
Manifestos...(and Necklaces)

This seems like a good recipe for life, no?

I spotted this genius poster via karey (my besty in all of blogland) and immediately started thinking about what my manifesto would be...if I had a manifesto that is.

I know (shamelessly stealing from the poster) that make stuff, love your town, be kind and kill your TV would top my list. I'm not so sure about playing a kazoo or singing though (I am a really, really bad singer...it's not a good scene.)

I might also add:
  • read
  • support NPR
  • cook for someone
  • use your good dishes
  • see art
So...what would your manifesto be?

p.s. -- Speaking of making stuff, I have a fun little post about the necklaces the girlies and I have been turning out of late over on Alpha Mom. Take a peek ;-)


Fern and Feather said...

love love love.
my husband and I vowed to kill the TV when we got married. It has been almost 5 years without and I couldn't imagine it any other way.

I must confess that we have a DVD player and we are currently watching Mad Men but for the most part we read, talk and listen to music. this makes me happy.

Unknown said...

oh! I love TV :) but I wish my girly didn't - I have her hooked on "singin in the rain" though so that's not too bad...

Life's too short for filler...if you're going to buy it, eat it, hang with, see, go...make it something you love :)

Great necklace too!

Tamara said...

the necklace making looks so fun.

i would add to the manifesto: start a garden.

test said...

Great find and cute necklace!

I think "keep it wonky" might just be my new personal mantra. It's so fun! I love it!

meezo said...

love the necklaces...my daughters who are bigger girls...(10 and 16) even want to make them. love them.

logan said...

Love the most on the Aardvark Manifesto! Support NPR is a great one. You inspired me to post about it on Bundle.com. Gave you a little shoutout!

karey m. said...

LOVE the new baubles...LOVE.

my manifesto? hmmm. all the good ones were already written. i think maybe drink more prosecco and wear less clothing.

i obviously need a beach holiday pronto. xoxo.

Estelle Hayes said...

Great necklace. Will you be selling them in your shop? So cute.

Lindsey said...

love the manifesto. mine would include: add color, make art, swim and cuddle.


Anonymous said...

I'm writing my business manifesto, it's hard work! Proving very revealing though and is a great exercise, I've been surprised by some of the things I didn't even really realise I want to achieve, writing it down also feels alike a commitment of sorts, it's also really cathartic...

Amelia said...

Joslyn, love the necklaces you and your girlies are making. It looks like fun! Thank you so much for hosting the giveaway. My Bosquez necklace arrived and I love it dearly.

I'd copy your manifesto and add: appreciate nature and be present, especially in the company of children.

jenna said...

tv-free for about five years now, too - i only miss it during the olympics!

Fern and Feather said...

Jenna - the olympics and the oscars are the only disadvantages of not having TV.... I am with you.

orange sugar home said...

awesome necklaces and what a fantasic idea of creating self-manifestos. Love it. Will have to ponder this.... I would be sure to add - dance lots in the kitchen with your kids/nieces/neighbor kids.

Anonymous said...

love that manifesto! i would also add go unplugged. shop less, thrift more. spend time with those that love you instead of striving to make others love you more.

Ana Degenaar said...

I have made a ton of necklaces almost exactly like yours, I love how those huge beads look with some rustic string. I love those!


Sarah Bradley said...

I love this poster and I love those necklaces!

You've inspired me to think about my manifesto!

Engracia said...

Oh my little Jack made me a similar bead necklace for Mum's Day at kindy.

Manifesto: Laugh, love and enjoy everything


jack, lucy, finn, dot, martha, and rocky said...

keep it wonky.
i love it.

alex t said...

i would just add:

eat breakfast
see the world
find home
let it be messy

love, alexb

BarelyVogue said...

Cute chain

Stop by my blog to win a giveaway that I am doing


Elle Sees said...

Choose happiness.

Allison said...

Great question!
I'd say:
Take every opportunity to laugh
Slow down
Don't be so hard on yourself
Always make homemade frosting

I so agree about the dishes. I will use my china and white linens even for cheeseburgers and grilled corn. Awesome.

Unknown said...

no tv over here either! i love that poster! i want one! your necklace project looks fun!