Today is our 9th anniversary, and... well, I’ve married quite possibly the very. best. man. in the world. Dramatic I know, but here's some proof: he’s endlessly supportive and encouraging of anything I do, he makes me coffee every morning (despite the fact that he's most definitely not a morning person), he regularly serenades us on the guitar, + he’s an amazing cook, a most excellent “girl dad” and is wickedly funny.
Oh and he never (
ever) tries to hand off a dirty diaper change to me…
See good stuff.

We’d planned to celebrate our anniversary with a family dinner tonight at a very fun "newish" restaurant in town, Park (we even did a little reconnaissance a couple of weeks ago and Bryan and I went for a quick drink at the bar to ensure it would be cool to bring the girlies -- the photos above),
but both Millie and I tested positive yesterday for H1N1 (yes we have the swine flu…ugg.)
So no Park tonight (maybe later this week), instead we’re planning some sort o f ice cream picnic in the living room to celebrate.
Happy Anniversary B. I couldn’t love you more…
OH NO!!! did not see the swine flu part coming! your husband sounds like a dream and i am sure his list would be fantastic too. Please get well soon and enjoy the ice cream!
congrats on your special anniversary but I'm so sorry to hear about the swine flu part. Here's to a quick recovery for you both and many more celebrations to come.
happy anniversary . and feel better soon.
Happy anniversary!!! This is the sweetest post about your husband--anyone that brings you coffee every morning deserves a medal! I hope you feel better soon and I know your ice cream picnic will be wonderful no matter what!
Awwwww, happy anniversary!!! I hope you and Millie get to feeling better soon and that you have a nice little celebration!
Happy Anniversay to you and Bry! And have that sweet Millie go kick T in the shin...'cuz he brought that nasty piggy home on the plane! Didn't you guys just have dinner with him about 7-10 days ago ? Feel better soon!
jane -- actually we hugged and kissed sweet T on saturday when we stopped by for an impromptu visit... hmm
it's payback for that nasty food poisoning incident ;-)
Happy Anniversary! And I hope you and your daughter get the rest you need to recover quickly! This season is definitely a scary one. I think I might be coming down with something myself.
Happy anniversary! Sorry you're down for the count!
To me there's nothing more life-affirming than to see a happy couple celebrating their love after years of marriage. Ot makes a non-married girl such as myself quite hopeful! Congratulations!
I'm so sorry you are sick but Happy Anniversary!!! congrats!
Happy Anniversary! Hope you both feel better. Enjoy your ice cream!
Oh no!! Swine flu when you should be celebrating.
Happy Anniversary, you know the old sickness and in health thing right? Putting it to the test, are you?
Oh dear. Feel better soon. Stay hydrated and get well soon.
No Thursday coffee right?
praying for a speedy recovery -
and for many many years of marital bliss. love to you all.
so sorry you and millie are sick. such a bummer you four can't park yourselves at park. but enjoy your anniversay anyway, and yes -- you have a very excellent husband. you are a wonderful pair. congrats!
so sorry you and millie are sick. such a bummer you four can't park yourselves at park. but enjoy your anniversay anyway, and yes -- you have a very excellent husband. you are a wonderful pair. congrats!
i was just going write and tell you how i was swooning over your time alone with m!
oh, you two take care! i worry...
Happy Anniversary Joslyn... so sorry to hear you are sick. Feel better soon so you can go celebrate!
Wow, my guy is good, but I can't remember the last time he changed a poopy diaper. Hope you and your girl feel better soon. Happy anniversary!
What a way to celebrate! So sorry to hear that you and Millie are sick. Today is my sister's birthday, and she and her daughter both came down with the flu this morning. Yuck!
so sorry you and millie are sick. such a bummer you four can't park yourselves at park. but enjoy your anniversay anyway, and yes -- you have a very excellent husband. you are a wonderful pair. congrats!
Oh NO. Feel better...
take care of yourself and the wee one.
enjoy that cool looking spot with your super husband another day - he ain't going no where.
Get well soon : (
Happy Anniversary and Happy Mending!
Happy Anniversary! 9 years- what an inspiration! I hope you and little Millie are feeling better soon!
I hope you both feel better soon and congratulations on your anniversary!
Argh - H1N1. We had it in July and it was gone in 72 hours so I will hope for the best for you guys.
Happy anniversary!!! :)
Mmmm, Park. I'm loving the H1N1-free pork chop there. De-lish.
Hope your girls get better soon!!
I'm sorry to hear about the swine flu, but I hope you have many more flu-free and sweet anniversaries to come!!
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