
An Outfit (Deconstructed) ...

I am not a daring dresser.

No I usually play it safe, clinging to a few basics that I wear constantly (read: until they're threadbare) and then mixing things up with fun necklaces and shoes.

As a general rule, I don't think it's a bad way to dress. But it's not necessarily exciting either -- Let's just say I'm not likely to get snapped by Garance Doré in this lifetime...

Lack of sartorial elan aside, I thought it might be fun to start a new (weekly?) feature where I share an outfit currently in heavy rotation and give you the details of each piece. (+ a few of you have e-mailed and commented lately asking where certain things are from, so it seemed like a good solution.)

Here goes, I've worn this striped tank, cardigan, jeans (now that it's getting hotter, I'll swap out the jeans for a black cotton skirt...) combo no less than five times over the past month, so I thought it would be a good ensemble to kick-off the series.

The Details:


  1. love love those shoes! I can't wear heels lately, so I'm jealous.

  2. i think garance would snap you in a minute. her photos really key in on details, which you have an eye for.
    such as, as that perfect roll on your jeans and 2nd the fab shoes!

  3. I adore Demylee! This is a great look.

  4. I like your new series idea! Sounds fun - and I need some inspiration, so it's appreciated.

    Love the homemade necklace + broken necklace. Lack of sartorial elan??? Nah.

  5. Stripes are timeless and yet lend an air of mystery. Way to rock the favorites.

  6. what a great idea!

    kiwi is a gilt fanatic... but i always get a little nervous about shopping online. i never know if things are going to fit properly!

    p.s. love love love the shoes. a wardrobe staple for sure!

  7. stick a pair of leggings on and now shorts and you have me! love it!

  8. i love how all styles of jeans (including lengths and rolling) are in now! it's so liberating. love the outfit, especially those great shoes.

  9. I definitely like your style. Relaxed but still an element of chic.

  10. Are you kidding me with those shoes? Lady, I so want to raid your closet right now.

  11. i totally need a new pair of jeans. Now I know where to go...


  12. I have the same jeans, they're great!
    Did they come in white? I want them in white...

  13. I love the idea of you doing this weekly. I always think your outfits are great.

  14. Love this new series! Thank you so much!

    I know you mentioned it awhile ago, but will you be selling your necklaces? I'd love to commission one similar to what you're wearing if I could??

    Let me know!

  15. Love this outfit and idea for the posts! Please keep it up.

  16. I've always admired your style! Love this new series!! Thanks!

  17. LOVE the shoes!

    This outfit series sounds fun...I love seeing what others are wearing

  18. Please continue this series/feature... Love it!

  19. hi - i just stumbled upon your blog and i am really loving it. so pretty. do you live in SF? I do!! I blog about style from my little apartment in SF and I would love for you to check out my blog someday.

    that bunny poster is just so darn adorable.



  20. Love the outfit! I have a pair of those jeans, and they are my faves! I'm also loving stripes right now, and that cardigan looks comfy. Fun shoes too. Nice! It's always fun to see what others put together.

  21. I've written about this before--you have awesome necklaces and style. I'll happily take your hand-me-downs!

  22. oh, joslyn. your style ABOUNDS. and that necklace? genius.

  23. Great idea. Love the outfit (especially the shirt & shoes) and look forward to seeing more.

  24. Gorgeous! I absolutely love the outfit...very stylish. I like your fashion style.
