
Blogger's Favorites -- Caroline of Greedy Girl

That girl up there isn't (the fantastically funny and lovely) Caroline... no it's a super chic girl that Caroline spotted on the street, photographed and then effortlessly recreated her outfit (below). And ever since spotting that particular post on Greedy Girl way back in April, I've been working on replicating that exact. same. outfit. for myself, which has resulted in an obsession with finding the perfect skinny (but not too skinny) black pants.

So thanks for that Caroline ;-)

Here's how the lovely and witty Caroline of the essential Greedy Girl describes herself:

"greedy girl is a catalog of inspiring finds from around the world and web. the greedy girl behind the blog is a newspaper designer in oklahoma city with a spending problem."

The only thing I love more that someone who can find killer stuff on a regular basis (the kind of stuff you never seem to find on your own) is someone that willingly admits how much they love to shop.

(I especially respect that given my love/guilt relationship with buying that inspires spending hiatuses and all sorts of other craziness...but I digress.)

But Caroline doesn't just find killer stuff, she also writes witty things about the stuff she finds -- a combo that makes her blog one of my very favorites. So I'm happy that she's agreed to share her favorites with us this week.

So without further ado, herewith Caroline's list. Enjoy and have a splendid weekend.

fortune cookies. i'm not a particularly superstitious person, but i take fortune cookies very seriously. i have rules. the fortunes can never be thrown away. that is bad luck. and fortunes must be read before taking a first bite of the cookie. otherwise, that is bad luck, too. (photo here)

typography. handsome typography. plain and simple. (photo here)

quiet time. can you blame me?

my dog's smile. nothing melts my heart faster than luke's toothy grin.

postcards. love buying them, sending them, receiving them, collecting them. (photo here)

museums. (and, even better, museum gift shops.) in an ideal world, i'd have all the time (days) in the world to get through a museum. i always regret not spending more time in them. (photo here)

glitter, sequins, feathers, lace and other ridiculous girlie things. just can't help myself. (photo here)


  1. She is hands down one of my favorite reads. Great post Joslyn!

  2. what lovely favorites. The dog smile is killer.

  3. you know how i feel about my greedy girl. no need to expound here.

    remember her giggle at alt?! i loved her on sight. err. sound.

    xoxo and thanks for this one, jos! karey

  4. km -- yes she's pretty freakin fab.

  5. what a fun list. that toothy grin is fantastic.

  6. we should swap postcards then! i adore them also -krsta

  7. two of my favorite things... museums and postcards.

    p.s. what a fantastic outfit! off to copy it myself :)

  8. great post!
    those shoes are AMAZING!
    happy weekend

  9. Totally one of my favorites!! Humor & fashion - perfect combo ;)

  10. The perfect skinny black pants are J.Crew Minnie. So flattering! At first they feel like leggings. But after you wear them 20 minutes, they stretch a smidge and then they're perfect.

  11. sarah -- good to know! i'll try them this weekend. thank you

  12. thanks for the introduction. visited her blog and i love her writing!

  13. I'm a lover of all things girly as well! I love that last picture with the sequins and sparkles. It reminds me of art work I made as a child!

