
A Party + Dallas Bloggers

Little Bean and Dallas Child Magazine are co-hosting a trunk show for the super dreamy line Clover NY this Friday. Clover's designer will be there + there will be champagne, cupcakes and face painting.

If you're in Dallas, you should definitely pop by (Christine throws the best parties...it's truth.)

And speaking of Dallas Child Magazine, they just included me in a fun feature entitled "The Blog Squad" alongside some pretty rockin ladies (specifically Kristie, Beth, Courtney and Christine.) If you want, you can take a peek at the article here or here...so fun!


Mary said...

Wow - congratulations! Cool write-up.

chelsea said...

congrats! you look lovely of course and what a nice write up!!

Kate said...

Dang! What a smokin' photo of you Joslyn! :) Congrats!

Leslie said...

i'm always adding to my collection of Dallas blogs to read. thanks for the links and big congrats on the article, that's so great!

whoorl said...

I love that article! Congratulations, Joslyn!

Ana Degenaar said...

I love the article and the photo, congrats Joslyn :)

Engracia said...

Congrats Joslyn, love the write up and that photo of you, wow. I also love your work space by trhe way.
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Too cool! Congrats!

Fern and Feather said...

how fun! i love it.

Laura_theSCOOP said...

What a great (and deserved) mention! You look lovely in the photo and I spy one of my favorite chairs, too (surprise, surprise...;)

Mrs.French said...

i would so love to meet you there...xo t