

This fun kit & lili pouch...(particularly because it gets me in the mood for our impending beach trip...)

The sweet kid's clothes (especially this playsuit) from hucklebones... I'm a sucker for appropriate kid's clothes. Call me crazy, but I like it when kids look like, well...kids. I know, I know, crazy.

These engagement photos. Now let me just say, normally I'm not so much a fan of "the engagement photo", but I kinda dig these...

Her hair...specifically the blond tips. Love. (photo via wikstenmade)

This gorgeous agate bib necklace. If I owned this I would wear it every. single. day.

An utterly perfect Vena Cava dress...(but all their stuff is perfection, no?)

Quite possibly the loveliest photo series ever from Our Labor of Love -- little ones with their lovies. (+ how fantastic is that skull and crossbones dress!!?)


  1. I just bought that necklace. I think I will wear it every singe day. =) Thanks! Love your blog.

  2. ohhh i love that pouch!! actually i'd love everything shown in these pictures hehe!

  3. heehee...that's me. It really wasn't even an engagement session. We were just going to dinner with our photographers and they wanted to snap some photos! It's more like a family portrait. :) Either way I'm glad you like them!

  4. Emilia Jane -- now I dig them even more! You guys are incredibly cute ;-)

  5. Bosquez Jewelry rocks!! I love my pieces from her :)

  6. love the vena cava dress, so pretty. Love the "non" engagement photos!

  7. That fish-pouch is so cute, I'm in the market for a new make-up bag, it just might do...

  8. OLOL's lovies are THE best. too adorable!

    ps. that playsuit is so cute. if i had a little girl, i would put her in it everyday.

  9. Love those blonde ends too. Not every one could do it, but that girl rocks it! And I'm jealous that necklace is sold out too! Darn it...

  10. yes, me too! especially that pouch. so cute!

  11. I adore the fish print on that pouch!

  12. Yes to the little blue fish pouch and that amazing necklace!
    Am so into blue right now. Especially deep husky shades.


  13. such a great list. I love the photos with kiddos and there 'lovies'... I wish I had a photo with my 'woobie' there was actually a conversation about sewing part of the scraps into my wedding dress... that is wear I draw the line BUT it was very dear to me.

  14. I love that bag! The engagement photos are also so lovely.

  15. aw that photo is so sweet!! love that children's romper as well...too cute

  16. Hi there, thanks for featuring my necklace! One of your readers purchased it that very day! I love all your family photos- lovely!

    For anyone interested, I have a pink version-http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=27031172
    of this very necklace available and I will be re-listing another blue in the next day or so.

  17. I love your recommendations for kids clothes - Shakshuka and Hucklebones - but can you please make more recommendations for companies within the U.S.? I can't fathom spending additional shipping charges for clothes my kid will only wear a handful of times. Particularly on $83 shorts!!!!

  18. Thanks for the link to the kit + lili fish zip purse - very summery. Just posted about it here:


    P.S. I check your blog regularly! There are so many out there but I keep coming back to yours.
