
Blogger's Favorites -- Emma of Emmas Designblogg

image laurie frankel via emmas designblogg

Rarely does a day go by that I don't literally gasp out loud at something I've spotted on Emma's blog. Her eye is unerring; every single image is perfection.

And yes, I realize that this is technically impossible and perhaps a smidge nutty, but on most days I'm so overwhelmed by the sheer awesomeness (I know, I know, not a word...) of what she posts that I would like to, well... move into her blog. Just live in all those photos. Crazy, no?

Ok, so of course her favorites are fantastic, and I'm thrilled that she's agreed to share them with us this week.

Without further ado, herewith Emma's list. Enjoy and have a splendid weekend!

image via sweet paul

Mint! The smell and the taste, in fresh mint tea, salads, cocktails, green pea soup, various desserts and even in perfumes. It's so refreshing! Japanese fashion label Commes des Garçons makes a wonderful scent called Peppermint, a part of the Sherbet Series 5 range. It's very hard to find here, so luckily I don't have to share my scent with too many people.

image via fine little day (elisabeth dunker's) flickr

Creating and crafting. With my kids or alone, it always leaves me feeling very satisfied, as if I accomplished something very important. Also, it's such a nice feeling to be able to say that you made something yourself!

image via elle interior

Bare light bulbs. The simple shape of a classic clear bulb, preferably with a porcelain socket and fabric cord, is what my style really boils down to. It's totally practical, simple and at the same time very beautiful.

Country road trips with my boyfriend, when we have time to stop at every little roadside flea market, go swimming in a lake if we pass one, have a small picnic or eat at some shabby greasy spoon place. Perhaps we even stay the night in a hostel or hotel in some strange small town we've never seen before. The main thing is that we have no plans, no schedule and no pressure to really do anything at all.

image via here

Fairy lights. There is nothing that adds coziness to a room so instantly as a chain of fairy lights! Drape them around a window instead of curtains or put them in a glass jar or a loosely woven basket, or put them behind a piece of furniture for a more subtle glow. Or let them worm along the table for a nice holiday table setting.

image via pia jane

Amsterdam! This city is my absolute favorite place in the world! This is where I go for inspiration, relaxation and that feeling of freedom that only can come from a place where everything is allowed. There is a buzz of creativity in the streets of Amsterdam that I haven't experienced anywhere else, as if the city itself is whispering "Do something, it doesn't matter what or if the outcome is perfect, just create something new and exciting!" Add to that all of the wonderful restaurants, shops and museums, and the beauty of the old houses and canals, and you have this perfect place.

image via here

Chuck Taylor's. These are the only style of shoes I've been wearing for the last 5 years or so. No matter the occasion (ok, weddings excluded) or weather, it's always a good time for chuck's! In the winter I wear the fur lined leather version, and the rest of the year I switch between my other five pairs. I buy a new pair every year, but really the old worn out ones are the best.

Sunshine and heat, the warmer the better. I would live in a sauna if I could. And sunshine really does wonders for my energy levels and mood. I live in Sweden, so both these things are pretty rare here, but maybe that is what makes them so precious to me.

image via d*s

Baking. When I'm stressed and overwhelmed, baking always makes me relaxed. I think it's because you really have to concentrate and follow the recipe, because if you don't it's all going to be a big mess (but hopefully a delicious mess that you can eat anyway, and then you don't have to share…), so you have to let your worries go for a while. And then of course you get the reward of having some lovely sweets when you are done. Oh, and the smell of freshly baked cookies has got to be the easiest way to make your house feel like a home!

When the cherry trees blossom in spring. There is something so encouraging about those fragile pink blooms on the bare branches, a promise that Spring will actually win over Winter this year too.


  1. jos, you are not crazy. i would like to move into this guest post... immediately!

    i suddenly have the urge to string fairy lights around my house, pick fresh mint and unearth my old chuck taylors from the back of my closet.

  2. These are fabulous friday's favorites... come join the linky party.

  3. Yes, she has an amazing eye...LOVE her blog to bits!

  4. The cherry blossom picture is fabulous. I hope we'll have a long spring!

  5. I love to hear these things about Emma. Of course her blog is a must-have read and this list is really inspiring! Thanks for inviting her!

  6. Wow, I love her list, she feels like a kindred spirit! Thanks for the introduction!

  7. I love her and I love her list!!!!

  8. Thank you so much everyone, and thank you Joslyn for inviting me! It's been great fun!

  9. swap out the converse for clarks desert boots and i could feel quite at home with these picks, and pics.

  10. i'm such a sucker for an amazing twinkle light shot. beautiful!


    xo Alison

  11. Twinkly lights and cherry blossoms are among my favorite things. Ah, so dreamy.

  12. What a great list with beautiful images. I love the cherry blossoms and the yellow tree. Fun post!

  13. What delightful, delicious favorites! Thank you so much for sharing!

  14. came to see emma's favourites, and found delightful blog :)

  15. Great list! I'm going to have to check out the Sherbet Series 5 range.

  16. Your lead photo really had some great stuff--and your Ca trip reminded me of where we got married 3 years ago tomorrow. :)

  17. love that photo of Amsterdam :)
