
Alter Egos...

Despite my deep and abiding love for all things earthy/modern, incense scented, Big Sur-esque, hippie/bohemian/artsy, I have this secret fondness for, wait for it…preppy.

Now let me just say there’s nothing about me that’s preppy. There's not even a little bit of hot pink and kelly green lurking in my psyche... my childhood was all Northern California, wheat germ and Steely Dan. But I tend to think as a general rule that our alter egos are a little bit of a revolt against our upbringing, resulting (in this case) in my tendency to get all swoony over old Volvos and tennis and boarding school.

So those images above by Partners & Spade for Boast are kind of a perfect mind-meld of my reality and my alter ego…a sort of boho preppy if you will (not unlike The Royal Tenenbaums, which, it should be noted, is my favorite movie of all time.)

I mean seriously, what’s cooler than a heavily bearded tennis player?



  1. Haha! nothing can top that! I love them!

  2. Dare I say, we may be cute from a bit of the same cloth? I had the total macrobiotic/hippie/Esalen loving childhood and I pined hard for a volvo. It was my first big-girl car and I loved it. Now I'm moving back to my childhood roots but I don't mind a little preppy now and again.

  3. love this post... okay I admit it... I am a total prepster... I feel most comfortable in a blazer and flats... okay I feel so much better now that I got that off my chest.

    and PS. The Royal Tenenbaums is the greatest movie ever made... well let's face it anything Wes Anderson... even Fabulous Mr. Fox

  4. I was looking at the pics before I came to the text, thinking "Hm, Wes Anderson..."-- so perfect!

  5. so Royal!

    My friends and I dressed up like the cast for our college senior week pub crawl...it's a great look!

    p.s. I was Dudley!

  6. Really awesome, I love those pics!

  7. I love so many styles - I am always changing up what I wear, I do love these shots, and the preppy look is fun this time of year (if your someplace cold)

  8. love the wheat germ and steely dan comment..my dad wore boast most of my childhood..
    i love these shots

  9. "heavily bearded tennis players" should be the name of a band...

  10. Umm, Wasps or preps don't wear Boast. Sorry. It is more a life style or state of mind than a way of dressing. Ann

  11. nutbird -- yep, that's exactly what I liked about it...sort of a mixed up preppy/bobo feeling. Definitely wasn't envisioning a true WASP sporting those clothes ;-)

  12. love these shots. love wes anderson (and even posted about him earlier today). and since i used to work for andy at kate spade for 6 years, i love him, too! he's genius.

  13. Love these! NO, make that officially obsessed!

  14. So funny! My husband and I dressed up as Richie and Margot for Halloween on Greenville a long while ago, complete with sweat bands and wooden finger. I'm still kinda pissed we didn't win the contest. People just don't know!
