
Scenes from New York... (+ A Lot of Lovely and Amazing)

New York City with Audrey was utterly and completely fantastic...

And it was a total whirlwind -- we were literally there for less than 24 hours and somehow managed to pack so much goodness into that single day that I'm still trying to process it all... + we're both a bit exhausted, as due to a cancelled flight, we had to spend last night in North Carolina, but the inconvenience was well worth the experience.

So you might be wondering why we went on this crazy, super-fast adventure right after retuning home from California... Well, we were there on behalf of the lovely and amazing Gabby, who (since sweet baby June is too wee to travel) asked Audrey and me to represent Design Mom at an event sponsored by Electrolux* to promote the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. (That was a mouthful, no?)

*{Electrolux sponsored the event and our trip}

In short, the event was pretty stellar (think Amy Atlas dessert tables) and (even more important) for a completely stellar cause. I'll have a full recap over on Design Mom soon. But in the meantime, you know I had to share a few trip highlights and pics over here...

Here's what we managed to squeeze in during our 24 hours in NYC: a trip to FAO Schwarz (at Audrey's request), a carriage ride around Central Park, a jaunt through Nolita, a dinner meet-up at Pulino's with the lovely and amazing Molly, a ride on the subway, a walk through Times Square after dark (thank you Molly!), the aforementioned Electrolux party, meeting the also aforementioned Amy Atlas, who is, yep, you guessed it, incredibly lovely and amazing and a quick trip to the Museum of Natural History.


Friends I have to say it was a pretty epic time...but we're awfully glad to be home.


  1. This looks like a 'bedazzlingly' fun time for both of you and a very special shared experience to treasure.
    x Felicity

  2. Woweee!! You are such a rock star!
    Sounds amazing...
    mmm...Cafe Habana!

  3. Looks like a wonderful whirlwind of a trip!


  4. Love. It. All. So fabulous!
    So many wonderful photos!
    But of course, the one of Audrey embracing the subway pole is the my fave. The one of her looking at the Pulino shopfront is wonderful, too.

  5. love the photos, especially the ones of audrey! too cute. can't wait until my girly #1 is a little older so we can go off on adventures together. so fun!

  6. oh p.s. where is audrey's lovely little dress from?

  7. Wow! Love it! What a perfect trip for the both of you. Sometimes the last minute, somewhat unplanned and good company make the best trips.

  8. Don't you just giddy thinking about the happy memories Audrey will cherish forever and always?

  9. Hi Stephanie!
    audrey's purple dress is from Peek Aren't You Curious and the grey dress is from Crewcuts...

  10. omg, what an utterly fantastic trip, one you & audrey will never forget. and, i must.have.that.white.v-neck tee. where did you find that little gem? you know i love your style left & right ;).

  11. Carrie -- oh how i wish i could claim that white t-shirt as my own, but it was actually being worn by an incredibly chic girl at the party... i was dying over her necklace too!

  12. First of all, what an amazing mom&daughter getaway, second of all... That necklace is a dream and lastly, I agree with Carrie, you ARE a rock star. Lovely!

  13. I love the gold and black necklace you are wearing. Can you tell me where you got it? So pretty!

  14. You are getting me so excited to go home, love the images!!

  15. Both necklaces are amazing! Do share where we can purchase them!!!

  16. sally + maureen --
    my necklace (the one with the striped tunic) is from Anthro...hubby bought it for me last year for our anniversary.

    The other one was being worn by an incredibly chic gal at the event we went to...she said it was vintage. Sigh.

  17. Totally overwhelmed by all the beauty. You and sweet Audrey. The colors, that Amy Atlas table, the jewelry, the museums. Oh, sensory overload for sure.

  18. It warms my heart that this event was for Ovarian Cancer research - I lost my grandmother and a young coworker to this awful cancer. Anyway, you look stunning and Audrey is gorgeous - so styling, both of you!

  19. What a fun trip! I can't wait to read the recap on Design Mom!

  20. so fun. we were just there last week -- it truly is amazing. you two look so fabulous!

  21. oh and another ps--i love seeing picturs of your face =) looks like you had some dream hair goin' on that day!

  22. so fun! and nyc in the summer is the best. so steamy and colorful.

  23. That's the first time I've seen a picture of you (your face that is:))!

    ...You're b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.

  24. WOW, both trips looks so fabulous and fun! I bet Audrey had the best time and has wonderful memories to keep forever! Welcome back.

  25. Wow, looks like a crazy but amazing time Joslyn!!!

  26. looks like a crazy cool trip. gorgeous images!

  27. so great! looks like a fun time!

  28. I can't thank you enough for attending, Joslyn! Your report is fantastic. And I love the shot of you in the striped tunic. So glamorous!
