

This fantastic acrylic and suede bib necklace by Otto (makes me want to put hubby to work cutting some pieces of acrylic for me...hmm)

This genius wedding -- and I typically don't get all swoony over weddings (especially really bright, whimsical ones... I'm usually go for the woody, boho/glam numbers), but this one is so lovely and clever and...well, happy.

And her dress. Holy cow that dress.

This beautiful ombre pillow (found via the lovely mrs. french)

Lauren's perfect taupe tank (oh and that signet ring on her pinkie too... love. love. love.)

This suede wrap bracelet from land's end canvas.

As a side note, ever since I went to lunch with my incredibly stylish friend Lauren, who happened to be sporting an armful of bangles, I've been obsessed with piling them on...it's sort of the arm version of a statement necklace. The key (I think) is to mix good stuff with costume stuff and metal (gold and brass for me) with something soft like maybe a friendship bracelet or the suede number above...

Oh and it's only $6.

(and as another side note, I was recently on land's end's site buying some shoes for the girlies {and yes, that bracelet too}, and I used their online help option. It was completely fantastic...man online shopping has come a long way.)

This dreamy vintage painting from Erie Basin (I'm dying to visit Erie Basin in real-life...)

And in what might possibly be the most random inclusion on a "loving" list ever, this ping pong table, which I'm dreaming of putting on our back patio...I have all sorts of visions of sipping gin and tonics and playing table tennis with Bryan to a steady playlist of Vampire Weekend.

Weird I know.


  1. I'm in love with that painting! I always crush on unattainable things ;) The ping pong table would be a blast. My husband has been wanting one for a while and after seeing the bright blue one in Windsor Smith's house http://bit.ly/cejQOt, I'm on board too!

  2. The necklace and blouse are seducing me...

  3. Kyle -- that blue ping pong table is pure awesomeness.

  4. wow -- that veil! what a stunning detail. i'm with you on the woodsy weddings. great find.

  5. There's an additional 20% off the Lands End Canvas sale stuff today too. I just grabbed a bracelet and a slouchy little sweater for $20. I've been curious to check it out.

  6. I was at that wedding!!! The bride is my neighbor, and she hid that amazing dress in my closet until the big day. It was the happiest, most loving fun celebration I've been to in a long time.

  7. mary -- how cool! oh that dress is seriously the most amazing thing ever.

    i was smitten with every detail of that wedding!

  8. The painting, wedding, and blouse are divine! And the ping pong table is just fun...many happy fam memories were made playing that game! :)

  9. love it all from the blouse all the way to the ping pong table!

  10. That painting is amazing. Lovely blog too, nice to find you.

  11. i love outdoor games. add some gin tonics? i'm very much in. xoxo. missing you.

  12. that pillow is so lovely! i adore the texture.

    xo Alison

  13. I've been bitten by the bangle bug. Now if only I can figure out how to not make noise with them at work. They all bang against the desk!

  14. I'd love a ping-pong table! Just need to get the patio set first... It's such a great summer evening activity.

  15. Okay, so first the chalkboard commonality... and now the ping pong table!

    I love ping pong tables!! I got one for a gift as a kid and was so happy. The best gift ever. So, I say, "Go for it." Not weird at all:).

  16. Agreed that her rings are so pretty!

  17. The taupe top is so very pretty - but I can't get past either of her rings!

  18. Erie Basin is fantastic. I have been a follower for a while. Love all the vintage jewels. Never have been to the shop in Brooklyn? I think that is where it is.

    As for the ping pong table? Get one ASAP, the fun never stops. We have had the goofiest tournaments at our house.

    mb from Dallas

  19. Get the ping pong table! We had one on our back patio, and whenever I play ping pong, I have my parents' soundtrack (The Mamas & the Papas, Peter, Paul, & Mary, the Beach Boys, etc.) in my head. You'll be making such memories for the girlies and their friends.

    And that wedding dress is killah. Love!

  20. Not weird at all...I can totally see that scene :) I always love your "loves" and particularly that gorgeous top & the pinkie ring...I have always loved that look. *sigh* I am wishing you well on your month of August plans hun, you are one brave cookie! :)

  21. LOVE the wrap bracelet...just ordered three :) my first canvas order - any thoughts on the line so far?

  22. post box press -- this was my first canvas order too. so the jury's still out...but the line looks v. well made!
