I failed this week. (Or slipped if I’m being nice to myself.)
Either way I bought something, and after all my, “I’m so strong, I didn’t buy that killer ring”, blah, blah, last week, I wish I had at least caved on something so cool that you guys would collectively applaud me and agree that it was essential that I purchase it, spending hiatus be damned. Or something like that ;-)
But alas, I can’t…the culprit was just a little tunicy top thing at the Gap for Audrey. It was cute and versatile and cheap, and she loved it (she insisted on wearing it out of the store and then wore it to school the very next day.) But still…
I almost considered not telling you. But we tell each other, that’s the whole point, that’s what we do, right?
Other than the tunic, it was a good week. It felt a little easier than last week. I’ve also been distracted, as emboldened by not purchasing anything for a whopping 24 days, I’m now completely obsessed with cleaning out drawers, closets, etc…and as such, I'm becoming even more familiar with what I do own and love and (maybe most important) don’t love.
To that end, I have a small pile of clothes set aside for Goodwill and a few other things I’m planning to put on ebay. I’m hoping this exercise also helps me hone in on the things I might actually “need” when the hiatus is over – i.e. a new black skirt for work (my current one is awfully long in the tooth) a black bag (I seem to have every color but black, which for me is odd), you get the idea…

I do find myself daydreaming from time-to-time about buying altogether odd things…like a trench coat (which I’ve never wanted in my life, but now can’t get out of my head due to the awesome looking girl above) and a popsicle maker (!) Apparently not buying does odd things to me…
How did you do this week?
That's not so bad! It wasn't even something for you.
I'm behind, so this is only my second week and I'm not having any trouble yet.
I think cleaning out things you don't love really helps you be happier with what you have. It seems contradictory because there will be less in your closet. But when you peek in there, there are fewer things that make you go "ugh! I need new clothes!"
I think dwell studio bedding is going to have to go on our wedding registry. I'm holding onto a nice (but slightly bor-ish) west elm duvet and i think it may be time to spice things up a bit.
I did have a slip up this week, I bought some nail polish at american apparel (only because they've been sold out for a month). Other than that, a pretty easy week!
bah, i did awful...I adopted a puppy from the SPCA...although, I consider her a worthwhile purchase :)
Otherwise, I've done good!
I think you earned extra bonus points for passing on that bargain ring last week. I've been better this week. Only slip was face wash which maybe kinda doesn't count. But we're going for full disclosure here.
Oh, and Haribo gummies but those were for the German. In Germany they count as a survival necessity, I swear.
my burberry black trench is the best purchase. ever. it's a forever. which always justifies the end, yes?
and you think THAT'S a SLIP UP? that little tiny gap thing?
jeez. have i got a story for you. i'll tell shayna first, though, and she can rat me out. xoxo.
jacqueline -- i don't think the puppy counts! ;-)
shayna -- face wash is an essential. you HAVE to wash your face, right??? xox
Oh shoot, and yarn. I just got my confirmed shipment notice. But it's too finish a baby blanket gift...I ran out at the very end. That hardly counts, non?
Karey M. ha! touche, my friend (imagine an accent over that e please)
and no, puppy and facewash don't count, so sayeth the boss :)
I think its ok. That doesn't sound too bad. I spent money on an experience. Skiing. But it was an experience and I don't regret it. I had a wonderful time.
Thanks, Joslyn!!! Haha, and agreed, the facewash DEFINITElY does not count.
Joslyn, if you're considering a trench, visit, this fun site:
Heavily features photos from Sartorialist!
shayna + karey -- i'll jump over to twitter to i dont' miss anything ;-)
karey it was your trench that first got me coveting...
I love this idea! what a gem you are!
buying things for you kids does not count!
yeah - that's a toronto girl!
oh how i love cleaning out closets and drawers.
Hmmm...I'm pretty bad at this...had a sick kid and was need ing to indulge a little so ran to Anthro last night but...they were CLOSED! The universe was helping me out so I went to yoga instead :)
Not spending money for awhile allows a few things to happen in my household too: more organization and purging (love, love, love simplifying); also I have time to really consider what I REALLY want/need. What happens is that all the little, dinky purchases don't happen and I end up saving money for the thing/s I really love. It's definitely a better way to go...:)
ditto to you and Stephanie. I have a nice pile to go to goodwill this week. i found myself going from room to room, cleaning + purging + organizing. here's to a good week!
Hello - I have nominated you for a kreativ blog award on my blog - it owuld be fun if you would play along, as I really enjoy your blog :-)
Your bed looks perfect!! And I agree, buying things for your kids should be a freebie, right? :)
I don't know what my problem is but this spending hiatus is killing me. I actually always thought of myself as really good with a budget. I even tell my husband 'I don't EVER go shopping for myself.' WHAT IS WRONG with me? I really didn't think that I was lying to him {thank god he doesn't follow your blog} but I must have a problem. Not a Bergdorf problem but a Target/ etsy here & there problem... you know the little stuff that brings so much joy in your cart or waiting in the mail box. Thank god February is a short month.
i had a tough spending hiatus week too but the idea is to think first.
Oh face wash and children's clothing doesn't count! I loaded up my online basket at J Crew, then promptly emptied it :) But I did buy some new perfume, but I had run out, so does that count as a necessity? I'm hoping it does....I mean it's kind of like face wash isn't it?
That's not too bad at all. I also had a slip up. I put up a little post about over on my blog. Stressful week = mindless spending for me. But I'm doing very well this week so that's good.
i admittedly bought a pair of tights at the gap over the weekend - at least they were on sale for 3.99 - and bought some mesquite powder at a health foods store on monday. however, i will say, that because of this shopping ban, my credit card bill for the period ending yesterday was the lowest it's been in 11 months, so i take that as a sign of success!
I totally blew it last night. Took my girls to Old Navy for a Mother/Daughter shopping binge, to start stocking up on things for spring break. $2.50 for flip flops..cheap enough to have every color of the rainbow. We had $50 worth of coupons that were getting ready to expire..SO we HAD to use them. How could we throw away good coupons when our toes needed those flip flops to feel happy. A blessing in disguise...I tried on glittery bathing suit bottoms and found out I need to do more sit-ups while watching the Olympics.
cleaning out closets is so stress relieving!
So far I did good....and I admire your strong will-power on that ring. I don't think I could of held back :)
I love the pillows on your bed. And I REALLY like the color of your room! That's a color I never thought about...
I don't think you did so bad! You bought something for your daughter AND she loves it so much she had to walk out the store with it on. I'd say that was a good purchase!
I have my eyes searching for curtains and DSLR cameras, so it's very very difficult!
I highly recommend both
-the trench is classic, timeless, and practice, plus vintage or forever 21 is cheap.
-with a Popsicle maker you can make Popsicles out of fresh squeezed juice: way yummier, way less sugar.
not that I'm encouraging you to spend!
I bought a mat for the back entry. Nothing wrong with the old one, I just like the jute one better!! Bad Engracia, bad. I'm not counting my face wash either Shayna.
So, technically you cheated with the tunic for Audrey, but it's just one little cheat, right? and besides, she loved it. Sometimes seeing a smile on your little girls face is just worth it.
I'm a little late on updating my status, and so far this week has been OK. Probably because I have been cooped up in the house. but last week? I totally fell off the wagon. I bought a couple cute valentine's outfits for Henry & Amelia and I picked up some goodies for Wade for his valentine's day present. We normally don't do presents, but this year he suggested it, and so I couldn't resist. I'm not proud of my little cheats, but I'm dusting myself off and am hopping back on for the rest of the ride!
That could be deemed charity... right? Keep it up! You can do it!
PS I am totally LOVING your blog. Great writing.
i too need to go on a serious spending freeze, but shopping always cheers me up during this dreary month... good luck, and i hope you're having a great week my dear!
xo urban flea
I also had to buy something for my son. We were down to one pair of shoes and they are falling apart, so we are waiting for his new shoes to arrive in the mail later this week. I also need to purchase some essentials like moisturize, but haven't even made it to the store to get it done. Maybe tomorrow. Are bras essential?
don't fret! you shouldn't feel guilty about the *one* small thing you bought for Audrey. think of all the other, bigger, more expensive things you *didn't* buy... you're still way ahead of the game in my book ;)
heathere -- i think falling apart shoes, moisturizer and bras are essential ;-)
but that's just me
you are doing so well! i try those no spending days.... and if i leave the house,i am in big trouble! how long are you doing it for?
You are adorable hun & that really isn't such a bad slip...it wasn't even for you as someone above said! :) I can relate to then discovering all the things you have that you love & the ones you don't. Your bedroom is absolutely gorgeous by the way....gorgeous, I am glad it makes you happy!
ahh joslyn, a cute, wearable, cheap tunic isn't such a bad splurge..
i did ok this week! got my CSA box on sunday and aside from groceries to go around the tasty veggies, i haven't spent a cent since!
xoxo missy
My husband and I are joining for the month of March. better late than never!
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