
1000th Post + A Giveaway

So this is my 1000th post here on Simple Lovely, which really kinda blows me away actually...

When I started this blog a few years ago, I had no expectations of what it would become. I just knew I wanted to create a little place to chronicle some thoughts on the often overlooked aspects of everyday life, to sort of keep an inspiration board -- a collection of things that were lovely and interesting and thoughtful. I also wanted to create a space that felt like mine, which admittedly sounds a little strange but with two little ones (I started the blog right after Millie was born) and a full-time job, I was especially needing a place just for me...

And then I "met" all of you, and this space became something more... The comments and e-mails, the friendships, the shared ideas, the blogging community, all amaze me daily (multiple times a day even.) It's you guys that make blogging so fun and rewarding and inspiring.

And for that I thank you... from the bottom of my heart.

I thought it would be fun to do a little giveaway to mark my 1000th post and wracked my brain for what would be appropriate for the occasion. Then, as if by fate, the lovely Marisa of Bosquez Jewelry (remember this gorgeous necklace) wanted to offer something to my readers, and the perfect solution presented itself...another one of those lovely serendipitous moments,no? (Thank you Marisa!)

So just leave a little comment on this post by next Friday, April 23rd at midnight for a chance to win the insanely cool crystal bridge necklace above, and thank you for reading and inspiring and making this whole blogging thing so much fun!


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Windy said...

Thanks for writing. I love reading your blog and your sense of style inspires me.

kyli said...

Congratulations on the 1000th post! The necklace is lovely.

Anonymous said...

1000th post, wow! thanks for doing what you do!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

Lovely necklace
Thank you so much

Oh, My Darling said...

Happy 1000th post! How kind of you to offer a giveaway to celebrate.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your success! I've been reading for almost a year now and have loved every post :)

Lindsey said...

Congratulations and thanks for writing and letting us see a bit of your world.

Love the necklace. I almost bought it the last time you posted about Marisa.

Plan and Play said...

I love reading your blog...Always full of inspiration. The necklace is beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway.


L A C E Y said...

Congrats on the thousandth post. That's awesome. :)

Kate said...

Happy 1000th! What a wonderful necklace. I have a dress it would look perfect with and winning would certainly help the spending hiatus that was imposed thanks to Tax Day.

Keep up the great work. Love the blog!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 1,000 post!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on you 1000th post :)
Thank you for sharing your life with us...very much enjoy your blog!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a fantastic blog!

meezo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meghann said...

Congrats on your 1000th post! Definitely an accomplishment! Thanks for the giveaway in honor of it.

meezo said...

Congrats to you!! You are an inspiration. I'm still a newbie and haven't even hit my 200th post yet. 1000 seems so far away. I still go through days when I ask myself why am I doing this, is anyone even reading...and should't I being laundry instead?

Anyway, CONGRATS to you!

Btw, we loved New Orleans...and Seaside was perfect again.

paula said...

wow, 1000. time flies. I started for the same reason after having kj. Love the necklace.

Danielle (elleinadspir) said...

1000?! Wow. That is great. You are among several blogs I read daily and watching you create your own space inspired me to do the same. Keep posting and we will all keep reading. Congrats and best wishes to you.

Vera said...

Whou! Post number 1000! That's amazing! Good luck for the next 1000 ;-)!

Marianne said...

Congrats on 1000 posts! This necklace is divine.

Allison said...

your blog is one of my absolute favorites - and beautiful necklace!

Stacey said...

Congrats and please keep the posts coming for another 1000!! >3

Lena said...

I am mostly too shy to post much, but I just wanted to tell you I love your blogs and your life is so nice to peek in on. Congratulations and best wishes!(parsonslena@gmail.com)

Kate said...

Congratulations on a 1000! Your blog has been on my daily reads list for a long time. I love your style and your discoveries. Here's to thousands more!

Susan said...

Congrats on a 1000. I really do love your blog - it is a wonderful stop in by busy day. Keep on blogging!

Me said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post! I have enjoyed your blog for a couple of years now, and so admire your ability to be such a stylish mom (esp. important to me, as I'm now a mom -- it can happen! :)). What an amazing necklace for the occasion!

Anonymous said...

here's to a 1,000 more! have a great weekend -- can't wait to see the scenes...

Unknown said...

Congrats! so lovely....smiles.

kristineW said...

Congratulations! Thanks for the visual eye candy and inspiration; I stop by daily. Here's to another 1000 posts and more.

Meg said...

Congratulations! And thank you for sharing your space. This necklace is gorgeous - what a generous way to celebrate.

Anonymous said...

My favorite blog. Very inspirational in surrounding myself with beautiful and doing beautiful. Thanks.

Cheryl Cochran said...

It's wonderful to have you in the blog world. Congrats! The necklace is so pretty!

Fern and Feather said...

1000 posts... that is incredible. Thank you for adding so much inspiration to my life. Your blog is wonderful.

Mariele said...

that necklace is gorge. happy 1000th!

artichkme said...

congrats on number 1000 and an absolutely beautiful necklace. would be PERFECT for my upcoming wedding. *swoon* to the max.

Marielle said...

beautiful necklace! beautiful blog!

Desi McKinnon said...

Happy 1000. Here's to 1000 more. I'm so glad I discovered your blog. That necklace is beautiful. It seems like it might hold special powers.

jillian said...

Congratulations and thank you for sharing yourself with all of us! I adore your blog, it is a daily source of inspiration.

Unknown said...

Amazing - the necklace and 1000 posts!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on making it to 1000! That is a serious feat. I confess, my response to the necklace was rather juvenile: me me me me me me me me me! At least I said it in my head. I hope you keep blogging for a long time to come.

Zoƫ said...

congrats on 1000 posts, that sure is a lot! and lovely necklace, I Hope I win :D

Jenny said...

Wow, this necklace reminds me of a much simpler one that I wore all the time as a teen!

Anne Zimmerman said...

What an accomplishment 1,000 musings on simple & lovely things. Congrats.
PS the necklace is fantastic and completely worthy of this big moment!

Jo said...


krashby said...

oh sweet simplicity! that necklace is perfect.
congrats on your 1000post keep it up!

Alison Brownrigg said...


Sarah said...

We'll still be reading...very nice necklace

iheartkiwi said...

simple lovely is one of the first blogs i ever read... and it's still a constant source of inspiration and beauty.

that necklace really is magical, i love it!

M. Marie said...

Your blog is one of the first I started to read regularly -- Always inspiring... I'm so glad you've continued to make time for your adoring readers. I also was completely smitten with said necklace when you posted it a while back. Just perfect.

test said...

What a wonderful accomplishment!Simple Lovely is hands down my favorite blog and I look forward to your posts everyday.

I mean this is the most non-creepy way, but you've really become somewhat of a role model to me over the past year. I love your style, you seem like such a wonderful mother to your beautiful daughters, and you certainly offer a great value to your readers.

Thanks for all of your wonderful posts and I look forward to the next 1,000!

Ps. The necklace is beautiful! It's perfect because it could really be worn with anything; dressed up or dressed down.

jeanette from everton terrace said...

1,000! Wow, Happy Birthday. I just passed the 100 mark and I was a little tickled, ha. I can't imagine 1,000. Love stopping in here each day. The necklace is really beautiful.

Katie said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post! Simple Lovely is definitely one of my favourite blogs. You are a must read every morning :)

cec282 said...

What a beautiful gift from a beautiful blog! Here's to 1000 more!

Eva said...

1000, wow!
Good job!

jenna said...

Congratulations on your thousandth!

And what beautiful jewelry

gigi said...

Wow, that is gorgeous.

Congrats on 1000!

Sam (a Scot in Paris) said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post! Love your blog and love this necklace!

Tamara said...


gorgeous necklace. thanks for providing 1000 lovely posts and an amazing source of inspiration!

tamaradean {at} gmail {dot} com

mylene said...

Congratulations Joslyn! And what a lovely necklace.

allison said...

You do a wonderful job sharing what inspires you, and it ends up inspiring so many others! I love reading Simple Lovely! And, my birthday is the 24th, so this necklace would be such a lovely birthday treat!

Clara said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post. It's an impressive benchmark! Simply lovely is on my RSS reader and a happy part of my day.

Thanks for Marisa Bozquez for this wonderful giveaway. The necklace is absolutely stunning. I adore her Solar Quartz necklace as well. Keeping all fingers crossed...



Elizabeth said...

I love the necklace and I love the blog!

betsy said...

I loved seeing your home on Cookie magazine and so glad I stumbled upon your blog.

betsy_349 at hotmail dot com

Shayna said...

Congratulations on 1000! And seriously? Can your giveaways be any better? xo

Estelle Hayes said...

Congrats on your 1000th post. You are a daily and very happy read for me. I completely get the need for your own little space (especially after having children). You really explained it so well.

And that necklace is lovely, indeed.

The Depressed Yogi said...

Happy 1000th, doll!!!

brooke said...

congrats on the 1000th post!

breadbutterandjam said...

congratulations. this is a happy place.

designcuriosities said...

congrats on the 1000th post, and love the giveaway. Beautiful necklace!

Taryn Marie said...

Cheers to your blogging milestone! I've recently discovered your blog and have loved reading new posts and going through the archives.

Lovely necklace, too.

mhhunt said...

Thanks for the effort. I love your blog!

mheimer at gmail dot com

wagonlover said...

I love your blog, you such a keen eye.

Unknown said...

beautiful necklace!

Paige said...

love your blog!

everydaychicny said...

Congrats!! Great blog and great necklace.

Jess said...

Congrats! Is it too much to say you have a lovely blog? Well, it's true!

Design Fixation said...

What a stunning necklace!

Unknown said...

You are one of my favorite reads each day, yah for 1,000!

Caroline said...

oh my that necklace is perfect to celebrate 1,000 posts... it's simply lovely


Breezer said...

Congratulations on the big milestone! Major accomplishment :-)

And thanks for the fun giveaway! I'd love to win it.

lisa tomiko said...

happy thousanth! the necklace is perfect to celebrate!

mominaledo said...

Maybe I'll get lucky this time!

mominaledo said...

(Posted the first comment too soon). I love reading your blog - Always full of new ideas! Thanks Joslyn

Sarah Bradley said...

Thanks for writing! I adore your blog!

Jackie said...

Your blog is my favorite to read each day, and is always full of so much inspiration for both style and family. Congrats on your 1000th post!

jack, lucy, finn, dot, martha, and rocky said...

love your blog (obviously)!
it is at the tippy-top of my daily reads.
crossing my fingers for that fantastic necklace!

Rachel said...

Huge congratulations, Jos! And thanks for sharing your life with us.

Amanda said...

Congratulations and we're all so grateful you're here. Your blog is simple, beautiful, and a daily read for me.

Jessica W said...

Wow, 1000! I appreciate your posts, so keep it up too!

sarahcass said...

congratulations! your blog is beautiful, thank you for writing!

Sarah said...

Thank you for a chance to win this lovely piece!!

KKA said...

Congrats on your 1000th lovely morsel of wisdom and thoughts! I read your blog quite often, and it is so enjoyable. I can't wait to see who wins this gem! Be well.

Janet Noe Rhoads said...

Joslyn, your blogs have become two of my very favorite reads. I love your sense of style and how you share your thoughts! :) Congrats on 1000 posts. I am inspired to try to actually write a little more in my blog (otherwise I am going to be like 80 years old when I hit 1000! lol) This is a beautiful giveaway! Thank you!

heidi said...

I have always yearned for a studio space or romm of my own. i love the idea of that space looking a little different that I imagined... a blog maybe? while the dream remains, why not start now? thanks again and again for the inspiration!

Elisa said...

Wow! That necklace is amazing. And thank you for blogging...this is one that I check every day!

Maggie said...

Love the necklace! reminds me of Indiana Jones...

Unknown said...

I can't imagine a better pairing...my favorite blog and one of my favorite jewelry designers - and both cool Texas gals...
Congrats on your 1000th post - thanks for all the inspiration and letting us have a little peek into your life!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Wow Joslyn ~ 1,000! That's huge! And they have all been superb! Simple Lovely is one of my favorite daily reads, so I look forward to many, many more posts from Y-O-U!

My Adventures said...

Congratulations! Thank you for your daily inspirations, big and small. :)

gracehoper said...

1000! Amazing! Here's to the next 1000...

Victoria Robison said...

Congratulations! and thanks for all the inspiration!!!!!

Erin Wright said...

Congrats! thats awesome! and so is this necklace!

madeline said...

... inspiration... you know i keep doing occasional "breaks" from your blog, so the next time i get back to it there is more ... inspiration... at one time to inhale, good luck, all the best cause this is SIMPLY LOVELY.

Tiffany A. said...

You're amazing!!! Congrats on the 1000th post!


Engracia said...

Congratulations Joslyn, that is quite a milestone. I have really enjoyed sharing your thoughts, many I often contempalte about over a number of days, they resonate so with me. Your the reason I started blogging and like you have been clown away by the blogging community.
Congratulations gain and looking forward to the next 1,000.
Happy weekend.

Rita Finn said...

I love bridges, especially the jewelry kind! Congratulations on your 1000th post and keep inspiring us!

Unknown said...

I want that!!

lovely birdy said...

WOW, congrats on your 1000 post. I am a newbie blogger but hope to get there someday!

And...can I say another WOW about this necklace. Just clicked through to Marisa's etsy store, and man, that is some amazing jewelry! I am crossing my fingers (and will be saving my pennies if I don't win).

shoppingsmycardio said...

the big 1-0-0-0...truly momentous! congratulations on creating something so many of us love and look forward to. and i hope you're finding a present (or at least a cupcake!) for yourself too...you deserve it!

Lady Grey said...

Congratulations on the 1000 mark!
Isn't the blogging community fabulous!

AnnieStyle said...

wonderful and inspirational blog. Here's to the next 1000 posts =)
Hope I win that necklace!

Tilly Redstone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
livin wide said...

congrats! love the blog.

Kitty said...

Thank you for inspiring me and congratulations. You and your blog are lovely.

Fritzi Marie

mb said...

Congratulations on your 1000 post. You have taught me much. I cannot tell you how many times I have referenced a link to your daily posts and found something really wonderful. So thanks for the inspiration.

sending you hugs from across town.

Lauri said...

1000 posts! That's something to be proud of!

Fanny said...

wow! that is a beautiful necklace! congratulations!

MollieB said...

Whoa. This necklace is gorgeous. Love it. And love the blog...thanks for creating a space that allows me to escape a bit each day.

Shannon said...

1000 posts is such an aspiration...and inspiration! congrats :) p.s. the necklace is so pretty-thanks for the opportunity!

Danna said...

Wow 1000! That's a lot of inspiration. I love reading your blog and your style does inspire.

Erin said...

Joslyn, I've been reading your blog for several months now. I actually look forward to catching up with your blog every Friday evening.
Felicitations on your 1000th post!

kbockmann said...

How exciting...
I love sitting down at the end of the day and catching up. You always give me some kind of inspiration. It's great food for an artist's brain. thank you...

Elsa May said...

wow - congratulations!! I adore Simple Lovely and the wonderful things you post about. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Elsa May said...

wow - congratulations!! I adore Simple Lovely and the wonderful things you post about. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

literate vertebrate said...

congrats! i love your blog- i always find something to be inspired by. i would love to win the beautiful necklace.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Joslyn! I love your blog - finally got around to adding it to my google reader!

Kristen, Mike and Max said...

Congratulations! I love your blog and it is one of my "go to's" everyday.
PS - the necklace is amazing

Max said...

SIMPLY LOVELY!!thank you!

Caroline said...

Simple Lovely is one of my favorite blogs.
Thank you for writing!

katemakes said...

Gorgeous & generous - congratulations on a milestone!

Dunja said...

things are simple and things are lovely. bridge necklace, too.
Congradz on 1000th post of joy, wisdom and delight!

Dunja said...

oh, and this is my email: dunja.bebek@gmail.com

sorry for me being dazed.:)

sarah said...

Just discovered your blog a few months ago and it has quickly become one of my faves! Love it.

the blonde said...

congratulations!! love what you do!

Heidi Lyn said...

I love your blend of personal and style. It makes you feel completely relatable and fabulously stylish. Keep up the amazing work. Oh! And the necklace is to die for.

HIllary said...

Your blog is one of my very favorites. Thanks for all of the Dallas ideas.

Eco Yogini said...

oh what a gorgeous necklace! Happy 1000th post!! (earthyogini (at) gmail (dot) com ) :)

Juliet Farmer said...

beautiful! and happy blogging. :)

pickmeg said...

I truly enjoy all the lovely things you post! Congrats on 1000!

Katy @ Rose Lake Jewelry said...

Congrats! I want to be you when I grow up :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a newcomer to your blog, but it's the first one I go to in my feeds. I love it!

The Willows said...

how lovely!
and, of course, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading your blog every day! It is a real treat to sit quietly with my coffee or tea, and read your thoughts for the day. The necklace is a beauty! Congrats on 1000th!


Anonymous said...

love your blog, i read it everyday at work!!

nelya said...

That's fantastic! Congratulations Joslyn. I always love getting a peek into your stylish life and always leave inspired. Thanks for sharing so much daily goodness!


BJ and Shalene said...

Love your blog! And what a fantastic necklace!

Unknown said...

amazing.....great work....

cerebral e said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary! I have been following you on Google Reader for ages and I do enjoy it!

nicole said...

o happy 1000.

Maggie said...

wow, 1000 posts! your beautiful blog inspires me daily - thanks for sharing with us!

Kristina said...

Congrats on your 1000th post! What a fantastic accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Joslyn!

Haley said...

100 posts! Getting even more lovely with age. The raw, beautiful simplicity of Marisa Bosquez jewelry is so fitting with your exciting work. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Felicidades!!!! Congrats on your 1000th post, wow that's a lot of typing...thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I have never tried to win a blog giveaway but I l.o.v.e. this necklace. Now being a mom to a toddler I don't buy this type of thing very often, but if I win, I think I will wear it everyday! Thank you J for blogging. Danielle

Anonymous said...

Congrats! These are beautiful, LOVE them!

tiffany said...

congrats! & i love it!

xo, tiffany

ekcelliott said...

Congrats to you! I only just recently discovered your blog, but I immediately subscribed and love it! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with the world!

lilacs and lemons said...

always lovely!

bridge necklace, so beautiful.

nole said...

Congratulations Joslyn! Isn't 1000 posts an amazing milestone? I look forward to reading the next 1000 posts!

rosiecampbell said...

I have been popping into your blog for the past few years. It truly is "Simply lovely". Congratulations.

Veronica R. said...

I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! And the necklace. ;)

Julie said...

beautiful necklace! congrats!

meme said...

i'm only sorry it took me close to your thousandth post to discover your blog!
i'm now hooked & will definitley be here to celebrate your two thousandth post!!

Things to Do said...

Congrats on your success! Your blog is my inspiration!

Rusthawk said...

Congrats on your blog success! The necklace is beautiful!

Jessica said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post! Thank you for keeping us informed and entertained :-)

Katie said...

well, don't mind if i do! what a beautiful necklace! and congrats on the 1000th post!

Janssen said...

What a beautiful necklace. I can see myself wearing it a lot this summer after I have my baby and need to look nice in a flash.

Gina200 said...

I love reading your blog - it truly is simply lovely. And that necklace, well that is just gorgeous!! Congrats!

Ana Degenaar said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post, here's to 1000 more and 1000+ after those. This blog has been on my dailies since the very first time I read it, I love how you always come up with something fresh and lovely and how you mix it up with family stories. Wishing you much more success.


Anonymous said...

congrats on your 1,000th post! love the blog. such a mantra. simple lovely.

Susan said...

WOW 1000 posts congrats! thanks for the chance to win!

gretchen said...

congratulations on your 1000th post! great work.

anne said...

congratulations on the thousandth post! your blog is essential, inspirational reading for me...so, thank you! to many many more thousands of posts (i hope!).
xo, anne

Naomi said...

Congrats on your success! Your blog is one of my favorite reads.

Cindy Martinez said...

Congratulations on 1000 fabulous posts!

Michele Gates said...

Congratulations! Keep up with the blogging!

Modern Frills said...

your blog, your fabulous finds...i love it all. this necklace...it is amazing! i am keeping my fingers crossed that i win:)


-Maria- said...

luv your blog!

Megan said...

Congrats on 1000 lovely posts! I enjoy you blog so much.

Danielle B. said...

What a wonderful blog you have...I can always count on something interesting to read, (on both of them). Congrats on your 1000th!

Sarah said...

Happy 1000th! I gain much inspiration from your blog. Thank you!

Jennifer Chong said...

congrats! to 1000! love the necklace and blog!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post and thanks for the giveaway in its honor!

Lindsey said...

love the blog and love the necklace! congrats!


Alison said...

Congrats on 1000 posts!
Such a lovely necklace ~~~

Irina said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post! Great job! Please keep it up!

AMM blog said...

Nice job reaching 1,000! You're an impressive lady, :)
The necklace is just beautiful, I was actually just looking to buy a crystal one on Etsy but this is a stunner!
Well, whoever wins, I'm sure it will look Simple Lovely on them!! ;)

Elsie Lau said...

wow! 1000th post! that's amazing and wonderful. Here's to 1000 more! cheers! (why can't i stop exclaiming!?!) (!) ha.

Anonymous said...

A thousand posts? That is quite the milestone. I have the same motivations for my little newborn blog, I hope someday to have one as varied and inspirational and accomplished as yours!
(I also hope to own that necklace -- it's perfect!)

Rosa said...

Awesome! Looking forward to the next one-thousand posts.

de mis sueƱos said...

never miss a day... merci.

Amelia said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post! I read your blog a few times a week as an escape from the mundane, to be inspired, to see beautiful things and remember to enjoy what I have and to work for what I want. (It's also a great reminder that when I do decide to have kids, it doesn't mean I have to ditch my style and love of pretty dresses.)

Like everyone else I am looking forward to the next 1000 and want to thank you for sharing your life and thoughts with all of us!

Cupboard Love said...

Congratulations! That is an amazing milestone!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations! Keep on keeping on, sister!!

Chelsea said...

Congrats!Your blog is one of my daily reads. I hope you are having a lovely vacation.

Charlene said...

Love the texture of the necklace. And congratulations!

Tigerlilly Quinn said...

I love your blog, well done on the 1000th post! You might be interested in the one on my blog too :) www.tigerlillyquinn.blogspot.com xoxo

Sarah said...

Congrats on the milestone! I love your blog and hope your vacation is wonderful.

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