
What a Difference a Year Makes

While I did forget my blog anniversary, again…I have completely, totally and utterly embraced those dark toenails I was so on the fence about last year. No more wimpy pink toenails for me.

So in honor of my belated second blog anniversary, I'm doing a little giveaway to mark my progress -- a bottle of my favorite polish (for toes) Chanel Vamp (I'm also fond of Essie Bordeaux, but Chanel is so much more giveaway worthy, no?)

Just leave a comment on this post, and I'll pick a winner at random on Monday at 3 pm CT.

And thank you, thank you thank you. I love to blog because of you guys. You inspire me daily!


Terri T said...

oh la la. love the color but I don't know if I'd normally be brave enough to try it. (turning the leaf right now).

Sarah Bradley said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!!! What a beautiful color to celebrate with!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! What a thoughtful gesture to mark the occassion!

Katie said...

What a gorgeous color!

Bo said...

happy 2nd! thanks for all of your inspiration.

Unknown said...

Feliz anniversary! What a wonderful fall color.

PS~Erin said...

Happy 2nd Blog Bday! Simple Lovely and my son are the same age :-) Love the dark colors!

abigail said...

happy anniversary!
Vamp is the perfect color for toes.

Unknown said...

That color is so pretty. Quite deep, I think it will be wonderful for (early) fall.

Nanette said...

Bon Anniversaire Simple Lovely!

Jen said...

I just had a pedicure and chose gray for the color and after it was done I was disappointed it wasn't darker. I'm with you on the darker toes! Happy blogiversary.

Gábor said...

beautiful color!

Jill said...

happy 2 years! you inspire me.

Unknown said...

What a cute idea!

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

congratulations and happy anniversary! i'm right there with ya...there are lots of great darks out there (lincoln park after dark, wicked, etc.) but none are as wonderfully classic as vamp.

Leah Rosen said...

congrats on the anniversary-here is to the vamp in all of us! cheers!

kyli said...

Happy anniversary! That color is lovely.

Kelly said...

happy anniversary Joslyn!


Lena said...

I loooove Vamp and can never find it around here (here being Chicago and find being when I actually make it to a department store). Your blog, you, the girls, all are such a lovely nice part of my day.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated anniversary! I love this color. I have it on my nails right now!

Amy said...

ahhh!! i love it!!

Fury said...

congrats on your blogiversary!

i love to get my nails painted dark and moody - makes me feel mysterious!

Sandra said...

love this blog & this color! it's my birthday and i'm rockin' the dark toenails in celebration, too!

jax said...

Beautiful! This color is perfect for fall.

lalalovely lindsay said...

Lovely giveaway...Gorgeous color!

Sara said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the color! It just shouts Fall!!

sunnysblog@gmail.com said...

ooohhh...I favor fuschia (magenta?) (cerise?) toenail colors but this looks so pretty! Would love it!

Jenni said...

Ohhh I love the color!!!!! It would look lovely when worn with my gold sandels!

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

I haven't tried Vamp before. I hope I win!

Lindsey said...

Happy Anniversary! I love your blog!

Christine T. said...

Ohhhh I love love the color and love love Chanel :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 2 wonderful years of blogging! Here's to many more!


nicole said...

what a fun giveaway. happy 2 years. blog on!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Here's to you, your pretty toes, and taking chances!


PS: Trying to revive SWAK - what do you think?! I love lip prints.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Vamp 'tis. I love the dark polish. Love to you, Joslyn.

Aurora said...

Mmm, this would really be a nice way to ring in the coming season. Please pick me!

southern daze said...

What a beautiful color!

Jane said...

Happy Blog Birthday!~

That has to be one of the best colors of all time!

The Depressed Yogi said...

FUN!! What a generous way to celebrate your blog's birthday :)

mb said...

Happy Anniversary Joslyn, who knew?
Love the color of the nail varnish.

Emily said...

happy anniversary.

um..and chanel vamp? yes, please.

really chanel anything, ya know?

Jo said...

I adore Essie Bordeaux but have never tried Chanel...looks lovely.

Heather said...

Happy Blog Anniversary! Love the color!

kate oates said...

Happy Anniversary! So glad you're a part of my daily reads!

Anna said...

What a lovely idea! Enjoy your celebrations...I have such fun on your blog.

Germaine said...

happy anniversary!

Sareberry said...

I <3 simply lovely

Neisha said...

Happy Anniversary! I love that nail polish color but I've had a to cut back on little pleasures like those due to my husband's unemployment situation. I hope to be able to enjoy these things again soon.

Estelle Hayes said...

Oh congratulations on you anniversary. I love your blog. You inspired me to start my very own and I must say it's a happy addition to my life. And I love Vamp on the toes. It's oh so very sophisticated.

The VIPs said...

Congratulations! Here's hoping I get picked!

The Book Addict said...

Happy Blogiversary! LOVE this color!!

meghana said...

Oooh-I love dark nails and this color is absolutely divine!

Christine Vi said...

Dark nails was tough for me too. Two weeks ago my roommate let me use her nail polish and the only color that didn't make my feet look bad was black. Imagine my shock when it actually looks nice!

Happy belated blog anniversary! I've only been following for a few months, but I can see that many people are attracted to you because of your genuine nature. :)

Brown Paper Packages said...

What a splendid color for fall. Love it and your blog!

Kristen, Mike and Max said...

Love that color! Many congratulations on a wonderful blog!

MFAMB said...

i've loved that stuff for years!!! haven't bought it in years either.
but now i don' thave to!!! nope! you are giving it to me!!!:)
thanks mama!

Jamie said...

Happy Anniversary! My little toes are begging for a pedicure. That shade is just right!

Sarah said...

Congratulations! I'm trying to work up the bravery to wear dark colors on my toes.

roberta jane said...

Wow, that's a great color... I don't have anything quite that dark, might need to pick up a bottle! Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

great color

Julie said...

Happy Anniversary!

Valette said...

Happy anniversary! And what a gorgeous color!!

lisa tomiko said...

happy anniversary! love that polish color!!!

Kara said...

ooooh la la - that color signals cooler weather for sure!
Happy Blogaversary.

Bonnie said...

Oh, I've been on the fence about going this dark, but you have inspired me. I'm going to try it next time!

Tilley love said...

Love the nail color, love your blog. Melissa (mleslietilley@yahoo.com)

Unknown said...

that color would look really good on me.

Unknown said...

happy anniversary!

love chanel and love fall, so I love the nail color!


tiffany said...

CONGRATS! And, that color is divine! I might even try it out on my hands too {gasp!}!

Susannah said...

happy blogiversary! :) vamp it up!!!!

Amy@OldSweetSong said...

Happy anniversary to you! I would love to try this color.

amy (dot) ferguson (at) mac (dot) com

Anna said...

Congrats on your blogiversary. Oh, and I've been wanting to try this color for ages. What a nice idea!

Monica [squared] said...

I just love the name of that polish, "vamp". It fits it so perfectly. & by the way, have a happy belated blogiversary!

molly said...

love the color and love your blog!

Amy said...

happy anniversary! your blog is one of my daily reads; congratulations! thanks for celebrating with such pretty polish.

A and J said...

Bon anniversaire!

You inspire US daily.

Andrea said...

Gorgeous! I don't care if summer isn't over; I'm wearing dark polish now!

Unknown said...

happy anniversary! loooove dark for toes and fingers actually!

gigi said...

I think I'd wear Vamp on my fingernails for all the world to see. So pretty. Happy blog anniversary!

Bonnie said...

Oooh, pretty color!

Ms. B @ Millie Deel said...

Happy Anniversary! I love that color and I've been dying to have some Chanel polish! Would look great on my toesies!


jamey said...


dee said...

Happy blogiversary! I've been rocking a deep purple on my toes lately, but this vampy hue is gorgeous. Count me in:)

Rachel said...

Happy (slightly belated?) blog anniversary! Looking forward to another year of being blog buddies.

kelley sarah said...

happy anniversary! <3 dark nail polish

Alison said...

That color is gorgeous!

The Brooks Family said...

I LOVE this color! It would make my feet very happy.

Zoë said...

happy blog birthday! love the blog.

Anonymous said...

I love dark nails and toes! What a lovely shade

- Cait

JimBK said...

Happy Anniversary-great nostalgic giveaway!

Anonymous said...

wow, I don't normally wear any nail polish so this would be a big change for me.

happy anniversary!

megan said...

happy aniversary! love the color.

Rob and Carrie said...

Great color. I'd love to win!

BTLover2 said...

Happy Anniversary! You inspire me!

Anonymous said...

the darker the better! oh hello fall.

kalanicut said...

I've always believed dark toes make feet and legs look less pasty white -- as does a good coat of baby oil worked in well. :)

Congrats on a great blog. I read it every day.

Nicole said...

Happy blog anniversary! What a perfect, celebratory color ;)

inge said...

happy anniversary this colour personifies your blog trendy cool interesting desirable and a little quirky

HannahB said...

oh what a gorgeous colour! im all up on the dark toes, apart from mine are adorned with the cheapo chemist version. Great blog! i subscribe so read every post!

and happy birthday simple lovely!

tenillej said...

Happy Blogaversary!

Love the color :)

tarable said...

Happy Blogiversary!

I'm in desperate need of polish revamping for fall.

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! I LOVE Chanel nail polish! It is seriously the best.

Carrie said...

Ooh, I have never done the vamp color on my toes before, what a great chance to try it!

Nana said...

What a wonderful color!

. said...

ooooo, I love the color and it's chanel too! Count me in!

Heidi Jo said...

Happy anniversary! And I'm all over the dark polish... this would be a wonderful addition to my collection!

Allison said...

Love you blog! Love your style! Your kids are adorable...and I WANT that polish! Happy Anniversary!

Amanda said...

Happy Anniversary! Nail color as cool and sophisticated as you.

Allison said...

Love your blog, happy anniversary!

Madhavi said...

ooh what a yummy color...happy blogoversary!

Tampopo Press said...

That color is gorgeous and perfect for fall!
And Chanel, well. Doesn't get much better than that!

Sandra said...

Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on a beautiful blog!

jack, lucy, finn, dot, martha, and rocky said...

sounds fabulous. maybe i will be inspired to paint my toes at all...

Gretchen said...

Ooooh! The color is so pretty!

AlliJean said...

moody for fall!

elizabeth said...

Beautiful color! Happy blog-iversary!

Suzanne said...

holy crap, I think Chanel nail polish might be what I need to finally legitimately make me a lady.

VERY generous of you!

Elise said...

Wow, thank you so much - although your blog is enough of a gift! This is my 'go to' color for nails. Love it.

Andi of My Beautiful Adventures said...

I can do the dark color on my toes, but I've never been brave enough to do it on my nails. But, it's Chanel...so I can definitely make an exception! :)


Mademoiselle Julie said...

Oh I understand: everyone wants to win! Me too! HAHA! Congrats on your second milestone! Cheers, Julie

Alice Q. Foodie said...

Happy Anniversary! I've been loving your posts lately!

Casi Leigh said...

LOVE that color. Congrats!

texfana said...

......and to think it has been that long! congrats from FW!

Janssen said...

Winning would make my day. Happy anniversary!

amy said...

Randomly pick me!

MamaFeelgood said...

Happy Anniversary and that nail polish is AWESOME!

cheshiresmile at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I believe congratulations are in order! You're so lovely, a pleasure to read each & every day. Happy anniversary.


mollie said...

love it. obsessed with painted nails!

misselty said...

happy blog anniversary!!
i've only ever tried a dark brown once... but since then i haven't had the nerve...

but this one looks lovely!

Abbie said...

Happy blogiversary! My first one was a couple of weeks ago, and I forgot!

I've been too much of a ninny to try the dark colors... but I've secretly wanted to.

Rebecca said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your 2 years!!


Deb Oh said...

Congratulations on 2 years! And what a fantastic giveaway :)

Jennifer said...

Happy anniversary!

I love to wear dark on hands and feet. I can't wear bright for to long anymore.

Carolina said...

happy blog anniversary! I also LOVE Chanel Vendetta! Have it on the toes, have it on the nails. It's a love affair!

Anonymous said...

nail polish is girls best friend. they just admires it.


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Jill GG said...

You're one popular gal! ;) Love the polish! I was just thinking that I needed some new fall colors!

paula said...

Happy Blog Birthday! Love the color, a bit sexy I dare say.

jen shannon said...

So sexy!

Unknown said...

I would love to win this...love the color.

Bella Beach Babe said...

happy blogiversary! love that color.

Cygnette said...

I just discovered your blog and it's absolutely fantastic. Congratulations on your 2nd blog anniversary!

Olga Poppius said...

Read you blog first time today! I will follow you for sure ;) And I´ll try that black nail polish idea 2, been thinking about it for long time

Joanna said...

Happy Blogiversary! I rather like your pink toes. They go so nicely with your tan (or at least, last year's tan!). But sometimes you need a color with a bit more oomph, and that's where Vamp comes in. It's the original cool dark nail color, is it not?

Hello Lindello said...

I love this color and need some new polish for fall. Perfecto. Thanks!!

sheilac706 said...

Vavavoom! Very bold. I love it!

cevd said...

happy blog birthday!! and i have been considering buying a bottle of this polish ... vamp is maybe their best color ever.

Kristin said...

Happy Anniversary! Keep up the good posting... I just love your blog!

oranji said...

congrats on the anniversary!

H said...

I love it! Very sassy...

Happy Anniversary! Keep it up, I adore your blogs.

Mrs. Potts said...

What a great giveaway!

Lillie Bowen aka Margot Diersen said...

Oh, wow ~ congratulations on your anniversary!!! Blogging for two whole years is a great accomplishment! I've recently found your blog, but can't remember how, and now I love to come visit! :-) You are so generous to offer a bottle of that totally fabulous nailpolish to one of us! I hopa, hopa, hopa it's me because I totally LOVE it and your blog too!!! Margot

Lillie Bowen aka Margot Diersen said...

Oh, wow ~ congratulations on your anniversary!!! Blogging for two whole years is a great accomplishment! I've recently found your blog, but can't remember how, and now I love to come visit! :-) You are so generous to offer a bottle of that totally fabulous nailpolish to one of us! I hopa, hopa, hopa it's me because I totally LOVE it and your blog too!!! Margot

Mrs.French said...

our toes match. happy anniversary sweet friend...xo t

PurpleCookie said...

This is a beautiful color!!!!!
Love it

Belinda said...

Happy Bloggoversiary!
Yours is one of the first I chase updates for in my google reader!
What a great gesture - dark toenails sure do complete an outfit comprising thongs (flip flops) or strappy sandals!

Lisa B said...

Love, love, love the dark for toes! Never had Vamp but would love some!

kelly said...

cheers..love your blog. And I love dark toe nails..next pedi I have to get the new forest green color that all the magzs have been touting!

Nadia said...

Gorgeous color, I would love to try it!

Jeanne said...

Love this color and I need a pedicure!

iheartkiwi said...

yours is one of the first blogs i ever ready... you inspired me to start blogging myself! happy blog anniversary.

love love love this color. i usually go for the essie polishes but chanel is always divine.

Swimming with frogs said...

I've been hooked on your blog since I found it just a month or so ago.

simply lovely!

CLD said...

Wonderful Blog! Simply Lovely!!!

Unknown said...

Love your blog and the nail polish color. I've also been thinking my toenails are wimpy pink as well.

Megan said...

your blog is one of my daily reads ... and i am new to dark toenails too but this would be a lovely polish to try it out :)

JenWood said...

how lovely! (just as it should be.) thanks for the opportunity to add a new color to my lacking nail polish collection.

JenWood said...

how lovely! (just as it should be.) thanks for the opportunity to add a new color to my lacking nail polish collection.

dana said...

love it!! I also am a fan of dark toes, I usually get a cheapy version by nicole by opi that is called black cat-cha later. It's nice but maybe a little too dark

Monica Aguinaga said...

happy anniversary!!!
I love that nail polish!!!

Jane Jones said...

i love vamp and your blog! congrats!

becca said...

I'm a sucker for a giveaway.

Katie Naab said...

Lovely Nail polish... I also did not like the super dark polish at first, but it had grown on me. :)

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Happy Anniversary - Here's to you and your wonderful blog!

Now let's VAMP it up!

neekaisweird said...

oooooh i love the color!
happy anniversary!

Kristin said...

Perfect color!! Love the blog :)

Stacie said...

oui, oui! Pick me! I love your blog- Happy anniversary!

Meredith said...

your blog is such a treat. happy anniversary!

Amy said...

happy anniversary!

Jenn said...

I'm ready to leave the pale pink shade behind! Pick me....please?

Anonymous said...

glad you were able to come down off the fence. check that one off your to-do list.

JIW said...

love that color! Happy anniversary!

frenchie said...

happy blogbirthday!
i need to go and check out that color. my favourite by Chanel is Rouge noir. dark toenails are so chic!

kirsten said...

ooooh! yes please!

Kate said...

Yay, glad dark polish is back! Can't wait to start wearing it (going to wait until after Labor Day though...)

graham said...

Love you blog...and you're in Dallas as am I...Yeah!

Jackie Weedon

Janna said...

I'm in a blue mood, but ready to move on to earthier shades for the fall. I just wish it would hurry up!

MelancholySmile said...

Happy Anniversary! Loving that chic color. :)

MelancholySmile said...

Happy Anniversary! Loving that chic color. :)