A few of you have asked if I’m going to do the spending hiatus again this year, and the answer is yes, definitely, without a doubt...but not yet.
While I traditionally like to kick-off my period of non-spending on January 1st, there are several events this month that I'm convinced will doom me to instant failure, so I’ve decided to postpone starting the hiatus until February.
First there's sweet Millie's belated birthday soiree... With a birthday just a few days after Christmas, I fear Millie will inevitably get the shaft in the party department if I don’t make a conscious effort to do something every year (+ one of my recent goals was to plan a party for Millie that felt as special as Audrey’s.) I’m currently scheming a little cowgirl fete (inspired by the images above), and there are wee plastic horses and balloons and cowboy hats to be bought.
So there’s that.

So there’s that too…
Are you going?
I’m attending (and participating in a panel), and I’m thinking there’s a (slight) chance, I might need one or two new things (like the aforementioned clutch) before I head off to meet a slew of design bloggers in person.
So you see how January is really not a good month for not spending, right? (Feel free to chime in with all sorts of enabling comments here…)
But February is the month. For sure. It’s on. Anyone else in?
i'm thinking about carrying forth but there are a few things that have been on my list forever... i heard some bloggers are doing a {no new clothes for one year} hiatus - intriguing too. happy new year josyln!
I'm definitely in again, Jos! I was hoping you would do one. It was such a great exercise last year and I'm actually looking forward to it this year. I've been thinking about what rules I'll follow.
I have started one for the first time this year!
Just in case any of you are going to that conference... The Little America Hotel = NOT awesome. Stay at the other one.
Dang, wish I'd see that clutch earlier. It's awesome.
good advice. thanks ben!
Pretty far off topic here, but in my mid-afternoon starvation I totally thought that first picture was a cake with horsies on top. Mmm, cowgirl cake.
A little cowgirl party - could there be anything more adorable? Picturing the sweet little skirt and boots she will wear....swoon!
that's so cool you'll be on a panel at the design summit! you'll be amazing!
Having just looked at my credit card statement from December (mostly filled with traveling-related costs) I think I'm in for a little spending hiatus! I'm completely going to have a goal to cook through all of the supplies in my pantry too, since I tend to buy more than I need even on things that feel "essential", but aren't. Can't wait to see more about the party plans/execution!
Thanks Joslyn! It sold out on 3rd day. Merci beaucoup.
I'm in! I would love to try this exercise....and I really need to save money for a vacation in April, so this will be perfect! Yay!
i always trick myself by saying all the time "i never spend money."
i fear i may be lying.
i think i'm in hiatus form in february.
i think.
Oh I really need to go on a spending hiatus, I'm getting out of control, I'm always tempted by the beautiful things I see in shops and on the net!!!
You know about Ramonsterwear, right? [Can't remember where I read about it -- might have been here.] They have some dresses here, and they do a lot of custom work.
oh, i'm in! i joined the blogging world a little too late last year, but i'm excited to join in this time around! happy new year.
mamacita...i do know Ramonsterwear...love it. in fact i have a little piece of it that both girlies have grown out of in my shop right now ;-)
I think this might be a very good exercise for me. Count me in.
February is, after all, the shortest month, right? I'll be in NYC, but I don't think you have to stick to the rules while travelling, right? :)
Ooh... that clutch is divine hun! Have a fantastic time at Alt. I so wish I could go!
Was just wondering if you are doing it again this year. Count me in!
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