
Just A Few Random Bits...

image via garance dore

And these are indeed random, so you'll have to hang with me here friends ;-)

First up, jeans. Or more specifically the fact that I've recently taken to lopping off the bottom of my jeans with dull scissors.

It all started with a brand new pair of jeans and a bad hem job. In an act of sheer desperation, I tried to "repair" said jeans and have since been walking around town donning skinny jeans that look as if a crazy lady lopped off the bottom of them with dull scissors (which is, as noted above, exactly the case.)

Then I read/saw this and felt better.

So there's that.

Then there's this NYT article... It's been oft-blogged, so I know you've probably already seen it, but I had to mention it too, specifically because of this passage:

"Ms. Brechbuehler, who is Swiss, added: “In Switzerland, if you buy a pair of shoes, you’ll have them for 10 years. They have a different attitude toward consuming, and I think Robert and his family do, too.”

Which pretty much sums up (at least for me) an ideal mindset about consumption...

image via we are all homeless

And finally, there's this v. cool video shot by my friend Ben of a demonstration held here in Dallas to raise awareness about homelessness. The video is fantastic, and the group is especially fantastic. Take a peek.

image via wide open spaces

And speaking of homelessness, I've had Emily's genius idea bookmarked forever. I'm not sure why I haven't done this yet. It's officially moving to the tippy top of my to-do list...


  1. Joslyn you have such a good heart, it shows on your posts, thank you for always sharing your thoughts and strives.


    p.s. I love the jeans idea, wish I could chop some up too but my ankles are impossibly thin so I would rather look funny. haha

  2. Love Emily's "grab bags."

    Could never pull off the chopped jeans myself but love the thought of it.

    P.S. Just started reading through your other blog Joslyn. I'm reading it from beginning to end. I am also a mommy to two little girls. I have a love of healthy good real food and hope to teach them that as well. Adore the blog.

  3. I have many chopped jeans :) When you are 5'0" it saves on alterations!!

  4. I'm sure you have, but if you haven't you should read "Same Kind of Different As Me." It completely changed my perspective on homelessness and MY willingness to give/help.

    Thanks for the link to the grab bag idea. Brilliant!

    I've bookmarked that little apartment.

  5. As a very tall girl, I've often purchased too-short jeans in a fleeting moment of weakness due to lack of availability. So I'm no stranger to the jeans hem lop off (they never do really look like the cute capris you imagined - do they?).

    Thanks for your great posts, I'm fairly new to your blog but I'm enjoying it immensely!


  6. I love the grab bag idea. Thank you for sharing. I just put it in the to-do list for next week. I think it willbe a great project with my three year old son.

  7. great post - Emily's idea IS totally genius!

  8. I love this post Joslyn, Emily's idea is brilliant and I also loved the NY apartment story it is a perfect example of how I am trying to live my life. Must confess I'm not sure about chopped off jeans, the anal retentiveness in me would want to bend down and tidy up and finish the hem.
    Have a geat day.

  9. Me too! I just started lopping off the bottom of my jeans this winter & I kind of liked them that way! :) I love that quote and wholeheartedly agree and you are so right....that is one genius idea. I love it & must employ it immediately. Thanks for that hun!
