
Home as Vacation...

photo via the lovely jeana sohn

I recently read this on artist Jeana Sohn's blog and haven't been able to get it out of my head:
"being home is our vacation."

I'm completely intrigued by this notion, as it's not exactly espousing (I think) a "vacation at home" or a "staycation", but (again my interpretation) more about a feeling that one's home puts off -- a sense of mellow, calm, a place to refresh, recharge, be inspired.

That is, after all, what a vacation is for right...to be refreshed, regarched, inspired?

This is not so much the vibe my home is putting off of late. Don't get me wrong, I love our home...I do, but it doesn't feel like a vacation. Rather it feels (especially lately, and maybe it's because we're in the thick of getting ready to go on vacation) harried and busy and sometimes even chaotic...yikes.

So one of my goals (while I'm on our actual vacation) is to think of ways to make that vacation feel carry over into our home all the time. Maybe it's a matter of turning off the TV (completely) for a month, eating outside as much as possible, throwing open all the windows, burning incense... Or maybe it's a state of mind. I'm not sure, but I'm going to work on it.

Any ideas?? ;-)

And while we're on the topic of home...this is my current dream house. (actor Vincent D'Onofrio NYC townhouse via Remodelista.) Sigh.


  1. I think eating outside is a good first step...

  2. I have two young daughters also and I think chaos is a part of that... you have to just embrace it somewhat! =) That said, I'd like more calm in my home as well. I think turning off the TV would help but it's also a very scary notion!

  3. Turning off the TV.... we don't have one and love it...... I love the table in this house........


  4. I want that last photo to my own bedroom. Looks a little dreamy and peaceful. I would like to take an afternoon nap there.

  5. i love this notion..my problem it takes me 2 days to get my abode to a place of clean peace..then i am exhausted..

  6. Great thoughts. The biggest thing I can do to create a feeling of calm in my house is to keep it uncluttered. It's a hard thing to do, having two little ones and a husband leaving things around, but it makes all the difference in the world when I am successful.

  7. We've been married 20 years (yikes!) and have never had a TV. It helps. It does. One of the many reasons I like not having one is that I am easily overwhelmed. One more thing making noise would put me over the edge.

  8. I think theme nights are a good vacation at home...mexican food, margaritas and some Los Lobos...or any theme. Just a fun way to "get away". I also love the eating outside reminder...I hope to do that more this year as well.

  9. thanks for this post, joslyn.

    sleeping in freshly clean sheets and getting good scented candles are important to me. ; )

  10. Not only turning off the tv, but putting on music always gives our house a more relaxed mood. My daughter will sporadically dance at any time, so that always makes for a good time! Cooking and eating meals together, staying in our pajamas all morning and not thinking twice about it, and spending a lot of time outside in the yard is always relaxing for us, too.

    Happy vacation!!

  11. I think you've got all the right ideas. It's something I've been thinking about a lot these days. Home is all those things you said....calm, inspiring. Love this post.

  12. Two ways I make being home a vacation - sleeping in and a real breakfast. I don't normally get those two things, but when my husband and I take a vacation day together and spend it at home, those are our top two priorities!

  13. It's tough. My home is definitely not a vacation during the week - it's more a landing zone!

    But on the weekends we try to cultivate a more vacationlike atmosphere. Sleeping in late, leisurely breakfast, a beer or two in the afternoon. Some weekends it works out better than others!

  14. I think eating outside is a great idea. Opening windows, playing a record... oh, and I sometimes find rearranging furniture (not the process itself, but afterwards!) refreshing.

    Any idea (anyone) who makes the wallpaper in the last image?

  15. definitely a state of mind first. lately my hubby and i have been saying, "i wish every night was taco night" -- a quote from a vday card we heard on NPR. small celebration of the simplest things makes all the difference for us.

  16. I create that feeling at home by having some weekends where I leave my to do list, my errands, and everything that is on my mind at the door. It is the one time I don't live by a schedule and just give myself permission to do whatever I want, whenever I want.

  17. I LOVE being at home.
    And I LOVE your blog...all the images you share totally have a certain quality to them that lets me know it's your blog, even as I am scrolling through my feed reader.

  18. I love spending time at home, but I find that relaxed home-loving feeling only really kicks in on the weekend. I think I bring too much work home with me on the weeknights, or work finds a way of invading home...

    The thought that the only time I'd get to relax and feel in that holiday mindset is the one or two weeks of the year I get away has always bothered me. I think you're on to something here. Our days at home should be littered with holiday moments and we should actively try to conjure them!

  19. making home feel like a vacation sounds really great + a state of mind i think i need to adopt!

  20. Striving for this always too! I am getting there. But I am a home body by heart...LOOOOVE being home!

  21. Two words... maid service! That's a good start. It's not that expensive and it's totally worth it. There is nothing better than coming home from work and smelling cleaning products in your house!! It's an instant minivacation.

    Not feeling like you're on a vacation when you're at home is what makes vacations so damn great!

  22. Having just returned from Tulum, Mexico where everything is just so mellow, my husband I started to think about that very thing. How can we bring this feeling home? One of the things that resonated with me was the feeling of not having to SHUFFLE so many things. I plan an immediate de-clutter.

  23. We started making French press coffee during the week. It takes a few minutes longer, but it is so much better tasting and the waiting becomes a little relaxing time for Hub and I to chat before our daughter wakes up. It's a start for me. Of course, we sit at the kitchen bar surrounded by piles of mail and junk, but we're getting there! ;)

  24. on sundays kiwi and i make a point to turn off our cell phones and computers and we stay in bed reading our books and the paper... far past the hour when we would normally get up.

    it feels like a little end of the week indulgence... i love the idea of home as a vacation.

  25. I love the notion of eating outside and turning off the TV. Those two alone will put you in a vacation state of mind. I know you already get out and about a ton, but perhaps you could try to find some fun new local places to visit -- and take lots of pictures. I think this is a lovely idea. I might like to try it too.

  26. Bloom where you are planted.
    To be brutally honest, my family and I have a true dislike of our city. Unfortunately for now this is beyond our control. That aside, we love our home. It is filled with things that bring us smiles and relax our souls.Inside our four walls is a retreat from the rest of the world and as much as we enjoy vacation away from our city, we always enjoy coming home.
