
The Summer of Self Improvement -- The Detox: An Update

Claire Nereim's lovely new work, Seasonal Vegetables of California...it relates to the post. I promise.

So this week there has been success and there has been, ummfailure.

The success was (surprisingly, as I thought this would be the hardest part) on the sugar and alcohol front. In fact, you might even say I've been a bit of a no sugar/no alcohol machine, as with the exception of one (teeny, tiny…a crumb really) homemade brownie early on and a few sips of a lavender, lemon, gin concoction (which sounds sort of medicinal, yes?) on our date last Saturday, I’ve not slipped up at all.

And I’m happy to report it’s paying off. I feel great. Like super-power great…loads of energy, sleeping really well, (slightly) looser jeans. So definitely worth it.

I’ve also started drinking a (supremely disgusting, but seemingly effective) daily “green” shake, which pretty much consists of some green veggie powder (that I’m envisioning includes every single item represented in Claire’s incredibly lovely calendar above…see the connection?) and some cranberry juice swirled together in the blender and consumed as fast as possible, with my nose plugged. Totally gross, but again, makes me feel great, so worth it…

Ok, now onto the failure, otherwise known as “the shopping.” I’m sad to report that I have thrice cheated. Not huge cheats, but a cheat is a cheat, so no excuses. And they all occurred last Friday after my super virtuous dinner at La Duni with Bryan and the girlies. It was like abstaining from the warm chocolate pudding cake and expertly muddled mojitos was just too much to handle, causing me to break during the short walk from restaurant to movie theater during which time I was sucked into the vortex of cute that is Peek and bought three new things for the girls.

Things they didn’t need. Ugg.

But I haven’t given up. I’m still committed to staying the course through the end of the month, despite my upcoming work trip to Germany, as there’s nothing like a little foreign travel to set the consumption drive in motion. (Luckily my boss has scheduled back-to-back meetings the entire time I’m there…really I think he’s just looking out for me. He knows if I was set free in town, I’d surely break the hiatus. Thanks Chris ;-)

So onward I go…wish me luck.


  1. Hi Joslyn! Your detox is completely inspiring me to do a similar end-of-summer cleanse . . . can we get more details about the green powder smoothie? (Although, admittedly, the lavender, lemon, gin drink and the muddled mojitos sound so much more delightful!) Thanks!

  2. This is great, I am on day 13 on my detox and I am feeling like a million dollars, everything is so much better when you are and feel healthy. Way to go!

  3. Good for you! No self-reproach! The very fact that you've started something and are going to keep going with it fills me with admiration.

  4. here's a little more info. the powder is garden of life "perfect food" and I mix it with 100% pure organic cranberry juice (no blends)


  5. Congrats on your success and as far as the "failure" , you are honest about it to yourself and we are not perfect, the fact that you are more mindful about how you are spending and living is HUGE!

  6. well it sounds like you are doing well! i couldn't not shop! I'd die!! xxx

  7. Here is a pretty inspiring article for today.

    an excerpt:
    New studies of consumption and happiness show, for instance, that people are happier when they spend money on experiences instead of material objects, when they relish what they plan to buy long before they buy it, and when they stop trying to outdo the Joneses.

    check it out: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/08/business/08consume.html?_r=2&adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1281546049-MB9NeruK2d2d/OCxxv5qZQ

  8. good for you joslyn! i've had some success and failure too. i've been extremely successful in not purchasing one single unnecessary item since august 1. (gilt be damned!) but on the "no sugar" front, i've had a couple days of epic failure (even though I made it through a trip to the OC fair without indulging in a funnel cake, my most favorite of all junk foods!) but I am determined to see it through to the end. thanks again for the inspiration.

  9. lanolyn -- that is a fantastic article! i loved it.

    stephanie -- if you combined your no shopping success with my no sugar success, we'd be doing perfect ;-)

  10. Good for you! I think you're doing fantastic. I'm curious, how do you (or others for that matter) do a detox? What's a typical day like - mostly veggies, meat, fruit? Do you eat dairy?

  11. Good on you. You can't be 100% I guess. I find it relatively easy to restrain myself from buying things for myself but things for the children are tempting. I am trying to do a LIFETIME of no buying rubbish or cheap things. Am doing well so far (10 days in).

    The thing about alcohol and sugar is that once it is out of your system you really don't crave it. And then it becomes quite easy. Which is surpriing really.

  12. Seems like you have the right attitude :) Also, the 'Seasonal Vegetables of California' print reminds me a lot of Nikki McClure's work. Have you ever seen her beautiful prints?? p.s. Happy to hear you have a special connection to Deetjens, it really is the best ever...xoxo

  13. Glad to be able to help your detox. Although if you want I can let you out of a few meetings. And there's always the airport shops. Keep it up - although there may be a new level to aspire to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38614402/ns/business-the_new_york_times/

    Could you live with only 100 personal items? I know I couldn't...

  14. I think I am in need of a detox.... great work.

  15. Chris -- shoot i forgot all about the airport shops...ugg the temptation.

  16. so impressed with you!
    i need that green shake recipe..i could never go on a trip..(overseas nonetheless) and not buy a trinket..we will forgive you if you purchase a lil something and have a pint or 2..

  17. Catherine -- the shake is garden of life "perfect food" mixed with organic cranberry juice...it's gross, i have to warn you ;-)

