I’m going with my dear friend Jane’s take/advice on the whole “blues incident” and am blaming it all on September.
For us September was all about change and adjusting to new routines... Then there was just the general in-between-ness (not sure that’s a word, but I’m going with it) of the month -- not quite fall, not quite summer… a scorching day following by days of muggy, rainy, dreary weather, then a blissful cool sweater day, followed by another scorcher.
On top of all that, September also brought a series of almost comical mishaps -- in the span of a week the brakes went out on my car, our washing machine broke and leaked water through the laundry room wall and under our master bedroom hardwoods and a chunk of drywall randomly fell out of our kitchen ceiling. It was enough to make anyone turn out raw quiches and feel generally bluesy and discombobulated (or at least that’s what I’m telling myself).
So goodbye to September… I’m not sad to see ya go. October’s gonna be a good month, I can feel it.
October’s all about new seasons and new starts (and loads of evening bike rides.) I’m productive, organized…the closet cleanout is going well, I have a slew of stuff up on eBay, a few new goodies in the shop, and I’m ticking things off the to-do list at work and home like a rock star. + there are lots of fun things to look forward to this month -- a school carnival, the fair (man, I love the fair), a father/daughter camping trip, and our anniversary (and the subsequent date night.)
So hooray for October… Thanks for finally getting here!
Don't forget the White Rock Local Market next weekend. See you there!
I hear you sister. September was a doozy at our house as well...I could relate to your "series of comical mishaps". I'm not sad to see it go either! Cheers to October!
totally with you on the September front -- hello gorgeous october!
Theoretically you can blame it on September. Mercury was in retrograde all month.
That's what the rest of us are doing.
Can you believe it's already October? Summer & September just FLEW by
Hey that's the spirit! And now I know why I've been getting so many hits today. Usually it's just friends, family and the spammers!
pretty pics!
100% agree. Hello, October! Thanks for finally getting here. :)
My September was shaky as well, and I'm glad to see it go. Yay for October!
What happened to us all?! I had a rather frumpy September too--ranging from a very bad haircut to my husband losing his job. Bring it on, October! We're ready...!
Thanks for the link:) Glad Fall is looking up for you. It's a wonderful time of year!
Hooray for October and evening bike rides! I'm hoping this month goes better for me than September, too.
happy to have stumbled upon your blog through inside the loop blog . i have a new blog to visit now and again. keep the posts coming! simple, and lovely. :)
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