

This seriously lovely "Valencia" mini dress from Beklina...

Jamie Oliver's lemon sea salt...the packaging is perfection, no? But then again, I love pretty much everything Jamie Oliver does.

Speaking of Jamie, have you signed his Food Revolution petition yet?

Dibben's gorgeous color saturated dishes (via remodelista)

Matta's "India" coloring book...(the girlies are a little elephant obsessed of late, so they would love this...)

A fantastic giveaway for Liam...

Cheri's (the über talent behind Scout Holiday) perfect living room

...and her equally perfect paper crane mobile.

Gwyneth's trench coat (via annie style.) This is the coat I dream of...the forever coat.


  1. is it strange that i actually gasped out loud twice while reading this post.

  2. Oh, those dishes! Great colors.

  3. Ok, this list is seriously gorgeous, I love each and every item - bad!

  4. ahaha! the forever coat! yes!

    do it. xoxo.

  5. Nice, all nice. I don't think I could even pick a favorite!

  6. I always love what you love....that dress is gorgeous & that sea salt is THE most perfect packaging....love it all. Thanks hun!

  7. The forever coat - I love that concept! Maybe it is justifiable to splurge if it will be the forever coat - and I do LOVE this one on GP!

  8. oh! I want the dress...and of course the coloring book rocks...I've kind of taken over Lila's...

  9. HI!
    I too love a trench coat. I don't have one, but I love looking at Jessica's on her whatiwore blog. I feel sorta intimidated to wear one, odd eh?

  10. I've been dress shopping for days! What a great find. I am not liking a lot of what I see these days. I kinda just want to dress like Betty Draper.

  11. So greatful for what Jamie Oliver is doing! We love sea salt and think the lemon flavor would be delicious!

  12. every time you put one of these lists together i feel like we would get along swimmingly...xo t

  13. Love that colouringbook, we are planning a India themed party for Sofia and that would be perfect!

  14. So pleased that Jamie Oliver is working his magic over in the US, he's a legend! Also am now in love with that dress ; )

  15. love it all... and thinking maybe I should take some scissors to my jeans - Gwyneth and Jamie in the same post - pure love!
    xx Trina

  16. i love all of these, and i LOVE your blog. it's been a longtime favorite, so to see your comment on my little blog made me feel like i'd been visited by a rockstar. :)

  17. We love Jamie over here in England too! I live in Essex which is his home county. Hope his food revolution works in the US. Jamie campaigned for school dinners to change here and I was so pleased as a teacher that when change came I could go and eat lunch with the pupils. The food was good!

    Check out some pics of the beach near me that Jamie visited for a picnic on his TV show -

