
An Outfit (Deconstructed) ... + Some Packing

I am heavy in “outfit creation” mode for our two trips. (There’s nothing like planning for a trip to put you in sartorial overdrive, no?)

I completely geek out when it comes to packing. I lay out all of my outfits for each day of the trip + all the coordinating accessories before anything ever makes it into the suitcase. And, if it's an extra special trip (like our upcoming NYC adventure), I might even try on the outfits in advance. I know, I know...

So this week's outfit is the result of my OCD packing tendencies*. I scoured my closet for my most favorite pieces and am planning to wear this to dinner Monday night in the city.

The Details:

* I could probably do a completely separate post on packing, as I put so much thought into the process...

Here's the lowdown -- I try to never, ever check bags, as too much can go wrong with that whole scene, so I'm pretty ruthless about what I bring, including only what I think I'll actually wear (thus the outfit planning) and nothing else. I also keep a little travel toiletry kit at the ready with carry-on size versions of my shampoo, cleanser, etc... And (this is the really nutty part), I keep lists of what I've packed on previous trips to make future packing easier. I told you...I have packing issues.

The photo above is our packed suitcase for NYC. (Audrey and I get home from California on Sunday evening and then leave for New York at 5:00 am the next morning, so I had to pack that suitcase in advance, which is a situation I've never quite encountered before...) Since we're going to be there for less than 24 hours (!), I'm allowing us only two outfits each. That's it...nothing else. (I figure heck, we're going to be in New York City, we can buy something if we have to, right?)

Wish us luck!


  1. Wow! I thought I was a packing-organisation queen, but you far surpass me! Love the outfit too. ox

  2. very organized - i'm a nutty packer - i bring WAY too much - but i do "set up the outfits from head to toe" but then just bring a bunch of other stuff JUST in case ..

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  3. I love it. I am exactly the same way with packing. I start with lists, then try on, lay out, pack. It's a process! Glad I'm not the only one! Have a great trip!!! That dress is perfect!

  4. First of all, LOVE your special pieces and they outfit they create together!

    Second, I completely geek out for packing, too - I have done everything you do here EXCEPT keep lists from past trips (which I will now do!). I am also a fanatic about NOT checking bags, and I love bringing the bare minimum that I know will work.

    I can't wait to hear about your trips! Bon voyage!

  5. Love it!

    I'm going to NYC in about a month. Even though I used to live there, I still feel pressure to look cool. Have fun and eat lots of good food!

    I never check my bag, either. Mostly because I am paranoid about it getting lost. And, also, one time, my flight was cancelled and everyone had to run from the gate to the ticket counter. However, if you checked your bag, you had to wait for it to come down the conveyor belt.

  6. Omg this is amazing. I have strange tendencies when it comes to packing and being organized in any way. I see travel and packing as an interesting challenge so I don't think you are crazy at all. I think you are genius. Good luck. And I have loved seeing your outfits.

  7. love the outfit! that necklace is incredible!!! i need to take a page out of your packing notebook...i am continually burdened with an overstuffed (not to mention over weight requirement) suitcase. and somehow always manage to forget something crucial i.e: underwear.
    xo, anne

  8. LOVE the outfit. you are the best at accessories. I think I need to take packing tips from you. I wait till the last minute and just hope things match when I get there. Have fun on your trip!

  9. Great necklace! Love how you paired it with a completely different print.


  10. this is exactly how I pack, and I never check my bags. My husband thinks it's cute. My friends think I'm crazy. Have a great trip.

  11. love the dress! have fun on your trips with your girlie #1.

  12. TARGET!! you are killing me! love this series.

  13. You should post a packing checklist; I am that person that, hours before the plane leaves, is tossing things into a bag, any bag she can find; never mind if its a carry on or not.

  14. Can someone please tell me where I can get the Art-to-Go crayon set in the last picture. I would love that for my son for an upcoming trip. Thanks !!

  15. I am an incredibly ruthless packer as well. And I used to be right there with you on carry on bags only, but now that the airlines are sort of forcing people to do carry on only by charging so much, I get totally overwhelmed. I hate having to rush onto the plane in order to try to snag some overhead bin space, especially when so many people have carry ons that aren't really small enough to be carry ons.

    Ranty, yes. But I've finally been driven to checking luggage so that I can board the plane with just my purse, feeling serene.

    On a more cheerful note - have the best time! Cali has been gorgeous, weather wise, so I hope it holds for you girls!

  16. What a gorgeously packed bag. And love the outfit. What a fun series of posts. Maybe you could do a photo a day while you're on vacation. I'd love to see the outfits you came up with. I think it's amazing that you're packed, appear to have lots of extra room and part of it is taken up by a box of art supplies and a book!!! That is masterful packing. Have a wonderful time. (That art-to-go set does look fun. I think I've seen it somewhere but can't remember...will keep thinking!)

  17. my jaw just dropped. i'll have to make sure my husband doesn't see this post...he insists i overpack but i SWEAR i always end up using all the extra stuff i pack my extra suitcase with! :-/

  18. Well, you and my husband would travel well together. We took his kids on a two week tour of Europe five years ago and each traveled with only one carry on bag each. Didn't get to check a single thing. My outfits were sad and pretty much screamed tourist but navigating airports was super easy. Your outfit looks amazing. Can't wait to hear about the trip.

  19. yes yes please anyone know where to find the art-to-go set. nothing on google. i know i have seen them before as well!

  20. Also, who makes the purple top! That is an awe-inspiring suitcase you have going on :)

  21. This is very, very impressive!

  22. I can totally relate to packing early and a dress rehearsal if necessary -- that way, you know you've got everything covered & you rarely forget anything. Lovely ensemble!

  23. You have the prettiest wardrobe!

    I also try on every outfit while packing. My husband thinks I'm nuts.

  24. Prodigal Summer! Great travel book, xo

  25. oh my gosh... your post just totally stressed me out and inspired me at the same time.

    you know i travel ALL the time and my routine consists of (for example a 8 day trip): 8 t shirts, 8 pairs of underwear, 2 pairs of jeans, 2 american apparel dresses (can be worn as skirt, dress, or tunic) one nice versatile shoe, one "sneaker" one pair of flip flops, one pair of high heels, all the jewelry i can fit in a drawstring bagi got in Japan, toiletries... GO!

    sorry for the long comment, but i am SOOOO impressed that you lay out the outfits! fo real

  26. gorgeous dress ! Have fun on your trip to nyc :)

  27. Love to know that I am not alone in this! I am ashamed to say that I take it one step further--I keep a spreadsheet of my "closet" (literally, a pic of every item I purchase) and then make a spreadsheet for every trip. I can arrange the outfits virtually and then print the trip's spreadsheet to take along with me.

  28. I try on and pack outfits together. I try to coordinate it so everything goes with the same shoes and jewlery. Speaking of jewelry, LOVE the necklace. I am flabbergasted by Amanda's comment (and a little jealous I'm not that organized).

  29. Your necklace is amazing! Proof that jewelry is artwork.

  30. I absolutely love your dress! It's beautiful. And I really admire your packing strategy. I would read a post on how you pack since I'm really bad at it.

  31. Love your outfit! I totally set out and try on full outfits before packing...does everyone not do that? :) Have a great trip you two!

  32. that necklace is GORGEOUS!!!

  33. Glad to know I'm not the only one who is super organized in the packing department. It drives me crazy to watch my husband pack...he brings way too much and essentially needs a suitcase all to himself. I'm so Type A that I put the kids clothes in ziplock bags and put the day they should wear the clothes right on the bag (I reuse the bags for other trips). This way if I'm in the shower or not in the room then my husband (or now my kids) can pull out the bag without rummaging around the suitcase for the matching shirt, etc. I then either use the bags for liquids or reuse them for another trip. Works like a dream!

  34. My goodness, you must be my packing soulmate! I love preparing for a trip almost as much as actually taking the trip. I hope you have a great time in New York!

  35. Is that the J Crew French nautical shirt in your bag? If so, I have the same one :) Cool necklace too - you have the best jewelry!

  36. first let me say you guys are blowing me away with your packing skills!

    SY -- I am totally "stealing" your ziplock idea...genius.

    katie -- the purple top is a tunicy/dress thing for audrey...it's from Peek + on sale now!


    Alice -- the striped top is actually a little drop waist dress from jcrew, I'm planning on wearing it over jeans ;-)

    p.s. -- The art kit is also from peek, but we got it last Christmas for the girls. I've searched around the Internet and can't seem to find it, but i'll let you guys know if i can track it down...

  37. Love this! I'm a notorious over packer so this is completely inspiring. After loosing my luggage (packed with all my favorite things), I would love to never check another bag.

  38. Totally Cute and I'm totally impressed...I'm more a shove everything in that I might need until the bag is stuffed kind of a packer...and then please help me squish it in the overhead, can't you see I need help because I'm so short kind of a traveller...ugh!
    Have a fantastic trip(s)

  39. First of all, I adore your outfit. I cannot believe you got those wedges at Target.
    Second, I am obsessed with packing and would like to think that I get better with each trip but inspiration and ideas from others always helps. I think you should definitely do a post all about packing.

  40. Such an organized suitcase! I had to pack for a month in Vancouver this past February. I made it with one carry-on sized suitcase for ALL my clothes and one med sized duffle for snow boots and winter coat and such bulky stuff. WHICH I could have left at home because it only rained and was in the 60s most of the time. lol. Live and learn.

    Have fun on your short trip to NYC. So much to see and do here.

  41. I'm going to look for those super cute shoes! Have a wonderful time with your daughter:).

  42. You have the best outfits! Have fun on your trip.

  43. i thought i was the only one that was obsessive about packing. i always pick out/try on my outfits before hand and only allow myself one substitute option. ha. i love the eagle creek pack-it system from the container store -- i have no idea how you fit everything in that suitcase without them! have so much fun!

  44. was an article I liked. Thanks for sharing....

  45. I'm sooo with you - I HATE checking bags, so I'm totally ruthless about what I pack. Love to be efficient!!
    Have fun in NYC! It's hot as heck here..


  46. Okay, I just had to comment on this post as it had me laughing out loud! I'm the daughter of a geographer and I have spent my LIFE trying to perfect my packing routine. Seriously, in my younger years it's a sickness that led me to throw clothes away after trying to lift HUGE, heavy suitcases on and off trains and up and down stairs. These days, I make lists and lists and more lists, and after making one for my last trip, I accidentally saved it in a file at work. When someone opened up what they thought was a word doc with copy for an ad campaign, they found my list instead! The HORROR! Oh well, at least I was organized right??
