
Scenes from The Weekend

a little sneak peek of this week's outfit...

I'm happy to report that we had another "full but not manic" weekend.

And I think I *might* finally be getting the hang of this whole “not over-booking, over-scheduling, over-planning every second of our weekends so that by Sunday evening my family ends up looks like worn out little rag dolls all glazed over like they don’t know what hit them." (Yes, I realize that was a mouthful...)

The trick (after much intervention from my friends who think I’m a smidge crazy in the planning department) is (according to my buddy Achlee) to do only one thing a day. One. That’s it. That’s the formula.

I set out to follow her guidance this weekend and (with one small exception on Sunday, which we won’t talk about) actually managed to pull it off.

Here’s how things went down -- We had a fun (read: simple) dinner of grilled burgers and feta potatoes with the aforementioned Achlee and family on Friday, Audrey and I had a mother/daughter date on Saturday (lunch and the ballet at the Winspear) and then there was our sweet friend Amelie’s birthday party on Sunday (+ that other party right after the birthday party that I won’t talk about so it looks like I actually succeeded…)

Now I realize this is going to be completely obvious, as most sane people already know this formula and don’t possess my (apparent) fear of, well… relaxing, but the payoff on this new “one a day” plan is that we actually had time to laze around. We lingered over breakfast, stayed in our PJs and read, and made simple dinners at home on Saturday and Sunday. Millie even took long naps both days. Bliss.

Hope your weekend was splendid and filled with all sorts of good down-time!


  1. Oh, I'm so guilty of this too. Yesterday, my to-do list had 12 things on it. I got them all done, including writing three columns. The worst part is I don't realize how harried I am, because I like being productive and am sortof addicted to ticking those things off lists... But it has such a negative cumulative effect on me. I'm just knackered all the time! I'm so glad you're wrapping your head around this!!

  2. I love having "nothing" time. I get stressed when I have too many things planned out! I am definitely a one-a-day girl!

    I have a giveaway on my blog at the moment if you want to check it out xx

  3. Beautiful snapshots, as always. Where is that gorgeous hurricane lamp from?

  4. Sounds like good advice!!! And a perfect weekend too.

  5. anon -- the hurricane is from Global Views!

  6. I love Mother Daughter dates! I'm sure your little lady appreciates them :)


  7. I love the one thing a day idea...in fact, I did one thing yesterday...rode 36 miles to redondo beach and back...only one thing, but left me feeling like I'd done 20. Maybe I need to do one 'easy' thing:)

  8. much agreed! one-thing-a-day is a great formula for balance -- not too hectic, and plenty of room to savor the down time.

  9. This is the exact approach that I take during summer vacation. I hear so many moms talking about booking every second of their summer, terrified that their kids might actually get bored. I could probably write a book on this topic and it's [present and future] on both parents and kids, but I will spare you my full rant. :) During the summer, we typically (of course there's always the exceptions) do ONE thing, such as a picnic, museum, swimming, etc. The rest is spent playing outside with friends, grocery shopping, cooking, reading...just doing things that have to get done, having some down time, and hanging out! In our house, this IS the formula for [my] sanity and balance- and teaching my children that it's OK and necessary to have downtime...to just BE.

  10. i keep looking at your outdoor table and chairs and wonder if it's from crate & barrel. my finger is thisclose to hitting the order now button. it's just what we're looking for, i think.

  11. Anon -- the table and chairs is actually from IKEA. We bought the set this season. I love it...v. sturdy!

  12. What a lovely weekend! I always enjoy your weekend summaries. Love your pics too!

  13. Hi there love your blog! Is that first gorgeous pic part of your flower arranging skills? Beautiful...can I ask are those flowers real or faux? Would love to copy the display in my little home in London ;)

  14. Anon -- actually the first pic is just a bunch of gardenias from our bush outside that I cut and stuck in a vase.

    Super easy! and smells insanely good ;-)

  15. That's what you learn when you're a Mama! How to balance and sometimes, just let go! I always enjoy these posts.

  16. I am slowly beginning to understand the philosphy that weekends are for rest; not to pack everything I wished I was doing in the week, into 2 days. But I repeat, I am SLOWLY beginning to understand read:exhausted from the weekend.

  17. I hear you about over-booking! We really, really try to stick to the one-thing-a-day trick and it seems to work. Its not easy but by Sunday night you're pretty happy you're not run ragged from a crazy weekend. xoxo

  18. Totally on board with the one a day thing...but I'm naturally pretty lazy ;)
