
Some Happy Makers...

an intensely happy spot... (the home of Valentin Loellmann in Maastricht via Pia Jane)

Every once in a while I go back and re-read this post just to make sure I'm following my own "prescription" and, well...doing the things that actually make me happy. And I should note that going back to that "happy makers" list is an especially helpful tactic when I'm feeling on the brink of a little funk. (Which quite frankly, might be my situation of late between the mid-summer heat and blahs and being a bit under the weather -- never fun.)

Here's the actual list in case you're wondering ;-)

Cooking a great meal / Riding my bike / Listening to music / Road trips / Reading / Seeing art / Spending time with inspiring women / Making things with my hands / Being fully unplugged...

So late last week I did just that, and so far it seems to be working... I've tried to hit everything on the list in the past few days (with the exception of riding my bike, due to the aforementioned heat wave/being sick), but I thought I'd share a few highlights...a few major "happy makers" if you will.


In the music category, there's Feist's Paris performance of "1234" and "Mushaboom"... Bryan sent this to me a while back. It's utterly genius and lovely. You must watch...

There's also this trailer, which, yes I know, has been all over blog-land, but it's on my list not so much for the movie (which does indeed look fantastic) but for the song in the trailer (again with the music) -- “I’ll Try Anything Once,” a low-key demo version of the 2006 Strokes song “You Only Live Once"... again genius + lovely...another must watch.

In the reading category, I've just started Willard Spiegelman's book Seven Pleasures -- Essays on Ordinary Happiness. Spiegelman explores the idea that there are seven core practices/activities that (for him) lead to sanguinity: "reading, walking, looking, dancing, listening, swimming and writing." I like his thinking...I'm digging this book.

Finally Christine and I are taking a batik class later this week, and we're in the midst of planning a fun event together in September...so check and check on "spending time with inspiring women" and "making things with my hands."

I've yet to unplug though, and I'm feeling the need (desperately) to do it, as I've been pretty tethered to my computer of late. I'm thinking I'll go completely tech-free this weekend. We'll see how that goes...

So anything making you particularly happy these days??


  1. Thanks for this , Joslyn. It really is a great list :)

    * I didn't spell your name right in my first post. whoops, lol.

  2. Those are big happy-makers in my life too, except riding a bike because I have yet to spoil myself with one. I have been changing the colors on our walls that makes me happy!

  3. I like your list. I think my list would more or less like Spiegelman's with a couple of changes.

    reading, walking, looking, dancing, listening, communicating and laughing.

  4. I have a personal blog that I keep under lock & key (well, password protected) & starting this month, I've been keeping a list of 5 things that make me happy every day. I keep it super simple, but it's really nice to take a brief moment every day to reflect on the good in my life.

  5. Love this post + the cover of that book is gorgeous! I hope you feel better soon!

    We've finally gotten some summer weather here and I am soaking it up like a sponge, trying to take lots of time away from the computer. It's been wonderful since we've had such a cold, dark spring-- which I am sure sounds great to you about now!

  6. i love this list... can not wait to get my hands on that book and I too need to *'unplug'... love your thoughts...

    what is making me happy right now is very simple things, a new orchard, fresh watermelon juice, stickers of Henry that I ordered in the mail... stuff like that.

    *unplugging.... I feel like this concept is getting harder and harder. Ross just got an ipad and I find myself taking it to bed... bad bad bad. let me know if you have any tips on this addiction.

  7. Alexis -- this unplugging thing is totally vexing me ...i'm thinking we need some sort of unplugged support group...

  8. Decorating the house, quilting, sleeping, eating, watching Glee, and so many things. I will be thinking about what makes me happy for a while now.

    Great post. Love the music.

  9. Ooh, spot-on with the Feist! Her music always seems to do the happy-making trick for me! Otherwise, I'm happiest lately baking, covering my sweet baby nephew in kisses, and just being present in the moment (something I'm working really really hard on!). Happy happy thoughts to you.

  10. You know, this post is making me particularly happy...that movie looks beautiful and that book is now on my list....I am so glad you have your list to refer to. I like Willard's list....reading walking looking dancing listening swimming & writing...that sounds like the perfect list for me except I would need to exchange writing with laughing. :) Thanks for this my dear.

  11. I love the list and love hearing about good books. I might have to include this one on my list of books to read! thanks

  12. Unplugging - yes please!!!...maybe we should have a blogger's vacation - we could be very European and take the first week of August off :)

  13. Michelle -- if we were being really Europen we'd just take the *entire* month of August off ;-)

  14. p.s. i love that idea of a bogger's vacation!

  15. I love this list and definitely ig the idea of unplugging. What makes me happy- digging my hands into the dirt and gardening, bonding with my 15month old baby boy, spending quality time with hubby when he's home since he's always off fighting the war, like he is now:-(, painting a wall or two in my house, redecorating, and sitting on the deck and just chill when it's cool in the evenings.

  16. I love the idea of this... thanks for the inspiration! I need to make a list of my own.

  17. I think this is so important--remembering to do the things that really make you happy. Thanks for this post. xo

  18. I had forgotten Feist, I used to listen to her all the time. I must have fallen off the band wagon!

  19. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for the book recommendation. I think it's important for everyone to keep a list of their own....keeps us all refreshed and a reminder to tackle our pleasures in life.

  20. I needed a good book to read and it looks like this one is great. I'm off to the kitchen to help my husband make a omelette and that is making me happy. (I love making omelettes).

  21. Inspiration! I'm so grateful for your sharing it! I am particularly happy these days because I am feeing my creative passions and loving every minute of it and I just spent 10 days with my family. My batteries are recharged and I am excited about life.
