
Scenes from The Weekend...

I’m not so sure it’s evident from the photos, but it was a doozy of a weekend… We had all sorts of lovely, spring-time, Easter fun planned – a trip to the Nasher Saturday morning, a friend’s birthday party that evening and then hosting Easter lunch for friends on Sunday, but alas we did none of that.

Nope, instead our house was reminiscent of the pie eating contest (the aftermath that is) in Stand by Me (am I dating myself here?) It was stomach virus central…first Audrey, then sweet Millie (who frankly was quite alarmed by the whole enterprise, as it was her first time to be sick like this), and then on Saturday evening Bryan went down.

It was quite an epic scene really... Plans were canceled one after another, and Audrey and I found ourselves watching movies all day Sunday while munching on the candy from her Easter basket and the ham intended for our guests.

lovely cousin erin lifting the girlies' spirits -- she's pretty awesome like that...

Late Sunday afternoon we rallied with a quick visit from Lovely Cousin Erin and boyfriend Ben and a neighborhood Easter egg hunt, so all was not lost…

Oh and I pretty much ate my weight in Reese's peanut butter eggs and gummy rabbits. I just felt the need to confess that to someone, so thanks for being here ;-)

Happy Monday!


  1. oh no the buggies on Easter weekend. Well your photos are adorable {like always} and I am loving all of your 'Liberty' pillows. so cute!

    here is too a fabulous week ahead. ;)

  2. I love the pillows.... looks like a wonderful weekend....


  3. hope you all feel better soon. Audrey and Millie are precious. love their sweet eyes.

  4. Millie looks so sweet in the first picture! xx

  5. How beautiful are these photos!! Your girls are simply stunning. Love the hair and the attitude haha!


  6. May I please steal Millie's little lace edged top/dress from that first photo? It's amazing.

  7. Rachel -- my friend Christine made Millie's dress

    Maybe we can talk her into making them for grown-ups ;-)

  8. I love Millie's sassiness with the hand on the hip! So adorable! Hope everyone is feeling better now!

  9. gorgeous photos, and love the liberty cushions!

  10. Seems there was a multitude of germ bugs visiting this Easter instead of happy, healthy Bunnies! My crumb went down hard and still rallying for happier times...

    Millie's dress in first image - LOVE IT!

  11. Oh we suffered from illness in our house over the weekend which forced us to change our long weekend trip away. Hope your little ones are feeling better, the tummy bug is os debilitating sometimes.

  12. Oh man! Was it norovirus (sp?). We had that last year, and it was awful! We went down one by one, just like you describe. No one was safe, and those hours in the bathroom were horrible, and sadly memorable.

    Hope you're all in good shape now.

    And I bet I ate more Reese's Peanut Butter Cups than you. ;)

  13. Your girlies are so cute.
    I ate my weight in spiral cut ham if it makes you feel any better. Then needed 10 glasses of H2O to combat the salt and then needed to go horizontal to combat the bloating so was denied of all of the candy. DANG.

  14. I love all of your pillows!!! What a fun area!! Hope your feeling better:)

  15. So colorful photos! Hope you are better now! We had a very similar weekend (feeling sick+accomplishing nothing)

  16. your girls are the cutest! hope everyone is feeling better...
    ps - we have those same sparkly pink shoes which L looooves...

  17. Oh no! I'm glad that you had *some* little Easter fun even if it was at the last minute.

  18. Seriously, those are the cutest little girls ever!

  19. they are soo insanely cute i can't even deal!

  20. i spy liberty of london pillows-- LOVE.

    and your daughter has the cutest haircut.

  21. Adorable! Love the little one's haircut.
