
Scenes from The Week-End

dancing girlies pic taken by lovely cousin erin...

our sweet friend molly donning her bosquez earrings...

It was the best kind of weekend -- full but still totally fun and relaxing... And that combo is a rarity these days, as I am a consummate over-planner -- a master of the double-book if you will.

It's usually not a good thing, but this time it panned out. Big time.

We kicked things off on Thursday evening with a v. fun picnic and live jazz at the DMA. We wanted to do something special since it was Audrey's last day of school (which frankly blows me away), so we rounded up lovely cousin Erin and her brothers (handsome cousins Addison and Brandon) and my dearest most geniusy friend Achlee + fam, packed up loads of food, including cupcakes with little Japanese masking tape flag toppers (because you have to be festive when you're celebrating, no?) and had a totally fab time.

Then on Friday we had the Visneaus over for a French themed dinner (complete with eggs, Carla Bruni tunes and lots of wine), and our four collective girlies ran wild (in a good way) -- think epic dance performances and lots of inflatable pool shenanigans...

Saturday morning it was off to the lake for an overnight with more fantastic friends where at one point late that afternoon while we were idly cruising around on a pontoon boat, Millie turned around, wind whipping through her hair, and passionately proclaimed, "I love this boat!!!"

Good times all-around!


  1. Can you tell me where that beautiful yellow and blue necklace comes from? It's gorgeous!

  2. sdani -- the necklace is actually my cousin Erin's. I think she got it at Anthropologie last year...

  3. Lovely! what fun! smiles.....

  4. Congratulations to now-first-grader Audrey! Noah finished 10th grade today and you have inspired me to do something to celebrate tonight. (No ideas yet.) Sophie doesn't finish 7th grade until the 16th!

  5. My parents have a pontoon boat and my 3 year old niece is very prone to shouting, "I love this boat!" also. (Variation: "I love MY boat!")

    Looks like a fabulous weekend - lovely!

  6. The "I love this boat" comment just killed me.

    Such a unaffected display of joy.

  7. Millie's comment reminded me of the "Jessica" video that went around recently.... Did you see it? DARLING. http://www.youtube.com/user/dmchatster#p/u/0/qR3rK0kZFkg

  8. That weekend sounds amazing!!! Have a great week too!

  9. Those are the best kind of weekends- full but lots of fun too:).

  10. Sounds like a dream weekend!

  11. Simply lovely!!!
    And of course, you had to include a shot of your fab necklaces!! You know I love them so!

  12. Ohh...I love your weekend scenes, so lovely!

  13. yep the necklace is from anthro... i actually got it after they didnt have it anymore but called the coorporate office an d they were able to locate one for me. :)
