
Scenes From The Weekend...

Just popping in quickly to share a few photos from our long weekend in California before we head off to New York...

Suffice to say our time there (all cuddling baby Josie and splashing in the pool and In-n-Out burgers and trekking through Sequoia National Forest and gin and tonics by a rushing river and, well…quintessential California mellow) will be a stark contrast to our time in NYC.

But variety is the spice of life, no?

Be back soon...happy Monday!

I had to get in a couple of shots of my beloved See's...

Audrey and my mom strolling baby Josie...


  1. looks like such fun! love audrey's dress and the babe is just adorable!

  2. See's + kumquats = CA perfection!

    And the image of you and Audrey is beyond spectacular!

  3. I really enjoy your blog and all the pictures. Just added you to my blogroll!

  4. See's candy makes me happy. My grandmother always has a plate of it set out on holidays and family gatherings...a tradition I have adopted. But I have to order mine online now that I no longer live in CA :(

  5. Awww what a cute baby she is! I love this photos, thanks for sharing.

  6. that pic of you and audrey..makes me tearie...so sweet!

  7. Ahh, I would kill for some California mellow right now! It's miserably hot in NYC right now and still it's chaotic old self.

  8. That lemon tree is the most fabulous, fantastic, full lemon tree that I have ever seen! Your pictures look so lovely as well!

  9. Love these pictures!!! Especially the 'Sees' the 'trees' the 'gin' the 'kissing' the 'lemons'...well, really ALL of them:). Enjoy your time in the big apple.

  10. Love this post. So serene and full of happy family moments I'm sure.

    My grandparents always (and I mean all year round) had a 2-pound box of See's on the organ bench. Loved diving into that.

  11. Love that lemon tree.
    We bought my niece a Sophie the Giraffe! Classic.

  12. I really love the look of your California adventure. I went camping in King's Canyon National Park last summer, which I believe is quite close to the Sequoia National Forest if I'm remembering correctly. Was there any place in the forest that you particularly adored? I'm in need of a weekend getaway!

  13. what a sweet adventure with your daughter you will both remember that trip west for a life time. precious.

  14. great pics! See's Candies are the BEST!!!



  15. I secretly think looking at photos of other people's vacation is almost as good as going on vacation. Hope your packing was spot on.

  16. What a fun weekend, judging by the pictures at least. And there is more to come!

  17. Love these photos, especially the outside of the coffee shop. Sequoia National Forest is so cool too, isn't it?

    P.S. Just started a new blog, everyone, and I'd love for you to stop by!

  18. Awww! what a fun weekend... those peaches look scrumptious! Hope you have a lovely trip to NYC.

  19. I visit your blog first time. Your blog is so nice. This post is lovely.
    Thanks for this

  20. Love Sees and the Sequoias! We went there last Sept on our vacation. I covet that lemon tree too!

  21. You are so gorgeous! You need more facial shots!
    Lovely pics.

  22. megan -- yes i think king's canyon is pretty close to Sequoia National Forest...

    we only spent the day up there, but the giant forest and the Sherman Tree were completely and totally magical.

    I would highly recommend!

  23. mmmm. the sierras are the best.

    for a second i thought that was my baby in your photo. CLEARLY not, but my sleep deprived brain was like OH, baby + california = mine.

    Next time you come to LA, you must promise to let me know.

