
Scenes from The Week-End...

For mother's day, bryan hung new outdoor lights for the patio and planted a bunch of lantana (my request ;-)

After almost a month of weekends spent out-of-town, it was fantastic to actually be home. And all sorts of things conspired to make it well...a kinda perfect couple of days. First there was this blissful spring weather. Last week we got a couple of 90 degree days, so I was worrying that we were already headed into the dreaded, oppressive Texas heat, but Saturday and Sunday were cool and lovely. Needless to say, we threw open the windows and doors and relished what might be our last really mild weekend...

On Saturday we worked in our little container garden a bit (our tomatoes are going gangbusters) and hosted dinner for our couple's book club (a Mexican feast.) Then on Sunday, Bryan and the girlies orchestrated my best. mother's. day. ever... They made me coffee and breakfast and lovely homemade cards, then we went to the museum (where we virtually had the place to ourselves) and out to our traditional Mother's Day brunch at La Duni...The rest of the day was spent napping, reading and just generally lazing about the house, and we ended things up with a little evening walk.

All told, a totally fantastic weekend.

Hope yours was splendid and that you mamas out there were appropriately spoiled!


  1. oh my goodness, your patio is gorgeous! what a wonderful husband you have.

  2. Sounds like an amazing weekend! And your home is lovely.


  3. You're a great mommy, Joslyn.

  4. Lauri

    right back at ya sister ;-)

  5. aww, gorgeous photos.

  6. What a lovely patio! I miss having one.

    Your Mother's Day looks gorgeous♥

  7. your feast for your book club looked SO lovely and yummy.

  8. Your patio is insane! Lucky lady.

  9. What a lovely weekend! The pics are fantastic - particularly the fourth from the bottom, with the girls and the cardboard boxes. If Cookie magazine were still around, this picture would be in it.

  10. gorgeous patio! looks like you had a lovely mothers day. the huge roll of paper at the discovery place looks so fun!

  11. Stunning patio Joslyn and I like the idea of a couples book club, what book did you discuss? Sweet piccies of you and the girls, sounds like a really lovely Mum's Day for you.
    Have a great day

  12. i love your patio...happy gardening!

  13. Sounds like a sublime weekend. Your patio is lovely. What a lush, hidden treasure.

  14. Sounds like a fantastic weekend! I love how the patio is decorated. Glad you had a great Mother's Day!

  15. Love That Jumpsuit! Not sure if Im brave enough to rock one though

  16. I love the way you captured the girls in the museum photo where Millie is laying down - both kids busy and ignoring the camera. Sigh...

    BTW, your patio needs to talk to my patio. Man, I love your patio.
