
Blogger's Favorites -- Emma of The Marion House Book

A detail of emma's home via bloesem

By way of intro to this week's Blogger's Favorites list, I'm going to kick things off with the following:

I want to move into Emma's house.

I'll also say that she is absolutely lovely and kind and talented and that her blog, The Marion House Book, is wholly fantastic and endlessly inspiring. I'll say all of that too, but first and foremost, there's the matter of her house...

Her genius, perfect, "I'd move right in and not change a single, solitary thing" abode.

And it seems I'm not alone, as house lust for Emma's digs abounds in blogland of late. Everyone is smitten it seems, but then again, how could you not be?

So I was so happy when Emma agreed to share her favorites here with us, because really, what's better than seeing a little glimpse of the things that excite such a creative, inspiring person...

So without further ado, herewith Emma's favorites. Enjoy and have a fantastic weekend!


When Joslyn asked me to contribute to her Blogger’s Favorites post I got a bit nervous. Choosing favorites is hard. It seems so definitive and exclusionary. There are so many wonderful places, things, experiences and people out there how could I choose just a handful. And what if I forgot something or someone (which inevitably I will) would I be kicking myself for weeks. Above all, what would my list say about me?

In the end, I decided to just have fun with it and to include some of the things that make me happy. Some are frivolous, some are serious and some are kind of strange (marmite, anyone?) but they are all favorites of mine.

Henry Atticus Lloyd. I don’t think any further explanation is necessary. He is the love of my life (as is the man who took this photo, my husband Myles). (And since they’re also in the photo: Harry Bertoia chairs, art books, bare light bulbs, and Francesco Clemente.)

Swimming in lakes. There is something about lake swimming that is kind of mysterious and totally exhilarating. It’s the trepidation of the coldness before you get in, the deep dark waters teeming with mythical lake monsters, and that moment when you are finally immersed and floating freely. Absolute heaven. (Photo Eamon MacMahon)

RayBan Sunglasses. What would a day at the beach be without a pair of sunglasses? I owned my first pair of Ray‐Bans when I was about thirteen years old (classic tortoise shell Wayfarers which I still have) and now 25 years on I find myself still wearing them. (Although, I’ve moved on to the Aviator style and I’m coveting a pair of the Cats.)

Kilim rugs. You can throw a few kilim rugs into any room and immediately it will feel more relaxed and stylish than when you started. (Photo via Remodelista)

Herringbone floors. The same goes for herringbone floors. I honestly think you could put almost anything on these floors and it would look good. I love the texture, rhythm and depth it gives to a room; the more worn in and warped the better. (Photo via Design Sponge.)

Contrasts. What do the above three photographs have in common? They are an essay in contrasts: light and dark, smooth and rough, old and new. For me, an interior is all about the mix. It’s what gives a space character and soul. (Photo via Canadian House and Home)

Breton Striped Shirts. This top is a classic. It looks as good with a pair of jeans and a trench coat as it does with a bold rose print skirt. Plus if it was good enough for Jean Seberg and Pablo Picasso it is good enough for me.

Marmite. This is one of those things that you either love or hate. Personally, I love it. There is nothing more comforting than a piece of toast with butter and marmite. It reminds me of my childhood and growing up.

Aspen Highlands Bowl. The Highland Bowl in Aspen, Colorado is only accessible by a 700 plus foot climb up the side of a mountain. When you reach the top at just over 12 000 feet you are physically exhausted but in awe of being on top of the world with spectacular views all around you. Then, you get to ski down some of the most beautiful powder and terrain you have ever been on.

The Trinity Ring by Cartier. I don’t own this ring but I wish I did. I love that the three bands symbolize love, friendship and fidelity and that it was designed by Louis Cartier for his friend the poet Jean Cocteau. It is so beautiful and simple yet poignant.

Finally, our house. This is our escape from the world. It’s where we host family and friends for homemade meals, it where Henry took his first steps and it where I get to experiment with everything from chalkboard walls to chocolate root beer bundt cake. I love this place!


  1. Emma, your house is stunning. The charcoal walls, the art. I will arm wrestle Joslyn for it.

  2. Luurve!!! I coveted those Dwell sheets, now kicking myself for not buying them! What a nice list.

  3. What a gorgeous list, those photos are captivating. Love it!

  4. wow. fantastic list! i couldn't agree more about the floors. gorgeous.

    can't wait to check out her blog.

  5. I really enjoyed reading Emma's list of favourite things. I'm totally with her on swimming in lakes -- it's one of my favourites too :-)


  6. Adore Emma, adore her gorgeous home, adore her favorites(especially your little guy there in the chair...I think I may have already said this, but, my little one's middle name is Atticus too :) My fave sunglasses too, Kilim rugs, YES, that ring & top are fab and I am so with you on contrast. Thank you for sharing all of this beauty darlin Emma. Love it to pieces!

  7. Lovely spaces!! And you have a really pretty house!! xxooxxooo

  8. The images of her home are so inspiring, so captivating! I stop by her blog often for creative inspiration. Her home is beautiful, (yours too,Joslyn). A perfect blend of natural elements, mid-century perfection and texture.

  9. Gorgeous list!! And, oh my, her house is fabulous!

  10. loving all the pics - esp marmite - yum xxxxx

  11. nice. one thing to keep in mind however, is that you can get amoebas from swimming in lakes. just sayin

  12. love your rug. who is it by? thanks!
