms and beaded bracelets. We cranked up some French tunes, and the utterly fantastic Shannah and Casey showed the girlies all their jewelry making equipment and walked them through the process of making charms. Then each guest donned their artist’s beret and carved their masterpiece out of a little slab of clay.

Afterward we noshed on some simple vanilla cake, lemon macaroons and French lemonade (+ some bubbly for the mamas of course).

Finally they all lined up for some group snaps and voilà, we were done.

It was the easiest party I’ve ever thrown, and Audrey had a blast, which is really the most important part, non?

The Details:


  1. What a sweet and lovely party - and so special! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Gosh, so cute! Such a fantastic idea. Love the girlies in their berets! And no major cleanup afterwards...

  3. Absolutely adorable!! What a lucky little girl!!

  4. adorable!! what a lovely french party...i am on board ;)

  5. berets and jewelry design--what more could you ask for? love it.

  6. This is absolutely gorgeous! I love that it really looks so French! Très Chic!

  7. Happy Birthday Audrey! Looks fantastic - lovely but not over the top. I am sure the girls were thrilled!!

  8. That is so cute, I love that picture with the girls with the barets!! Looks like they had lots of fun!

  9. It is absolutely adorable, such a fun and unique party!

  10. You're giving me hope lady - totally adorable yet totally doable! Tres, tres fantastique!

  11. big fan of this...no hard feelings if we sort of slightly copy?? my daughter who turns 11 in feb is going to love this.

    thanks for sharing

  12. That looks like such a great party and a cool idea for a project-based party. I checked out the party site out of curiosity (great jewelry!) and it looks like it would have been $545 for the party, not to mention buying berets for everyone and everything else! Man, I hope you got a discount. I really enjoy seeing all sorts of party ideas and will definitely crib the French theme, but I love to see less expensive ideas for kids a little more. I'm going to be looking up your past at-home parties for more ideas, Joslyn! Thanks for the inspiration.

  13. Seriously?! It's so stinkin' cute I can't stand it. The girls in their berets is great and I love F is for Frank - what a cool venue for your party. I don't even have a little girl and I want to throw a French themed party now. :)

  14. wow, what a weekend you had! hope your monday was relaxing. :)

  15. so, so perfect.

    i love the little striped straws and the bunting banner. the girls look adorable in their berets!

  16. Love the party! We're having an Oktoberfest party any ideas?

  17. Joslyn...AMAZING party. So fun, yet not overdone in the least. I am saving this entire party to replicate - top to bottom - for my Catherine someday! xo

  18. Though much older than Audrey, I may have to steal her idea! So cute and charming!

  19. Yeehauser -- how fun! You know with well the sausages and beer I'm not even sure you have to decorate... the sausages stand alone ;-)

    but definitely play polka music!

    have fun!

  20. Holy Moly! This is so cute! I love the simplicity of it! Perfect!

  21. Man! You go all out, Joslyn. I have to say, I'm kind of excited to start throwing kids' parties.

    so cute.

  22. Oooh...my daughter is on Team France this fall (soccer). I think I have some ideas for an end of the season party! Mind if I borrow some inspiration? :)

  23. Don't worry... You're secret's safe with me:).

    Really, Joslyn- a lovely party, and a unique, fun theme as well.

  24. Oh, all the girls in their berets is just priceless. So sweet! And I love that you went with red, blue and yellow for the colours. So French!

  25. this is SO cute! i literally "aww"ed when i saw the pictures!

  26. Joslyn, this is fabulous. I am sure all the girlies were head over heels ecstatic.

  27. The cutest! Those berets were such a find.

  28. Every detail is so adorable. I especially love the jewelry-making and dress up. Happy birthday to your little chickadee!

  29. What a wonderful party! Such a creative team you two are! Can't wait to see the next celebration you host! :) Have a great weekend!

  30. are you kidding?! this is adorable. and the berets? this is really kind of awesome.
