I can confirm that
Lynn's cards are even more lovely in person... So excited to use these for hubby and the
girlies' valentines. (Thanks

And speaking of Valentines, these are the ones Audrey made for her classmates. In the spirit of mindful spending, we were able to largely
repurpose what we already had around the house...namely extra canvas bags and the rubber stamps we used for our birthday party treat bags. We tucked little chocolate hearts inside.

I'm kinda in love with
Supermarket Sarah. I'm not sure where I first spotted this genius concept, but
every time I come across a blog post about it (recently
here and
here too...), I'm reminded how awesome it is.

It's snowing in Dallas today. I realize, with the blizzards all over the country, a
smidge of snow isn't exactly earth-shattering, but friends,
it's Dallas. Suffice to say we don't get a lot of snow, so when we do, it's magic. There's nothing like a sudden complete and utter change of
scenery to change your perspective a bit...
p.s. -- you have to read this post about grace over on The Sartorialist. It's fantastic and very timely for Valentine's Day.
ha ha! i posted about the snow today too and i couldn't help but think "yeah it's not that big a deal but hey it's dallas!"
love those cute cards too
where did you find the canvas bags?
We've made our Valentines already, but I'm going to have to steal that idea next year.
I live in Dallas too and having been raised in the Salt Lake City area this is nothing new to me, but after years away I've forgotten how peaceful it is.
What a great idea to use canvas totes!
I can't believe there's snow in Dallas! You don't always associate that with Dallas. I have a friend in Philly and he said everything was closed yesterday.
supermarket sarah is genius, i've never heard of her before. i am going to have to try that, i think i will
Everything Lynn does is even more stunning in person! Love her.
ohhhh i love the valentines! nice job! so cute!
Audry's Valentines are lovely!
those bags are so sweet. yay, saw that on the news today--is everyone in the nation getting snow this week or what? ugh, mother nature.
Your daughter is going to have the cutest Valentines and some very lucky classmates!
i love the valentine pouches!
I KNOW, it's been crazy right?? It didn't stop the whole day here! :)
Oh. I think I want some little letter stamps. Those canvas valentines are perfect!
where did you get those cute canvas bags and letter stamps?? i love those!
TX girl + jora -- the canvase bags are from paper mart. I found the letter stamps on amazon. we use them all the time. i'm addicted ;-)
those gift bags are to die for...literally they should be for sale! such a crafty mom you are!
ooo! I love the valentine bags! so darling! I also wanted to tell you how your spending hiatus inspired me...
My boyfriend and I had a housewarming party to go to last week. I had just read about your spending hiatus so I was determined not to do my usual stop at Trader Joe's for wine and and flowers. I went digging through my basement and found a vintage enamel pot with tulips on it and wrapped it in a 49 cent IKEA dish towel and some ric rac trim I had lying around. We also brought over a bottle of wine to share that was gifted to us. Our friends loved the vintage dish and we felt so great not spending a dime! win-win.
those canvas valentines are so lovely. enjoy the winter wonderland in dallas!
kristina -- i love that story...so inspiring.
i always feel great when I manage to come up with something creative in lieu of hitting the store for a quick (easy) gift...so rewarding and so much more meaningful! you rock!
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