
Scenes from Germany...

Wanted to share a few mid-week snaps of my trip, all taken while walking briskly (it's awfully chilly here -- like winter in Texas) to dinner.

As expected, the days pretty much consist of meetings, meals and back to the hotel…no fantastic adventures. But the trip has provided a nice reinforcement (re-energizing) of my desire to consume more mindfully + to live more thoughtfully and simply.

the drink tray at work -- I had to take a quick pic with my blackberry so you'd have a visual...

Every time I visit Europe, I’m reminded how basic, daily things can be well-made and simple and really lovely -- at the office there's sparkling water in pretty blue glass bottles (not plastic) and sturdy little white coffee cups and saucers (not styrofoam). Meals aren’t rushed, portions are small but satisfying. There’s a sort of thoughtful economy to living.

It’s all very civilized and lovely…

And in the spirit of keeping you updated on the detox, I also have to report (confess) that after two days of complete virtuousness (i.e. while my co-workers enjoy fine German beers, I throw back glass after glass of that sparkling water in the pretty bottles), I broke.

I had dessert -- strawberries with mascarpone (below)... It was pretty fantastic, I have to say.


  1. Coffee in mugs and water in glass....they just taste better that way don't they? Lovely pictures. Can't wait to see more!

  2. I agree - Europeans are much more civil when it comes to the simple pleasures of every day living...I like their "less is more" philosophy!!


  3. Oh fun! Ok, I forgive you for breaking down a little here, you are, after all on a trip, outside of the US, surely detoxes don't know the difference?

  4. at first i was wondering what was so special about glasses and mugs and glass bottles, until you mentioned how different it is in America. for us the enormous portions you get in the States are mind-boggling as is the 'more is more' attitude. it's interesting to see how an American sees us Europeans for a change. and, as always, love your blog!

  5. I can't believe you're in Germany and not indulging in a beer, even just for the taste! You're a much stronger person than I. Lovely thoughts throughout.

  6. Love these glimpses, especially the street scenes.
    I agree with you; these simple things make such a big difference.

  7. I am an American. My husband is an Anglo-Peruvian (5th generation British Colonial living in Peru). We married in England. Lived in England for a short while. When a job opportunity came up in Washington DC, we decided to jump the pond.
    Interestingly enough when we were leaving England, my father in law said, "yes those Americans are keen on quantity of life, but how are they with quality of life."
    It always stuck with me. We aim for quality even now, years later.

    mb from Dallas

  8. So beautiful! Reminds me of my "other" home in Prague. Thanks for sharing and it's sooo true about how simple life is there.

  9. Joslyn, it looks wonderful...and I agree...in europe things are less rushed.
    HUGS and enjoy the rest of your stay...

    Oh, I have a GIVEAWAY going on today...pop over if you have time!

  10. I don't think I could stand behind a total detox while in a foreign country! You must have some splurges. (Shopping I can mostly do without while traveling, if I work hard, but food and drink is another thing)

  11. mmm i'm with you on the appreciating water in glass bottles. fantastic.

  12. Hey! I missed where you are in Germany. North/South?

    I have German clients and I adore my trips there. Every one of my colleagues lives a very simple, happy life. They are so inspiring. Even more so than my friends/time in France.

    Enjoy your trip. I really enjoyed the photos. ;)

  13. I loved Germany, we visited a little town called Bremen, which was just wonderful, with its itty bitty streets you can barely walk down. Love the photos.

  14. mmmm...german beer! Looks like a great trip - safe travels home!

  15. "...my desire to consume more mindfully + to live more thoughtfully and simply."

    I've been focusing on that, too, this summer-- but how does it come so naturally in Europe?!
