
A Little Hiatus/Detox Update (a.k.a. an account of my failings)

I'm not going to mince words friends...I am failing miserably at my August shopping hiatus. (Or as my friend Karey would say, F to the AILING.)

And I blame The Gap.

I mean a crazy adorable "American in Paris" collection for kiddos that perfectly coincides with Audrey's French themed birthday party. Really Gap? Really? How am I supposed to have will-power in the face of this.

I am weak. (Don't ask what I was doing in the Gap in the first place...)

But wait, there's more. While I was failing (miserably), I thought why not go down in a blaze of glory and purchased the dress above too, reasoning that I would of course need something new for the Little Bean party next week. Oh and I also bought a CHAKRA dress for Audrey, but mainly because I wanted to wear it as a top (more on that tomorrow).

So, yes, spending hiatus has somehow morphed into mini-bacchanal.

But (and you know I have to include this to show that all is not lost) sugar/alcohol detox, a smashing success. 25 days in and I'm still going strong. There was that giant bar of Toblerone that I inhaled on the flight home from Germany, but I'm counting that as pure sustenance, as I hadn't eaten in eight hours, and it was the only available food-stuff. I didn't even enjoy it. I swear.


  1. I love that collection too! Yay for Francophiles!

  2. i was totally thinking i need something new for the little bean party, too. oh darn, guess i'll have to shop. :)

  3. The Gap has been my weakness the last few months. Why are they getting such cute stuff? And great coupons too! The Give and Get 30% starts in a few days...guess I'll just HAVE to shop more ;)

  4. Oh man....the gap is filled with some mean mother f*ckers, isn't it? :)
    I don't blame you one bit darlin, not one bit! crap, and now I need to go over and take a look at the paris collection. argh!

  5. I'm the opposite... hard to give up sugar, easy to say no to the clothes. Keep going!

  6. melis -- i am cracking up...i will never think of the gap the same way ;-)

  7. the newest stuff in the gap is pretty great; i was just there today -- i totally wanted to buy way more than i did!

  8. Gap.com's Fall Lookbook is actually really cute! Such a pleasant surprise...

  9. hehehe, cute dress though. Way to go on your detox, I have little ability to avoid sugar, but shopping, ahhh, no problem.

  10. I need another hiatus. It's been much too long.

  11. omg that gap collection is adorable. does it come in grown-up sizes??

  12. I was just in baby gap yesterday and it took every ounce of my being not to buy that striped sweater with the bateau neck.

  13. I am laughing my head off!!! Toberlone and tiny Parisian outfits? It's not fair - and you have my full support because there's always September or October or next summer.

  14. i've apparently taken a hiatus from the hiatus. major F to the AIL. (i'm stealing that!) i started out so well, especially with the shopping and then, i don't know, something just broke in the last 5 days and it's completely related to GILT (talk about some sneaky mo-fo's!)

    good on you though for saying no to the sugar and alcohol and (mostly) shopping. i don't know how you visited Germany and stuck to it!

  15. I died when I saw Gap's American in Paris. Died!

  16. Hey! I walked into the Gap today and they are handing out 30% off your ENTIRE purchase now through the 29th!!
    I thought that was plenty of good reason to shop ;)

    p.s. love your blog.

  17. did you notice the dress has ruffles? :-D i'm glad there is no Gap where i live...i'd live in there.

  18. island fairy...it appears i have a ruffle issue.

    i wonder if there's a support group for that? ;-)

  19. I just bought that dres in purple! I am in love with it :) It looks very cute belted as well. I don't blame you for buying it!
