one of kate's printsI'm a huge fan of Kate's supremely cool blog,
for me for you... (secretly, she's my younger, hipper, NYC dwelling alter ego.) She has an amazing eye (as evidenced through her always lovely
bits of my weekend posts), excellent taste,
and she makes
killer jewelry that
literally sells out on
Etsy in minutes.
So, yes...her list rocks. Without further ado, Kate's favorites. Enjoy!
Cats, specifically Wendy -- Anyone who reads my blog knows that I am a crazy cat lady. This not only includes my obsessive Mom-like love for my cat Wendy, but I get a little too excited when I come upon a cat on the streets of New York. I try to keep a collection of photos of the city cats I run into
on flickr. I also love funny illustrations involving cats, artist
Gemma Correll never disappoints in this department.
Shoes -- Maybe this is an obvious one for most girls, and I know this show up a lot on the Blogger Favorites list, but I love shoes almost as much as I love my cat. I've run out of room for my shoes in my apartment! I have a particular soft spot for anything Jeffrey Campbell, and if I was rich I'd own every single pair of Rachel
Comey's shoes. When I get a new pair I feel as giddy as my 3rd grade self, getting a new Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper.
Old Records -- My dad instilled in me a healthy dose of love for classic rock, and my collection of old records is near and dear to my heart. I love nothing more than coming home after a long day and putting on Heart or Neil Young on my record player. My guilty pleasure that most people love to tease me about is Steely Dan.
Taking Pictures -- I’
ve been getting into photography more this year and it’s really made me appreciate New York more. It forces me to get out there and explore! I don't own as many as most obsessive camera people do, but my three cameras cover my bases for now: My Digital Rebel XS, my Honeywell Pentax
Spotmatic (35mm), and my
Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex (medium format).
Sharing my weekend with everyone on my blog has been incredibly fun, and it’s one of the few projects I’
ve set out to do weekly and actually stuck to - never missing a single weekend.

Making Jewelry -- Right now, above all, making jewelry is my favorite thing on earth. It’s not like other projects I’
ve worked on. It’s so much more straight from my heart. I just sit down and make what I think is lovely, and pick colors that I would want to wear, and the fact that people want to buy those creations is endlessly happy-making.
Braids -- The cure-all for bad hair days, the days I can’t/forget to take a shower, and the days I’m feeling boring - braids are awesome. Have you checked out
Braid Wednesday on
flickr? Amazing stuff.
some really nice shots of NYC on her blog.cute jewellery as well.
SO happy you've clicked me into Kate's wonderful blog. It's perfect.
what a wonderful list! i am going to wear jeffery campbell shoes at my wedding. i completely understand the addiction.
I love this list! Her jewelry is amazing!
It's always great to read posts that get us readers inside people's heads, to know what they do with themselves. Lover her blog & jewelry : )
Great list, Kate!
almost all of these are the things i love most in the world and that thrills me to pieces. :)
I love that photo of Wendy the cat. So cute! So fuzzy!
And those shoes - I covet.
Kate Miss is great! She loves the same things I love, so I always look forward to her posts. Most def a daily read :)
Gosh, I love cats, shoes, I make jewelry and don't get me started on Lisa Frank! Are you my twin?
Oh and I forgot, some of my best memories are listing to Led Zeppelin and Fleetwood Mac with my Dad. Ok, I'm weirded out now.
i love her blog! what a fab list!
I love the idea of taking pics of random cats in the city. Totally a crazy cat lady thing to do! I might have to try this. :)
i love her blog.. this list totally made me want a kitten :)
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