
Scenes from The Weekend

First the good news…I did not eat my body weight in hot dogs.

I managed to exercise great will-power and stopped at two (albeit two on the same day -- one at lunch and one for dinner.) It should be noted that I *never* eat hot dogs, ever, but there's something about the 4th of July that prompts a sort of culinary free-for-all. I'll just confess it here and move on. Deal?

On the bad news front, I did not actually "Liz it", despite a rainy, mellow long weekend that was ripe for a highly creative, ambitious project. I did manage to accomplish a few things of note though, specifically: I finished reading Prodigal Summer*, made a peach/raspberry cobbler from scratch, hung Millie's bunny poster and washed all the cushions on our outdoor furniture. So not highly creative, but productive none the less.

Other holiday weekend highlights included the requisite fireworks, our friend Tim's genius pulled pork, an especially fantastic family dinner at Bolsa with lovely cousin Erin and boyfriend Ben (as a side note, I think Bolsa is officially my favorite restaurant in Dallas...), making fairy necklaces + a rockin swim party.

A good weekend all around for sure. Hope yours was filled with all sorts of summery fun!

* Actually the reading of Prodigal Summer may have promoted the burst of domestic productivity, as there's nothing like a book about farming to get you washing cushion covers and making a cobbler, i'm just saying...

And thank you guys for your strong recommendations to actually read Prodigal Summer. I LOVED it.


  1. What a dreamy weekend!. I agree books can be very persuasive. I love that poster on Millie's room, where is it from?
    Glad you had a great weekend, here's to many more!

  2. beautiful pictures from your weekend. thanks for sharing.

  3. Sounds like an amzing, fun and productive weekend!
    Hope you have a lovely week!

  4. Prodigal Summer manages to be sexy, inspiring, and earthy with such ease. Glad you enjoyed as much as the rest of us.

    Creative chalk board drawings, there!

  5. So sweet! I wish fireworks were still legal in our area. We have odd, city to city laws.

  6. wow, i love all those white paper cranes. looks like a lovely weekend.

  7. I'd say that qualifies as "lizzing it"! That's a lot to do with 2 little ones :) If there is one thing I miss right now, it's energy.

    and p.s. what a month you've had!!


  8. sounds like the perfect weekend. now I need to read that book. that cracks me up about doing extra choirs after reading a book like that. sometimes I don't even know how I could run another load of laundry and then I think that my great grandmother washing everything by hand for 5 children on the homestead... then i just feel lazy.

  9. Hi Ana
    the bunny poster is from Debbie Carlos


  10. is that chalkboard in your yard? love it! my husband has a new project for the weekend...

  11. Stephanie...it is indeed a chalkboard in my yard ;-) on the porch actually. I have a bit of a chalkboard addiction. i have to say.

  12. What a great idea to have a large chalkboard in your yard!

    I too, have a little chalkboard addiction, but haven't realized it until recently.

    Just bought a cool table top chalkboard from Lakeshore (bought it for a cooking party, but really b/c I wanted it)...and we're (when we get back from vacation in a couple of weeks) going to add a chalkboard to one of the doors in our kitchen! Glad to know I'm not alone:).

  13. Did you LOVE the Kingsolver? It's one of my favorites...it's a real comfort, don't you think? xoMeg

    p.s. Love the chalk board wall...

  14. Megan -- I LOVED the kingsolver.
    I think it will have to become a yearly read...every summer. It was perfection.


  15. I am in love with those little feet in those little yellow sandals. Too cute!

  16. http://evelynbcosaslindas.blogspot.com/

