I've attempted to write the intro to this week's blogger's favorites no less than five times.
You see it's hard to find words to describe just how fond I am of Karey... She was one of my very first Internet friends and (as Audrey would say) is one of my besty, best, bests.
She's funny, she's wicked smart, she's a fantastically inspiring mother to her girlies three, she's urbane and interesting and her words, well...her words are like magic. Truly. Not only can you see evidence of her creative prowess on her equally amazing blog, but she and the lovely Mary Swenson, (you'll get a peek into her faves next week) have started a rather genius new venture that marries Karey's words with Mary's photos.
Yep, it's pretty much perfection...
So without further ado, herewith Karey's favorites. Enjoy and have a lovely weekend!
i fall in love a few or fifty times daily, it seems. which is a particularly serendipitous quality these days. my family just moved back to the states after about six years overseas, and my minute-to-minute swooning sessions have really saved me over the past three months.
i am that woman in the grocery. who’s the genius who invented golden oreos? seriously. no. evidence. and don’t even get me started on all the brill cleaning supplies. soft scrub is my new fracas.
but those don’t count as my favorites. these, however, definitely do…
seasonal uniform. in black. always.
you may never see me in a color other than black or one of his close relatives. and, man, jersey is my thing. i’ve three formal dresses and countless tops made of the stuff. i love the way it falls from a shoulder, lazes on a collarbone, and drapes over the most subtle curve. making it anything but…
and while i desperately crave haute hippie and elizabeth and james, i am just fine with clean lines over lineage. i used to frequent zara in jordan a few times weekly. patterson j. kincaid, a happenstance get on sale at shopbop, is currently courting me. {oh, who am i kidding? i’ve said yes to patterson jersey at least three times. i’m easy like that.}
lately, i’m digging short black jersey dresses that hug like a high school memory. with just two accessories: legs and these boots…{sigh.} did i mention how i miss jordan? that country was for sure one of my faves. i think it’s good form to get to know another or two other countries. in both grand and small ways. it makes you love your own more. and often makes you love the world more. both excellent results, yes?
the unexpected.
i’m not a flighty girl. but i find - especially as i gain years and confidence - that i’ll battle the expected to its death.
the unexpected details thrill me. if an outfit unequivocally demands black heels, i tend to nod my head in seeming agreement. you’re right, outfit. i should wear black heels. which is exactly why i’m choosing caramel over-the-knee boots.
mismatched earrings are my latest delight. like these. except not gold. a truer turquoise. and maybe not 4,500 usd. because i seem to be 4,500 of anything short of that number. i’m trying to convince an etsy crush to design a few for us all.
while we’re on the subject of baubles, i am a sucker for turquoise. hidden messages. and jewelry you would try to eat at some point. i just tripped over mctega yesterday via a treasure trove of a sight called pour porter. {warning: do not visit her unless you want to stay awake all night. plus look like a stalker on her site meter.} i would giddily wear this necklace. as a bracelet. and it’s not 4,500 anything.

i’ve always written how i want my girlies three to grow up to be women who love themselves so much that they want the best for the world. i hope they’re listening to me. for once.
i am in love with women. strong and stylish and smart and daring and kind women are my favorites. women who believe that if i succeed, she succeeds. and then? well then, we all succeed.
i don’t think i could describe joslyn any better than that.
in other news, i want to age as enthusiastically as polly mellen.

who gives good hair and wrist. very good wrist.

i have a weakness for words. but to see words in a writer’s own hand? ugh. makes my heart beat so triathlon fast. i eat maira kalman and keri smith like candy. i must’ve read this one fifty times. at least. guts me every time.
it’s true. on any given day, my heart shatters and then magically pieces itself back together. but somehow? i’m left stronger. more inspired. and that’s the great thing about falling in love, isn’t it? love inspires you to take chances. say yes. find the unexpected. be daring.
some or all or even smidges here and there of my list of faves moved me to start something new.
it’s called t.ruffles, a creative confectionery by me and mary swenson. who i’ve never called mary swenson. to me, she’s mary ruffle. we met on kirtsy {see women section above. especially the part about women who love themselves so much they want the best for the whole world.} and never looked back.
Aw, thanks so much for the nice words and the links. LOVELY little blog you've got, too!
-Pour Porter
Oh Karey......as if it was possibly to love you even more! Your favorites are magical my sweet....your outfit and it's reasonings make me want to wear black, always. With those boots. And I hope you succeed in convincing your etsy crush to make those gorgeous danglies for us all! I.want.candy.for.my.wrist.
gloves(check) you must get them. And now....I too am in love with A. Lincoln(again) and women. Yes, women....especially kind ones. They get me every time. I want my girls to have that too....that they love themselves so much they want the best for the whole world. This is my all time favorite bloggers faves ever. No surprise there....
ps thank you sweet Josyln!
Too cool. That's all I can say.
Karey is the loveliest and her faves epitomize exactly why she is so beloved to all of us bloggers who know her. She is zealous and sweet and inspiring and empathetic and smart...
Thanks Joslyn for featuring her. And thanks Karey for sharing!!
this was deliciously fabulous...i'm going to make a cup of tea and read it again...
Oh how completely I love your new endeavor. I'm hooked. Your words. Her pictures. Be still my heart.
Pssst-great list, of course.
Karey would be on anyone's list of faves. She is all of the things you said. Great list!
Karey's magic makes my world a happier place...
I love Karey! Her words are a daily inspiration. Truly magical... just like you said.
Am loving these favorites!*sigh*
Yep. She's the best, all right. xoxo
speechless. and you are mary together? flip. don't know where to start....
Oh I stalked. I read every post on Pour Porter twice.
WHERE can i get those boots??
those boots are something.. and the gloves and the shirts and I like all of it...especially the words bit!
I just read that Lincoln piece and I have decided that everyone should have such a beautiful piece written about them posthumously, or even while they're alive. It taught me more about Lincoln than I ever knew. And the good stuff, too...the important things like his likes and dislikes. The stuff that made him a person, not just a piece of history. I love that that woman dove into his life like that and uncovered so much goodness. Thanks for the link, Karey. Oh, and ps, you know I loved this post, right? The part about loving women? You are a gem, I tell you. x
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