
Scenes from The Weekend...

audrey in line for the big audition...

Friends it was a nutty weekend.

We had back-to-back commitments both days, which kicked off with a school fundraiser party involving a bunch of very cool moms, Thai food, ginger infused cocktails and riding through downtown for two hours on a trolley and ending with a school birthday party bash on a giant catamaran. Seriously cool.

There was also dinner Saturday night at lovely cousin Erin and boyfriend Ben's killer new house (photos below). They recently became first-time homeowners scoring a mid-century gem designed by architect Cliff May. It is splendid. We're so excited for them, and the girlies have already claimed a room...

But the centerpiece of the weekend was the six hours spent Saturday at ballet. Both Millie and Audrey had their weekly class and afterward Audrey auditioned for the Nutcracker.

Frankly it was a little nerve wracking...for me, and I actually debated waiting another year before I let her try out, but she was insistent and (and this was the selling point) totally mellow about the whole enterprise. For example, when I explained that this was just a "try out" and that she may not get to be in it, she replied, totally nonplussed, "that's ok, I'll just try again next year."

How could I say no to that.

erin and ben's totally fantastic new casa...


  1. Holy smokes I love this post! Your girls are darling and I love Audrey's attitude about auditioning. Seriously, bottle that. And these photos of your cousin's house make me want to sell everything in my own home and start fresh. Very inspiring.

  2. Your daughter is so cute. How adorable! Second, that house is amazing. Did you design it?

  3. A House and Home -- thank you ;-)

    My cousin Erin did the entire thing...she's fantastic!

  4. Fingers crossed for Audrey! And as she so wisely knows, there's always next year.

    That house is gorgeous! Major jealousy over here.

  5. I love their home, looks seriously cool! and I hope Audrey get's the part... they should allow all your blog readers to vote.

  6. the pictures of millie in her little black leotard are killing me. she's adorable. good luck to big sis audrey!!

  7. I remember trying out for The Nutcracker when I was about 7 years old. I didn't make it and was quite disappointed. Tonight (some 30 years later!) I have my first adult ballet class since last spring. I took it up again last year and love it. These photos bring back lots of memories!

    (Very cool home...love those floor to ceiling windows)

  8. Talent runs deep within your family genes ~ always a lovely weekend recap here.

  9. that is so sweet. love it that she even tried!

  10. how sweet is your baby! love the house too.

  11. Lovely ballerina pictures. Where did the orange mirrors and the painting of the man and woman come from? Could you ask if you do not know? Thanks so much; they are lovely-as is the rest of the house.

  12. Elizabeth -- the mirrors are from Global Views. They were originally gold and Erin painted them orange. The large sign of the man and woman are from a flea market in Atlanta.

  13. the gold mirrors are not from Global Views.... eek!
    i actually picked those up at a garage sale and spray painted them orange.
    The giant sign is metal vintage from the 50's it was one of those welcome signs to a suburb. I got it at the Scott's antique show in Atlanta that runs once a month.

  14. and thank you for all the nice comments everyone!! it is very encouraging!!!!

  15. joslyn -- yikes! i thought they were global views ;-) sorry E!

  16. Thanks for linking to Little E, such a chic and inspiring home!

  17. Little ballerinas are the best!! Did you ever have the book "A Very Young Dancer" growing up? I was obsessed with it - follows the young girl who plays Clara...really, really lovely...L & I already have our tickets for the Nutcracker :)

  18. Oh, it's fine! I actually live in Atlanta; and went to Scott's once.
    It has some great finds.

  19. Your weekend posts are my favorite! Yay for tiny ballerinas.
