
Scenes from The Weekend Part I...

So yes, there are a lot of pictures. A. lot. So many in fact, that I'm splitting this monster of a weekend recap into two posts and saving our visit to Spartan and The Renegade Craft Fair for tomorrow (I'll post "Loving" on Wednesday this week...just in case you're keeping track ;-)

And yes, there are a lot of photos of the St. Cecilia (maybe too many, and if you're bored you can just skip them...I won't be offended, I promise), but the place was just so utterly magical and photo-worthy that I couldn't help myself. I took pictures of everything. Every. single. detail. (As I'm sure you noticed in that shot of the sugar above.)

Friends, I'm not even sure where to start with this place. Suffice to say, it was the most fantastic hotel I've ever had the pleasure of staying in. It was luxurious (the bedding, the bed, the toiletries and glasses and yes, the sugar) without being even a little bit stuffy. It was cool (the in-room record player, the decor, the lounge) without being painfully hip or uncomfortably self-aware, and it was mellow and private and still totally kid friendly. The staff was exceedingly nice and laid back and accommodating, the property was beautiful, the room was fantastic, etc, etc...

I can't wait to save every single one of my pennies and go back for a second visit.

Ok, so beyond the hotel (which we clearly didn't want to leave) the rest of the weekend was pretty fantastic too...We did everything on our list + threw in a train ride at Zilker, a cookout with friends and a plate of pankcakes the size of our heads at Kirby Lane. But since the girlies are getting older (and are completely obsessed of late with stories of when Bryan and I were younger), we also wanted to carve out some time to show them a few of the places that had defined us when we lived in Austin.

We drove them past the house where I lived in college (and where Bryan and I first met), took them past where we went on our first date (Shady Grove) and popped into the little grocery store where I worked as a checker (Fresh Plus.) They loved it...(+ Audrey was so impressed that I was a grocery checker, maybe even awe-struck...it doesn't take much to impress your kiddos friends...or at least it doesn't take much to impress my kiddos ;-)

Hope your weekend was splendid as well... I'll be back tomorrow with part II!


  1. I love the part where Audrey is impressed that you were a cashier at a grocery store. That is magic. So sweet. This is a terrific post. Keep the photos coming.

  2. I love that Millie is wearing your new necklace. Looks fab with the bright pink! You are good at sharing; I don't think I'll be letting my two or five year old near mine. ;)

  3. oh stephanie...if you could have only seen the epic meltdown that surrounded the wearing of the necklace.

    let's just say she got to wear it for 10 minutes, and I got it back in exchange for a muffin.

    she's an easy sell...that kid loves food.

  4. ok - so i'm dying here _ the SOUL sign and the blue velvet couch just to die for!!!! .. and the little one's - beyond cute


  5. looks like you had a great weekend. busy and fun! welcome home. amy

  6. I am so wanting to stay there now! Looks wonderful!!!!!! Can't wait to see the rest of the pics.

  7. Gorgeous photos. I live in San Antonio, and I didn't even know about the St. Cecilia until you mentioned it. If the photos are any indication of it's epic amazingness, I think I will be saving up every single one of my pennies for a visit too!

    I will definitely have to get to Austin for some of those Kirby Lane pancakes, ASAP. It's been a couple years since I've been to Kirby, and I adore that restaraunt!

  8. gorgeous hotel, I wish they could all look like that.

    and really, we need to know more about the adorable shoes you are wearing in that pic!

  9. Thanks for all the amazing photos... definitely not too many. I want to move in there! Makes me want to go back to Texas for a visit soon!

  10. kelly -- they are just little Target wedges ;-) i usually grab a pair (or two...I actually bought two pairs of these) of wedges from Target every summer and wear the heck out of them.

    I'm bad on shoes...i wear them out.

  11. Oh Joslyn, it looks just divine. I can't wait to take my family to St. Cecelia...and the snippets of Austin made me nostalgic for summers spent there visiting my grandparents! I need to get back.

  12. We stayed at St. C for our wedding anniversary last month and GAH, isn't it divine? Like, every little detail is so perfectly thought-through. It's just your speed.

    Sorry we did not get to see you when you were down here! Next time...

  13. I am in love with the blue velvet and the little tray of goodies to buy. I want to go! it looks 100% crazy wonderful!

  14. Oh wow, that place looks adorable!!!! We LOVED Zilker and spent all of Sat afternoon there...and of course we did the train ride too! :) So fun! It was such a gorgeous day. I look forward to the next Austin post!

  15. Your trip to Austin looked like so much fun- I was out of town until about 5:30 Sunday (Niece's Baptism)- I barely made it to Renegade, I can't wait to see what you picked up! I love the picture of your little girl wearing the necklace!

  16. Sounds like you had great fun. My kids also love stories from our childhood and for some reason they always think that mum and dad were playing together when they were kids :-)

  17. You need to do more posts on you! I love your style!

  18. Doh!! Why was I giving recommendations to someone who used to live in Austin??
    Seriously though, Fresh Plus? Hyde Park or West Lynn?...I used to live a block away from one and worked across the street at West Lynn Cafe from the other :)
    Looks like an awesome weekend!

  19. Michelle
    I swear we probably crossed paths a million times...I worked at West Lynn and lived a street over on Palma Plaza.

    I LOVED west lynn cafe...so sad to see it's not there anymore!

  20. What a lovely weekend! I ADORE that blue-glass kitchen chandelier. Is it in your home or the hotel? If it's in your home, source, pretty please? :-)

  21. that hotel looks like pure, amazing comfort and also, your girls are seriously adorable. ive contemplated cutting my hair like millies numerous times!

  22. it sounds and looks incredible!

  23. Anna -- oooh i so with that was my house, but alas...it is the hotel ;-)

    but I did find a source for the chandelier as it's on my wish list too!


  24. Too cool! So happy to see you had such fun!

    I used to live across the street from Fresh Plus in Hyde Park and went in every single day! The guys that worked there would joke that if they didn't see me walking into Quacks for a cupcake and GIANT coffee that I would be heading in for a bottle of wine. Gotta love college, right?

    I think we are heading to Austin in a couple of weeks because these pictures and your wonderful details of the weekend have just made it impossible to stay away any longer!

  25. i need to bok my trip to austin stat!

  26. what a beautiful weekend...i love that black & white outdoor floor. hmm, maybe an idea for my house!
    xox alison

    a little p.s. - you might enjoy checking out the Bubble Chandelier DIY post i just did!

  27. Austin has been on our list for a while...but after looking at your photos of the Cecilia this morning it's now at the top :)

  28. JEALOUS!!

    Austin is my fave :)
    As they say in Texas 'Life is too short to live in Dallas!"



  29. i am going back! i miss austin so much and not that there is this new place to stay...i am so going back within the year. then i am going to call you and we are going to get the families together, so you can show me around....just saying! xo t

  30. dulci -- i totally agree ;-)

    mrs. french -- done and done. you just say the word and we'll be there...psst...Karey is threatening the same thing. Maybe a 3 family meet up??

  31. I just love your sweet & beautiful girls hun. They are so sweet and I love that you all had such a great time! That hotel is absolutely amazing....amazing! I don't blame you for taking pics of every detail( which I adore by the way). And that store looks crazy amazing! Love the shots from Renegade too, it is making me SO excited to go to the NYC one in a few weeks. Now, I am going to check all your links! Thanks darlin!

  32. Sounds like a fabulous time ...and that hotel....super cool. I'd take pictures of the sugar too!
    x trina

  33. what amazing photos! (and you look gorgeous, as always) i just bookmarked this for future trips!

  34. Aww, you and your girlies are such a sweet sight...makes me miss my sisters and want to try for a girl, simultaneously.
    And, is it o.k. that I want the little one's haircut? She's a stylin' little thing!
