
Scenes from The Weekend Part II...

Another photo-laden post (sorry friends, there were just so many "snap-worthy" things to document...) First up, Spartan, which was even more fantastic in-person. This truly is a dream shop -- a wee, shotgun space filled with the absolute most beautiful/interesting things. I would have happily walked out with one of everything, but settled on a little wooden owl bottle opener, as I knew I still had Renegade ahead of me and was trying to shop mindfully.

But it was awfully tempting...

Bonus -- the genius behind Spartan, the completely lovely Currie, was so sweet to the girlies... Before entering the shop, I had a full-on "touch with your eyes" pep-talk with Audrey and Millie, as I knew we were about to be faced with a slew of breakables and was prepping for their inevitable desire to touch every. single. thing. (I do that too, so I completely get the inclination, but still...)

Sweet Millie was channeling her best Lennie in Of Mice and Men impersonation as she entered the store chanting, "I will not break the pretty stuff, I will not break the pretty stuff"... It was awesome. And Currie, immediately tuning in to what was going on, procured a basket of toys from behind the counter so the girls could plop down in the middle of the store and play. (Rather genius, no?) Crisis totally averted.

the cute boys at Public School not bothered at all by A+M checking out every.single.detail. in their booth...

Sunday we logged in a couple of hours at Renegade Craft Fair, and in the words of my friend Jodi, it was "awesome overload."

Highlights included (but not limited to):
  • The cute crew of boys at Public School who turn out some of the very best design work around (I snagged the "tie your shoes..." poster in the pic above...) They were also really sweet to the girlies despite the fact that they insisted on touching every single poster in the booth.
  • The completely, fantastically adorable Miss Natalie... her stuff is even more awesome in person. (I got audrey one of her handmade dresses, which might be the only thing I didn't take a picture of all weekend.)
  • Tobie Alexander Wahl's awesome A. Wahl designs booth. (Tobie is the creator of that genius Obama silhouette pillow.)
  • Friends (and simple lovely sponsors) Shannah and Casey of f. is for frank -- I am in love with their jewelry.
  • Christine's perfect Baby Bean booth (of course)
  • The Krank Press booth -- loved every single card, notebook + print and left with a fantastic "seasonal produce of Texas" perpetual calendar...
  • Lisa Chow's whimsical art work
  • Leah Duncan's super lovely work...
Whew -- I know I'm missing someone... See "awesome overload" indeed, no?


  1. No apologies...photo laden posts are the best posts in my opinion!

  2. I too like the pictures. looks like fun.

  3. I have the "Tie Your Shoes" poster in Milo's room! It's the best.

  4. Kate -- i'm not surprised that we like the exact same thing ;-)

    ...we have to hang out for sure next time i'm in austin!

  5. thanks for the comment on my blog. if i knew you read it i wouldn't have made the creepy lake highlands remark. i'm not a stalker or anything. i've lived in LH almost my entire life so i can spot an LH house from a mile away.

  6. So fabulous!

    And I have the seasonal produce of SoCal calender from Krank Press and absolutely love it. Was thrilled to see that they've done regional ones for other areas as well.

  7. I bought a great print from Lisa Chow!!!

  8. Looks and sounds like so much fun. I love craft fairs!

  9. This looks amazing!! I definitely would have blown my paycheck...


  10. I love your weekend posts! Always lovely photos, and I enjoy seeing what you all did (always something cool). ;)

  11. la la la la awesome overload! love everything.

  12. ohmygoodness!!! you just had my fantasy weekend!!
    i always seem to fall into fairy tale land with your posts miss joslyn, but this one was especially bedazzling. thank you.

  13. I love the pictures. I've seen other blogs psoting about this event--looked so fun! I want to go to Austin already!

  14. Thank you for the intro to Spartan! I just ordered some of their Spanish wine glasses...I love their shop!

  15. mary -- you'll love those glasses...so pretty in person -- very thin and short. perfection.

  16. Amazing photos. They each tell a story of their own. This event looked like it would be lots of fun.

  17. Thanks so much, Joslyn--it was fantastic meeting you and your adorable family!! I'm hoping to head up to Dallas at some point this summer maybe for a Dallas Flea, so I'll KIT.

    Miss Natalie

    You're so dead-on about Spartan! One of my favorite shops. I'm about to head out there tonight for a trunk show that's sponsored by Maker's Mark and Salt & Time Salami (www.saltandtime.com). Great combo, no?

  18. I keep seeing all of these great photos popping up from Renegade and I'm so jealous I couldn't make it out to Austin for the show! I wanted to so bad... I made the trip out for the Stitch craft show a couple of times, but I just wasn't able to go this time around. Seems like it was a success though, so I'm hoping it will happen again next year and I can come out. (Thanks for the tip on Spartan - I'll have to add that to my Austin to-see list as well!)

  19. I am from Austin, and I must say that I have already written up two articles about this totally awesome boutique, SPARTAN. Its really more of an art gallery if you think about the entire concept of the store.. ya know?

    Anyway, I'm loving your blog. I'm from Austin, but traveling around for the past 9 months up and down cali... i didnt see where you were from?

    Ok, check out my blog. Maybe we are crossing paths! We'll be back in Austin soon too. :) take care, Al
